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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Did that just happen

Did that just happen tradutor Espanhol

156 parallel translation
Did that just happen?
¿ Eso pasó?
How did that just happen?
¿ Qué fue lo que acaba de suceder?
Did that just happen?
Did that just happen?
¿ Eso acaba de ocurrir?
"Oh, gosh, did that just happen?"
Nos quedamos pensando oh dios que ocurrió
Did that just happen?
¿ Ha ocurrido eso de verdad?
Look, Elliot, I don't wanna jinx this, but how did that just happen?
Elliot, no quiero maldecir nada, pero ¿ por qué has hecho esto?
Did that just happen? Anybody?
¿ Han visto lo mismo que yo?
Did that just happen?
¿ Eso acaba de pasar?
Stitch! Did that just happen?
"Hilarante", "hilo". ¿ Me suena?
Did that just happen?
¿ Eso realmente pasó?
Was that a dream or did that just happen?
¿ Estoy soñando o esto realmente esta pasando?
Did that just happen?
Ha pasado eso?
- Did that just happen, Tom?
- ¿ Eso fue real, Tom?
That's was just the question I was going to ask you. What did happen?
Eso era lo mismo que te iba a preguntar yo. ¿ Qué sucedió?
And I was just thinking hypothetically, if something did happen to him, and somehow, Miss Farrow, you happened to be involved, you knew the people that Tony was associated with, you had to assume that if they found out, they'd kill you.
y solo pensaba hipotéticamente, si algo lo hizo desaparecer, y de alguna forma, la señorita Farrow, pasó a estar involucrada. Conoce a la gente con la que Tony estaba asociado, tiene que asumir que si ellos lo averiguan, la matarán. De nuevo, solo hablando hipotéticamente.
Did something happen to him, madam, or did you just decide that you didn't wanna marry him?
¿ Le ocurrió algo o sólo decidió que no quería casarse? Yo no lo decidí.
I mean, you know, I'd occasionally have conversations with people... but then, uh, when they asked what I did... which would always happen after about five minutes... uh, you know, their faces... Even if they were enjoying the conversation, or they were flirting with me, or whatever it was... their faces would just have that expression just like the portcullis crashing down.
A veces, conversaba con gente... pero cuando me preguntaban qué hacía... al cabo de cinco minutos... sus caras, aunque disfrutaran de mi conversación... o ligaran conmigo... sus caras se transformaban en un menosprecio absoluto.
That's just what did happen.
Fue lo que pasó.
Just what did happen at that security checkpoint, Chief?
¿ Qué pasó exactamente en aquel retén, jefe?
When did that happen? Just now.
- ¿ Cuando sucedió esto?
Did that actually just happen?
¿ Realmente acaba de ocurrir?
Okay, that did not just happen.
Ah, esto nunca ha pasado.
[Whimpering] Did that really happen. or was it just a wonderful dream?
¿ Eso realmente ocurrió o sólo fue un sueño maravilloso?
Now, just put aside... "How did that happen?"
Olvidemos el "¿ Cómo es posible?"
Did something happen to him, madam, or did you just decide that you didn't wanna marry him?
¿ Le sucedió algo a él, señora? ¿ O solo decidió no casarse con él?
Jesus, did that really just happen?
Dios mío. ¿ De verdad sucedió?
And I was just thinking hypothetically, if something did happen to him, and somehow, Miss Farrow, you happened to be involved, you knew the people that Tony was associated with, you had to assume that if they found out, they'd kill you.
Y sólo pensaba hipotéticamente, si algo lo hizo desaparecer, y de alguna forma, la Srta. Farrow, pasó a estar involucrada. Conoce a la gente con la que Tony estaba asociado, tiene que asumir que si ellos lo averiguan, la matarán. De nuevo, sólo hablando hipotéticamente.
And whenever I would ask him how he did it or how he knew, he would just say that he could sense, you know, what was about to happen.
Y cuando le preguntaba cómo lo había hecho o cómo lo había sabido me decía que podía presentir lo que iba a pasar.
Okay that did not just happen because I had an entire evening planed, so what am I supposed to do now?
Bien, dime que esto solamente no pasó porque tenía una tarde entera planeada, así que, qué se supone que hago ahora?
- I can't let that happen again. - It just did.
No quiero que vuelva a pasar.
I just wanted to ask you a couple questions. Did you, uh, happen to mention to Laura that I was suffocating?
¿ Por casualidad le mencionaste a Laura que me sentía asfixiado?
That did not just happen.
Esto no ocurrió.
Did that really happen or was it just an old reality show?
¿ Ocurrió de verdad, o era un reality show?
That did not just happen.
¡ Eso no acaba de pasar!
That did not just happen.
No puede haber sucedido.
I did not want to have to kill him, but sometimes things happen that are just out of your control.
No quise matarle, pero a veces las cosas se descontrolan.
- Tell me that did not just happen.
Dime que eso no sucedió.
I know we hurt you, And I wish it didn't happen the way it did, And i-i just want you to know that.
Sé que te hicimos daño, y ojalá lo hubieramos hecho de otra forma, y sólo quería que lo supieras.
Are You Really That Good, Or Did You Just Happen To Have That On You?
¿ De verdad eres tan buena, o simplemente traías eso encima?
how did that happen? I was just leading.
¿ Cómo sucedió eso?
- Did that really just happen?
- ¿ Realmente pasó eso?
- That did not just happen.
- No puede ser.
That did not just happen.
Eso no pudo haber pasado.
That's quite a "by the way" you just laid on me. Did anything ordinary happen to you in the last few days?
¿ Te ha sucedido algo común en estos últimos días?
Did that really just fucking happen?
¿ De verdad pasó eso?
That did not just happen.
Eso no acaba de suceder.
It's just that I just spent so much time worrying about whether or not it--it was going to happen that I never- - had time to think about what it would be like when it did?
Es sólo que he pasado demasiado tiempo preocupándome sobre si iba o no... iba a pasar que nunca tuve tiempo para pensar cómo sería cuando pasara.
You're here. Um, i'm just curious. Did you happen to take any pictures of baby this morning that would make a good poster?
¿ Por casualidad tomaste fotos a Bebé esta mañana que puedan quedar bien en un cartel?
How did something like that just happen?
¿ Cómo ha ocurrido una cosa así?
FYI... that did not just happen.
Para tu información, eso no acaba de pasar.

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