Don't have it tradutor Espanhol
23,206 parallel translation
Well, if he was a drug dealer or a thief, don't you think he would have stolen that Rolex instead of shoving it down that guy's throat?
Bueno, si fuera camello o ladrón, ¿ no creéis que se hubiera llevado aquel Rolex en vez de metérselo en la garganta a aquel hombre?
Oh, I just came back from the doctor, and I have the sex of the baby, but I don't want to see it.
Oh, acabo de volver del médico, Y tengo el sexo del bebé,, pero no quiero verlo.
Well, you don't want me to have it.
Bueno, usted no quiere que yo lo tuviera.
I just don't have it, and I don't know where it is.
Es que no tengo, Y no sé donde está.
And I have worked very hard to make him forget about these things, and I don't need you undoing it.
Y he trabajado muy duramente para que olvidara esas cosas y no quiero que usted lo arruine.
I don't know what it means to always have video access all the time of everything.
No sé lo que significa tener siempre acceso a video de todo, todo el tiempo.
You don't have to, for example, download a file and run it.
No tiene, por ejemplo, descargar un archivo y ejecutarlo.
I have not walked out of any of these sessions, because it's super dramatic, but I think in this moment, it is justified,'cause I don't wanna listen to this anymore.
Mira, no me he marchado de ninguna de estas sesiones porque es algo superdramático, pero creo que ahora está justificado porque ya no quiero escuchar nada más.
We don't even have it.
Ni siquiera lo tenemos.
You don't have to sugarcoat it.
No tienes que endulzarlo.
I don't feel that there's a way around the encryption, and I do honestly feel that it's only a matter of time before we have very private, very inaccessible sites that perform very well and give this particular class of consumer
No creo que exista un camino a través del cifrado, y sinceramente creo que solo es cuestión de tiempo antes que tengamos sitios muy privados, muy inaccesibles que trabajan tan bien y le de a esta particular clase de clientes
We don't have to go through with it.
No tenemos que pasar por esto.
- We don't have to talk about it, but...
No tenemos que hablar de eso, pero...
Quill, you don't think it's odd that your dad's bag just happens to have the exact tools we need?
Quill, ¿ no te resulta extraño que la bolsa de tu padre contenga todas las herramientas exactas que necesitamos?
No, I mean, I really don't have it.
No, es decir, de hecho no la tengo.
- Whatever it is, I don't have time.
- Sea lo que sea, no tengo tiempo.
I don't know how much Arnold paid the fellow to drop a letter through my door, but it must have been enough that he didn't break the seal and read it.
No sé cuánto pagó Arnold al tipo para que dejara la carta en mi puerta, pero debió de ser lo suficiente para que no rompiera el lacre y la leyera.
It's been closed since then. - Father, I don't have a problem.
Está cerrada desde entonces Padre, yo no tengo ningún problema
Because there's things that he does not need to remember, and I have worked very hard to make him forget about these things, and I don't need you undoing it.
Porque hay cosas que no necesita recordar, y he trabajado muy duramente para que olvidara esas cosas y no quiero que usted lo arruine.
Don't make him remember these things, or I will have to do something about it.
No le haga recordar estas cosas o tendré que hacer algo al respecto.
And I don't want to do this, but it might come down to us having to have him committed.
Y no quiero hacer esto, pero puede que dependa de nosotros tener que ingresarle.
I don't have to pass it fucking solid.
No tengo que pasarlo como una mierda tan sólida.
Francis wasn't just living a life, he was fulfilling a huge biblical prophecy. You don't have to take my word for it.
La recolección de granos en estado natural es un proceso que requiere mucha paciencia, mientras que los campos de cebada o de otros cereales aptos para producir alcohol habrían sido más atractivos.
It's always smart to say you have one when you don't.
Siempre es inteligente decir que tienes una cuando no la tienes.
I hoped I wouldn't have to see it when I woke up, but don't worry.
Tenía la esperanza de no verlo cuando me despertara, pero no te preocupes.
I don't have an answer yet for what will end this war, but eliminating what I believe is a crucial piece of it is not what I would advise.
No tengo una respuesta aún para terminar con esta guerra, pero eliminar lo que creo que es una parte crucial de ella no es lo que aconsejaría.
I don't have to spell it out for you, do I, Barry?
No hace falta que lo explique, ¿ verdad?
