Go to the house tradutor Espanhol
2,532 parallel translation
Carol said you might go to the House of Lords today?
Carol dijo que quizá hoy vaya a la Cámara de los Lores.
All right, let's go to the house, Earl.
Bien, vamos a casa, Earl.
- Mum, go to the house.
- Mamá, ve allí.
Let's go to the house of General.
¡ Woah, el General ha venido!
Okay, I'm gonna go to the house for a minute.
Me voy a casa un rato.
Listen, I want you to go to the house, wake your mom up.
Ahora quiero te dirijas a la casa despiertes a tu madre.
When we go to someone's house, we shouldn't switch on the TV ourselves.
Cuando vamos a la casa de otros, no ponemos la televisión.
If you don't go to the bride's house with this fanfare, it's a shame for the bride's family.
Si no vas a casa con la novia y esta fanfarria, será una vergüenza para la familia de la novia.
I might, seeing as the pranksters are both adults, this is my house, and I'm married to the bitch. Oh. Go!
Podría, viendo que los payasos son los dos adultos, que esta es mi casa, y que estoy casado con la zorra. ¡ Vamos!
Rebecca, you need to go back to before you were straddling my brother on a washing machine in my house and he was just another homeless man, because he is not the guy for you, okay?
Rebecca, necesitas volver a antes de cuando te estabas follando a mi hermano sobre una lavadora en mi casa y él era un simple hombre sin techo porque no es hombre para tí, ¿ vale?
Yeah, I want to go to the Coral Prince house, talk to the team, get statements.
Sí, quiero ir a la casa de Coral Prince, hablar con el equipo, obtener declaraciones.
Kongers, I need you to go to the printers this afternoon to pick up the invites and do the mail out tonight from your house.
Kongers, necesito que vayas a la imprenta a recoger las invitaciones. y las envíes esta noche desde tu casa.
I came out of the house this morning like I was going to my lesson, but I didn't want to go.
Salí de casa esta mañana como si fuera a mi clase... pero no quería ir.
After receiving the house, I'll have to go around searching for jobs to make a living.
Después de recibir una casa, tendré que buscar un trabajo para poder mantenerme.
I always go behind the house to have a smoke.
Siempre fumo en la parte de atrás de la casa.
So we go straight to the safe house.
Así que vamos directamente a la casa segura.
Kevin, can you go up to the house, see if you have some aspirin?
Kevin, ve por aspirinas.
I'm gonna go try and find a place to live, because my fiancée- - well, actually, scratch that- - my ex-fiancée kicked me out of the fucking house.
Iré a tratar de hallar un lugar donde vivir, porque mi prometida... en realidad, cancela eso... mi ex prometida me echó de la maldita casa.
When you go in the house, don't go to the basement or anything.
Al entrar en la casa, no bajen al sótano o nada.
You go over there, you get in tight with her, lay on the charm... and get her to drag ass selling the house.
Vas hasta allá, te le acercas, despliegas tu encanto, y logras que se detenga con la venta de la casa.
Do not go to Vietnam, she did but only by leaving the house.
Que no vaya a Vietnam, ella lo hizo pero solo por salir de la casa.
And two, Jeff Ament keeps so much, and really, if all I have to do is just maintain my good relationship with Jeff Ament, I can always go over to his house and look through all the stuff that he has, and celebrate his keeping of the things.
Y también con que Jeff Ament guarda tantas cosas y si lo único que tengo que hacer es mantener mi buena relación con Jeff siempre podré ir a su casa y ver todas las cosas que él tiene y celebrar como el guarda las cosas.
Think I might go up to the house.
Creo que iré a la casa.
Tomorrow, if i don't go to the stadium everyone in this house will end up like me.
Mañana, si no voy al estadio... todos en esta casa acabarán como yo.
First, we'll go on the honeymoon... then I want to redo the house.
Primero iremos a la luna de miel... y luego quiero hacer la casa.
Go back to the house.
Regresa a la casa.
I mean- - asking to help them? They could've told me they were just walking to the back of the property to go to a house.
Si les hubiera preguntado qué querían, habrían dicho que se dirigían a la parte trasera para ir a una casa.
Go to my house, top of the freezer.
Ve a mi casa, en la parte de arriba del congelador.
