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Did you tell him tradutor Espanhol

2,996 parallel translation
If you weren't worried, then why did you tell him you love him?
Oh, vamos, si no estabas preocupada, ¿ por qué le dijiste que le quieres?
Did you tell him?
¿ Se lo has dicho?
- What did you tell him?
- ¿ Qué le has dicho?
Did you tell him anything?
¿ Le dijiste algo?
- Wait, what did you tell him about Mike?
¿ qué le contaste sobre Mike?
Did you tell him that, Xiaoyu?
¿ Le dijiste eso, Xiaoyu?
What did you tell him, shithead?
¿ Qué les dijiste, estúpido?
What did you tell him?
¿ Qué les dijiste?
- He'll be right with you. Did you tell him I have an operational protocol for him to sign off on?
¿ Le dijiste que tengo un protocolo operacional para que firme?
Did, did you tell him that?
¿ Se lo dijiste?
Did you tell him you were defecting?
¿ Le dijiste que ibas a desertar?
What did you tell him?
Que le dijiste? Eh?
What did you tell him?
¿ Qué te dijo?
What did you tell him you wanted to go dressed up as? Hmm? You and your boyfriend keeping secrets now?
¿ De qué le dijiste que querías disfrazarte? ¿ Tú y tu novio guardando secretos ahora?
What did you tell him?
¿ Qué le has dicho?
Did you tell him about Mokoto?
¿ Le dijiste lo de Mokoto?
Dear, did you tell him everything?
Querida, ¿ se lo dijiste todo?
What did you tell him?
¿ Qué le dijiste?
Did you tell him?
¿ Le has dicho algo?
Did you tell him it was in the frontal lobe?
¿ Le dijiste que estaba en lóbulo frontal?
Did you tell him what we are here for?
¿ Le contaste para qué hemos venido?
Did you tell him your ghost story?
¿ Le contaste tu historia de fantasmas?
Why did you tell him I was in the tavern?
¿ Por que le has dicho que estaba en la taberna?
Why did you tell him I was gone?
¿ Por qué le has dicho que me había ido?
Did Jim- - did you tell him?
¿ Y Jim... se lo ha dicho?
Did you tell him about the necklace?
¿ Le contaste sobre el collar?
What did you say? Did you tell him... "Oye, Julian, pass the streamer, and while we're at it lets have two or three children?"
¿ Qué le has dicho? "Oye, Julián, pásame la serpentina y así, de paso, tenemos dos o tres hijos".
Why did you tell him?
¿ Por qué se lo has dicho?
Did you tell him to back off?
¿ Le has dicho que te dejara tranquila?
What did you tell him?
¿ Qué le contaste?
Damián, what did you tell him?
Damián, ¿ que le contaste?
Did you tell him about Alaska?
¿ Le contaste lo de Alaska?
Why did you tell him that?
¿ Por qué haces eso?
I did it. I wanted to tell him in person, you know?
Lo averigüé, quería decírselo en persona ¿ sabe?
You did tell him, didn't you?
No se lo has dicho, ¿ verdad?
I did tell him that you were worried about him, though.
Sí que le dije que a ti te preocupaba, por eso.
- Tell him the traffic is bad on the Beltway. - What did you say?
Dile que el tráfico está congestionado en la circunvalación.
Did he tell you what I asked him to tell you?
¿ Te dijo lo que le pedí que te dijera?
And why did you tell Jack you don't want to do any of the senior stuff with him?
¿ Y por qué le has dicho a Jack que no quieres hacer cosas de adultos con él?
Charlie, tell him why you did it.
Charlie, dile por qué lo hiciste.
What did you tell him?
Qué le has dicho?
- I just... - Why did you have to fucking tell him about Irene?
¿ Por qué carajo lo hiciste?
Tell him you did.
Dile que sí.
I did tell him you were married, which apparently, you neglected to in six months of emailing.
Le dije que tu estabas casada, lo que, aparentemente, omitiste en 6 meses de e-mails.
Did your mother tell you about him?
¿ Tu madre te contó sobre él?
Did he tell you that's what I used to call him?
¿ Te dijo cómo lo llamaba?
So why did you tell your dad you were scared of him?
¿ Y por qué le dijiste a tu padre que te asusta?
Now do you want me to tell your mother what he says you did to him?
¿ Quieres que le diga a tu madre... lo que él dice que le hiciste?
So what I'm wondering is, why did you tell us you didn't know him?
Así que lo que me pregunto es, ¿ por que nos dijiste que no le conocías?
I'd tell him, "No," I said, "Your promise came true, " but you didn't bring me there, the children did. "
Le dije :'No, tu promesa se ha cumplido,'pero no me has llevado tú, sino los niños'.
It's something you did, that you didn't tell him about.
Es algo que tú hiciste, acerca de lo cual no le hablaste a él.

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