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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ F ] / Fooled you

Fooled you tradutor Espanhol

1,474 parallel translation
But the thief was tricky, because he fooled you by leaving something in its place.
Pero el ladrón fue astuto porque te engañó dejando algo en su lugar.
If one of my officers had fooled me the way Eddington fooled you, I...
Si uno de mis oficiales me hubiese engañado como hizo él...
Uther fooled you when he killed Cornwall...
Uther lo hizo al matar a Cornwall.
I fooled you all.
Os engañé a todos.
And you can't admit I fooled you or you'll be the laughingstock of the underworld.
Y no puedes admitir que te engañé o serás el hazmerreír del inframundo.
Come on. You had me fooled.
Sólo relájate, Fido, ¿ bien?
I may be young, but I fooled the lot of you, and I really... am not an idiot.
Puedo ser joven, pero engañé a muchos de ustedes, y en verdad no soy un idiota.
You looked great. I mean, with that turban and-and, you know, the crystal ball. I mean, you could've fooled me.
Te ves bien, con ese turbante y tú sabes...
- But I thought I had you fooled.
- Pero creí haberte engañado.
May I remind you - we've all been fooled before.
Me permito recordarles... que nos hemos engañado antes.
But that day, you told me the stork fooled us.
Pero ese día me dijeron que la cigüeña nos había engañado.
The others thought you could be fooled.
Los demás pensaron que podríamos engañarte.
Well you could have fooled me. I don't know what I like, but I know what art is.
No sé muy bien lo que me gusta,... pero sé reconocer lo que es arte.
Don't be fooled by my skin colour. You're a TV reporter.
No se deje engañar por mi color de piel Usted es una reportera de TV.
You definitely had me fooled.
Me Io había tragado todo.
You look around and you realize you're dealing with a government that's fooled everyone.
Miras la gente a tu alrededor y te das cuenta de que estás lidiando con un gobierno que les ha fallado a todos.
You fooled us all in the teachers'pool and went nowhere.
Nos engañaste a todos los maestros y te fuiste a ningún lado.
You fooled your wife.
Engañaste a tu esposa.
When my eyes recognized the killers you and the D.I.G. hatched a plan about their false death and fooled me and everyone else here
Cuando mis ojos reconocieron a los asesinos... tu y el D.I.G. ideasteis un plan para fingir sus muertes. y me engañasteis a mi y a todos los demás.
Hey, I heard you fooled my friend out of his money.
Hey, me han dicho que engañaste a mi amigo para sacarle todo su dinero.
You almost fooled me.
Casi me engañas.
Well, you certainly fooled Ailnoth.
En verdad engañó a Ailnoth.
You may have fooled MacLeod, but you never fooled me.
Puedes haber engañado a MacLeod, pero nunca me engañarás a mi.
How would you be fooled into letting two intruders escape?
¿ Cómo podría engañarte para que dejes escapar a dos intrusos?
You could have fooled me.
Pues habría podido hacérmelo creer.
You had me completely fooled.
Me engañaste por completo.
VuIcans aren't as easily fooled as you might think.
No es fácil engañar a los vulcanos.
Maybe he's got you fooled too.
Tal vez a ti también te engañó.
You have fooled me, daddy.
papa me engaño otra vez.
So take that nice picture you got in your head home with you, but don't be fooled.
Así que llébate lo lindo retrato en la memoria. Pero no t " engañe.
He had you fooled too, then, ain't it?
Te tomaba por tonta, entonces, no?
You could have fooled me, ma'am.
señora. Vamos.
Well, you sure could've fuckin'fooled me. Cracking into that fine piece of finished finery in the other room.
Podrían haberme engañado... abriendo esa caja finlandesa tan linda en el otro cuarto.
You're easily fooled, Merlin.
Te engañan fácilmente.
You really fooled me.
Me la ha jugado, ¿ eh?
You're good! You even had me fooled.
Me tomaste de tonto.
- You could have fooled me.
- Siento... - Pudiste engañarme.
A lot of people are fooled. Did you find Mr. Shivsubramanyam, Ramu?
¿ Has encontrado al Sr. Shivbhushan, Ramu?
The beauty of the whole thing is that you've been fooled too!
¿ Qué es esto? Son de diferentes colores.
Haven't all of you fooled my sons?
¿ Por qué cambias de opinión ahora?
You've fooled me again!
¡ Todavía lo puedes pedir!
How dare you disobey me? ( crowd screaming ) Fooled ya,
¿ Cómo osas desobedecerme? Sorprendido.
And don't think you fooled me with your innocent puppy dog, "Who, me? I'm Richie Cunningham" act. - I know it's a con.
Y no creas que me engañaste con tu actitud de perrito tonto sé lo que significa y te estoy vigilando.
You had me fooled.
Me ha engañado bien.
Well, you could've fooled me.
Bueno, pudiste haberme engañado.
You may have fooled the captain, but I know who you are.
pero sé quién eres.
t just want to warn you, don't be fooled by his silly, cherubic face.
Sólo quiero advertirte algo : Que no te engañe su rostro bobo de querubín.
If any of you were fooled by the defense lawyer's ridiculous Perry Mason theatrics, then shame on you.
Caray, me pregunto quién pudo haberlo hecho. Si el abogado defensor los engañó con el teatro ridículo al estilo de Perry Mason entonces, debería darles pena.
I can't keep him fooled forever. In a battle of wits between you and him I'll bet on you every time.
Si tuviera que apostar por el ingenio de alguien, lo haría por usted.
You had us fooled. Why didn't you tell us what you were doing from the start?
Nos engañaste. ¿ Por qué no nos dijiste lo que estabas haciendo desde el principio?
Well detective it looks like you fooled them again.
Bueno detective, parece que los engañó otra vez.

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