Why don't we go to his house, stand on opposite sides of the room, see which one he runs to?
¿ Por qué no vamos a su casa nos paramos en los extremos opuestos de la habitación y vemos hacia cuál corre?
And now we get to go to the Pie House in our costumes.
Y ahora podemos ir a la casa del pay vestidos de este modo.
I maxed out my time at the halfway house and didn't have a place to go.
Agoté mi tiempo en la casa de acogida y no tenía un sitio donde ir.
- Go to the back of the house.
Ve al fondo de la casa.
Now, what I'm thinking is that maybe we should go over to her house... you two are just the cutest things on four legs!
Ahora lo que pienso es que quizás deberíamos ir a su casa... ¡ Ustedes dos son la cosa mas tierna en cuatro patas!
Well, Jenna and I were supposed to go to her family's lake house, but somehow, we both got roped into doing this historical society thing at the Lockwoods.
Bueno, se supone que Jenna y yo íbamos a ir a la casa del lago de su familia, pero, de alguna forna, nos hemos visto forzados a hacer esa cosa de la sociedad histórica en casa de los Lockwood.
Make sure when we go to the voisin's house you get your butt off of that trailer.
Asegúrense de que cuando vayamos a la casa del voisin sacan su culo fuera del trailer.
Heather, you have to come in, because I can't go to your house, not after what your parents did, calling the cops.
Duermo en él. Y tomo esto...
Oh, and the name of a plumber I can trust at my house when I go to work...
Oh, y me das el nombre de un plomero al que pueda confiarle mi casa cuando me vaya a trabajar...
I say we go up to the attic... the highest, safest part of the house.
Yo digo que subamos al desván... que es la parte más alta y segura de la casa.
Or maybe we can go to my house where the clothes do not matter.
O tal vez podemos ir a mi casa dónde la ropa no importa.
Craig, do you want to stay in the share house or go home?
Hey, Craig. ¿ Quieres quedarte en Share House o regresar a casa?
Glenn, maybe Mrs Cosgrove wants to go back in the house?
Glenn, ¿ quizás la Sra. Cosgrove quiera entrar a la casa?
The way I'm feeling right now is that maybe you were right... maybe I should go to that halfway house first... for my own protection.
La forma en que me siento ahorita es que quizá tuvo razón... quizá debería ir a ese centro de reinserción primero... para mi propia protección.
Do you know how the sweater could've gotten back into your house? Uh, I have to go.
¿ Sabes como pudo volver el jersey a tu casa? Uh, tengo que irme.
Yes... I came out to go to the store at 8 : 30, and, uh, Nick's car had jumped the curb right here, in front of my house.
Sí... salí para ir a la tienda a las ocho y media y... el coche de Nick estaba subido en la acera, justo aquí, delante de mi casa.
Right, sir. You go up to the house.
Vete a casa.
Well, I guess we'll just go to the summer house.
Imagino que iremos a la casa de veraneo.
You show up at my house and say, "Hey, let's go to the woods together."
Apareces en mi casa y me dices : "Vayamos juntos al bosque."
This could go all the way to the White House.
Esto podría llegar hasta la Casa Blanca.
'Cause this is the last of the Cheesaritos, and it's your job as house mom to go get more.
Porque es la última de Cheesaritos, y es tu trabajo como madre de la casa ir a por más.
People get married for the same reason that they buy a house or buy a dog, to tie them down so that they go, " Oh, no, we couldn't possibly go away this weekend.
La gente se casa por la misma razón que compran una casa y un perro para atarse y decir, "No podemos ir este fin de semana..."
Let's go back to the house.
Vamos de vuelta a casa.
go to sleep 664
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to sleep now 53
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the kitchen 39
go to the car 39
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to sleep now 53
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the kitchen 39
go to the car 39
go to the bathroom 48
go to new york 16
go to work 115
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to the hospital 36
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to the police 50
go to the movies 20
go to new york 16
go to work 115
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to the hospital 36
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to the police 50
go to the movies 20
go to him 110
go to the right 20
go to the back 19
go to her 103
go to commercial 23
go to it 51
go to them 17
go to 136
go to the right 20
go to the back 19
go to her 103
go to commercial 23
go to it 51
go to them 17
go to 136