It's a little more complicated than that. But we don't have to talk about it.
Fue más complicado, pero no voy a hablar de eso.
- I don't have it.
- No la tengo.
Well, I'm hoping it just resolves itself here so we don't have to open her up and make it worse.
Bien, estoy esperando que solo se resuelve aquí Así que no tenemos que abrir ella y que sea peor.
If you guys don't keep it down, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
Si no bajáis la voz voy a tener que pediros que os vayáis.
Look, I don't have time for this, but at a glance, I mean, there are some things in here that'll come back to bite the ass of whoever signs it.
Mira, no tengo tiempo para esto, pero a simple vista, quiero decir, hay algunas cosas aquí que tendrán consecuencias negativas para el que sea que firme esto.
If you have turned this into an office for me, I don't want it.
Si convertiste esto en una oficina para mí, no lo quiero.
Patton and Sebastian are looking into it. They don't have anything yet.
Patton y Sebastian están buscando, no tienen nada todavía.
It's not fair that just because someone attacked Chanel and I have a tendency to be a little unstable, I don't get to come to the party.
No es justo que sólo porque alguien atacó a Chanel y tengo una tendencia a ser un poco inestable, no pueda venir a la fiesta.
I do, and it troubles me that you have not altered it, if you've done something you don't want to do.
Sí, y me preocupa que no lo haya alterado, si hizo algo que no quiere hacer.
- Well, it's an option, Sylvia, and you don't have a lot, okay?
- Bueno, es una opción, Sylvia, y no tienes muchas, ¿ de acuerdo?
And I don't know if I have it in me to pull it back up from the bottom of the ocean.
Y no sé si lo tengo en mí para tirar de ella hacia atrás hacia arriba desde el fondo del océano.
It means that they know they don't have the patience to earn what they want, and that's why they go out and steal it from other people.
significa que ellos saben que no tienen la paciencia para conseguir lo que quieren, y es por eso que ir y robar a otras personas.
Ah, don't you just love it when we have to figure out Who the victim is before we can even Begin to figure out who the killer is?
¿ No te encanta cuando tienes que averiguar quién es la víctima antes siquiera de empezar a averiguar quién es el asesino?
I don't have a lot to go on, but given the size and arc Of the ribs, it's highly likely your victim is an adult.
No tengo mucho con lo que seguir, pero por el tamaño del arco de las costillas, es altamente probable que la víctima fuera un adulto.
I don't care how long it takes, but whatever I have...
No me importa cuánto tiempo se necesite, pero lo que tengo...
Oh, don't take my word for it. We have a statement from Jennifer.
Oh, no crea en mi palabra en esto tenemos una declaración de Jennifer.
Maybe you don't feel like getting absolution for killing Dwight Darnell because you already have it.
Quizá no sientas la absolución por matar a Dwight Darnell porque ya la tienes
It's a luxury we don't have when a patient is splayed open in front of us.
Es un lujo que no tenemos cuando un paciente está abierto frente a nosotros.
I'd stay here tonight, but I'm afraid I don't trust myself not to wake up in the middle of the night and decide it is finally time to take care of a serious trash problem that I should have dealt with years ago!
Me quedaría aquí, pero me temo que no confío en que no me levante en mitad de la noche y decida que por fin ha llegado el momento de encargarme de un grave problema de inmundicia que debería haber resuelto hace años.
I want to eat it. I don't wanna settle down and have kids with it.
- ¿ Has hablado con el agente Davies?
You don't have what it takes.
No tienes lo que hace falta.
And it's usually not my habit to court a dalliance with opposing counsel, but I couldn't help but notice you don't have a ring on your finger.
Y generalmente no es mi hábito coquetear con abogados del lado contrario, pero no pude evitar ver que no tienes un anillo.
- If I don't have it in three.
- Si no me la das a las tres...
Yeah, I've been planning this in my head for so long, the original color I wanted, they don't even have it anymore.
Llevo tanto planeándolo mentalmente que ya no tienen el color que quería.
don't have to 46
don't have one 28
have it your way 210
have it your own way 27
have it 105
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
don't have one 28
have it your way 210
have it your own way 27
have it 105
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itis 22
itchy 49
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itis 22
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
itself 24
items 25
it's about damn time 34
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
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it's not 5855
itself 24
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it's about damn time 34