Different people tradutor Espanhol
3,183 parallel translation
Different people for different things.
Diferentes personas para cosas diferentes.
Ron, you and I are very different people, and we have often been at odds.
Ron, tú y yo somos personas muy diferentes, y a menudo hemos estado en desacuerdo.
Started running with some different people... [button clicking]
Empecé a ir con gente diferente...
Different people.
Otra gente.
I think there are a lot of different people in Finland, like they can tell the long way or the short way, but for me it's easier to say the short way.
Creo que hay muchas personas diferentes en Finlandia, algunos pueden contar la versión larga y otros la corta, pero para mí es más fácil la corta.
Because they're two different people!
¡ Porque son dos personas diferentes!
Look. They're different people.
Mire son personas diferentes.
It looked like six different people plated those plates.
Parecía seis diferentes personas sembraron las placas.
We are such different people.
Somos tan distintas.
You and I are very different people.
Tú y yo somos personas diferentes.
We're feeding different people.
Estamos alimentando diferentes personas.
We're different people now.
Somos diferentes personas ahora
I had a feeling they were incredibly different people.
Tenía la sensación de que eran dos personas increíblemente distintas.
I don't know if she showed different faces to different people, but I did sense that she was a woman of secrets.
No sé si le mostraba diferentes caras a diferentes personas pero sí sentía que era una mujer de secretos.
The same set of circumstances will affect different people in different ways.
El mismo grupo de circunstancias afectará a muchas personas en diferentes formas.
"But we are two different people " from two different circumstances.
"Pero somos dos personas diferentes de diferentes circunstancias".
Some types of vehicles were witnessed that descended from the sky out of which people came - astronauts - that instructed people of different cultures in different societies in certain scientific disciplines.
Fueron observados algunos tipos de vehículos que descendían desde el cielo, en los cuales venía gente... astronautas... que instruían a las personas de diferentes sociedades en disciplinas científicas determinadas.
People couldn't believe it because it was so different.
La gente no lo podía creer porque era tan diferente.
I'm sure you'd give me the same advice, although as you say, it's different for you because you did actually kill all those people.
Estoy segura de que tú me darías el mismo consejo, aunque como dices, es diferente para ti porque tú realmente mataste a toda esa gente.
We're the same people, but we keep expecting a different outcome.
Somos las mismas personas, pero seguimos esperando un resultado diferente.
Unless you people are some kind of different species out here.
A no ser que vosotros seáis alguna clase de especie diferente.
It's even hard to imagine that maybe someday we may have the opportunity to travel the world on our own and get to meet new people from different cultures and different countries.
Es incluso difícil imaginar que puede que un día tengamos la oportunidad de viajar por el mundo por nuestra cuenta y conocer nueva gente de culturas distintas y países diferentes.
People hit their prime at different ages, Mr. Specter.
La gente alcanza su mejor forma a diferentes edades, señor Specter.
There are more than a thousand different flood myths from cultures all around the world, and the tendency has been for archeologists to say that that's simply because people's fantasies work in the same way.
Hay más de un millar de mitos de diluvio diferentes en las culturas por todo el mundo, y la tendencia en los arqueólogos ha sido decir que que se debe simplemente a las fantasías de la gente trabajando de la misma forma.
People have fun in different ways.
La gente se divierte de diferentes formas.
People have all sorts of different ideas.
La gente tiene todo tipo de ideas diferentes.
There are people that know and there seems lo be perhaps several different species of aliens visiting here, and it looks like, likely, they have been for a long, long time.
Hay gente que lo sabe y parece que hay quizás varias especies distintas de alienígenas visitándonos, y al parecer, llevan aquí mucho, mucho tiempo.
People who aren't afraid to be different.
Gente que no tiene miedo de ser diferente.
It's different, your people don't worship lox.
Es diferente, tu gente no adora a los salmones.
A lot of different types of people like Liza Minnelli.
A una gran cantidad de diferentes tipos de gente le gusta Liza Minnelli.
Lots of different types of people have a poodle in a tutu... Named Barbra Streisand.
Llamada Barbra Streisand.
Different names for the same people.
Son nombres distintos para la misma gente.
My friends got shot and killed for no other reason than they were different from the people doing the shooting.
Dispararon y mataron a mis amigos sin otro motivo que el que eran distintos a la gente que disparó.
People act up so many different ways.
La gente se porta de tantas maneras diferentes.
Your father was... different from ordinary people.
Tu padre era... diferente de la gente común.
Leif Ericson was familiar with the different types of tribes of indigenous people.
Leif Ericson estuvo familiarizado con los diferentes tipos de tribus indígenas.
They're completely different people.
Nunca la han visto a ella.
Lots of people getting on and off as they travel different routes on other lines.
Montones de gente entrando y saliendo mientras viajan en diferentes rutas en otras lineas.
Jennifer devised a psychological study to try to understand why people might develop such different mind-sets.
Jennifer concibió un estudio psicológico para intentar comprender por qué las personas pueden desarrollar perspectivas tan diferentes.
I was disturbed by the fact that everyone was looking at the same reality, and yet there were people with different religions and different political beliefs.
Me desconcertaba el hecho que todos miraran la misma realidad, y sin embargo había personas con diferentes religiones y diferentes creencias políticas.
I want to explain to you how I'm different from other people... With words.
Quiero explicarte cómo de diferente soy de la otra gente... con palabras.
I've talked with people who have suggested different ideas.
He hablado con gente que ha sugerido distintas ideas.
And they have been able to do it on a host of different foods. From the extreme Arctic, where people eat almost exclusively animal fat, and muscle and organ meats, to the jungle, where people had access to far more fruits, and far more plant material.
Y tienen una alimentación muy diferente, como en el Ártico, donde la gente sólo come prácticamente grasas animales, los músculos y otras carnes.
Parker : Two minutes, I'm moving the rest of these people outta here, unless you tell me different.
Dos minutos... yo moveré al resto de esas personas fuera de aquí... a menos que me digas lo contrario.
What we're seeing within this area are people who basically say that they somehow emerged out of a different dimension onto this place.
Lo que estamos viendo en esta área es gente que básicamente dice que de alguna manera emergía de una dimensión diferente hacia este lugar.
People have thought about the presidency, they want something different.
Las personas han recapacitado acerca de la presidencia, quieren algo diferente.
Look, we're different from other people.
Mira, somos diferentes de las otras personas.
( Narrator ) When working on solving the housing problem for all the world's people construction techniques would be vastly different from those employed today.
( Narrador ) Cuando se trabaja en la solución al problema de la vivienda para todos los pueblos del mundo técnicas de construcción sería mucho más diferente de aquellas empleadas en la actualidad.
People react to that in different ways.
La gente reacciona a ello de diferentes maneras.
Sarah continued her cry for some minutes after the call, and then she noticed that a considerable number of people were looking at her, and she recalls thinking how different Montrealers were from their Toronto counterparts, who, observing a young girl in tears, would have pretended it never happened.
Sarah continúa su llanto por algunos minutos después de la llamada y luego nota que un considerable número de personas la estaban mirando y recuerda pensar lo diferentes que eran los de Montreal a sus contrapartes de Toronto quienes, al observar a una jovencita llorando habrían fingido que nunca sucedió.
Yeah, I have a very different World view from most of those people.
Tengo una visión del mundo muy distinta a la mayoría de esa gente.
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people are dying 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people do 54
people are dying 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people do 54