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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Did you hear him

Did you hear him tradutor Espanhol

372 parallel translation
Did you hear him?
¿ Le habéis oído?
- Did you hear him, Barabbas?
- ¿ Lo oíste, Barrabás?
Did you hear him? "Wait!"
¿ Lo escuchaste? "¡ Esperar!"
Did you hear him, Whitey?
¿ Oíste eso, Whitey?
Did you hear him?
¿ Le has oído?
- Did you hear him when he told me? - Yeah.
- ¿ Le oyó cuando me lo dijo?
More so. Did you hear him do any more talking to that girl?
¿ Lo has oído hablar con esa chica?
Did you hear him?
¿ Le oyó usted?
Did you hear him or what?
Venga, ¿ es que no habéis entendido?
Did you hear him?
¿ Qué te decía?
- Did you hear him?
- ¿ Le ha oído?
- Did you hear him?
- Has oído, ¿ eh?
Hey. Fitz, did you hear him say he smells'em?
- ¿ Oíste que dice que los huele?
Did you hear him say that to her?
- ¿ Le ha oído decirlo?
- Did you hear him?
- ¿ Han oído eso?
Wha  s that the man said? Did you hear him?
La gavia, ¿ habéis oído?
Did you hear him?
¿ Lo escuchaste?
Did you hear him?
¿ Lo has oído?
- Did you hear him?
- ¿ Has oído?
Did you hear him laughing?
¿ Lo ha visto usted reir?
Thank you. Did you hear him?
Gracias. ¿ Has oído al ministro?
Did you hear him come home or go into his house? Call out to anybody?
¿ No Ie oyó llegar, entrar a casa, llamar a alguien?
- Did you hear him?
- ¿ Le has oído?
Did you hear him say that about the whiskey?
¿ Escuchaste cuando dijo eso sobre el whisky?
Did you hear him?
¿ Lo oíste?
- Did you hear him?
- ¿ Le oyes?
Did you hear him?
¿ Habéis oído?
Did you hear him, Jeanne?
¿ Lo has oído, Jeanne?
- Did you hear him, Barabbas?
- ¿ Le has oído, Barrabàs?
Did you hear him?
¿ Le has oído? Siéntate.
Did you hear him, he appeals to the Pope.
¿ Le has oído? Apela al Papa.
- Did you hear him?
- ¿ No le habéis oído?
Ghosts... did you hear him?
Incluso miedo del color blanco, ahora?
Did you not hear him tell me about his home in Cumberland?
¿ No lo escuchó hablarme de su hogar en Cumberland?
Well, did you not hear him ask my promise that if he did not return, I would tell his parents what had happened?
Bueno, ¿ no escuchó que me hizo prometerle que si él no volvíia, le diría a sus padres qué pasó?
- No era de mi iglesia.
Sheriff, did you ever hear about the fix a man was in... when he was comin'down the road with a pitchfork on his shoulder... and a farmer's dog ran out and bit him on the leg?
Sheriff, ¿ alguna vez oyó hablar del apuro que pasó un hombre cuando iba por el camino con una horca al hombro y salió corriendo el perro de un granjero y le mordió en una pierna?
Did you hear what I said to him, Lizzie?
¿ Oiste lo que le dije, Lizzie?
Did I hear him say Battersea Waterworks? You did.
- ¿ Ha dicho "Battersea Waterworks"?
What was Gadosky? Where did you hear about him?
¿ Qué era "Gadowsky"?
- Did you hear from him?
- ¿ Tienes noticias de él?
When did you hear about him?
¿ Cuándo ha oído hablar de él?
Did you ever hear him mentioning the defendant?
¿ Alguna vez mencionó a la acusada?
- A man named Malcolm Taylor. Did you ever hear of him?
Malcolm Taylor, ¿ ha oído hablar de él?
Did you hear from him again, since he left?
- ¿ Has sabido de él desde que se fue?
Did you ever hear from him again?
¿ Recibiste alguna noticia de él?
Well, then, you did hear from him.
Entonces has tenido noticias suyas.
Did you hear him?
- Sí.
Did I hear you call him "padre"?
¿ Le he oído llamarle "Padre"?
For instance, when the psychiatrist asked me how I felt about Raymond Shaw and how the whole patrol felt about him, did you hear what I said? Really hear?
Por ejemplo, cuando el psiquiatra me preguntó qué sentía por Raymond Shaw y lo que sentía la patrulla, ¿ escuchó lo que dije?
Did you ever hear of him?
¿ Oíste hablar de él?

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