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Hadn't we tradutor Espanhol

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It had nothing to do with who we had or hadn't been chummy with in the war.
No tuvo nada que ver con quién tuvimos o no amistad en la guerra.
We hadn't talked about it.
Nosotros no habíamos hablado de ello.
Well, we hadn't discussed it, but I...
Bueno, nosotros no lo habíamos discutido, pero yo..
I just want you to know that if we hadn't considered that your husband was recovered, we wouldn't have discharged him.
Yo lo que le quiero decir es que usted esté segura, que si su esposo no hubiera estado curado, recuperado, nosotros no le hubiéramos dado el alta.
We almost lost him then and I think we would've if it hadn't have been for you.
Casi lo perdemos, y creo que podía haber sido así si no hubiera sido por tí.
- I know it's my fault, but, I wish I hadn't let him think that we're like Sweethearts, because we're not.
- Sé que es culpa mía... pero quisiera no haberle dejado creer que somos novios. Porque no lo somos.
Then again, if you hadn't used pre-school encryption, maybe we'd all be all right.
Pero, si no hubieras usado encriptación pre-escolar, quizás estaríamos todos bien.
If I hadn't been the fastest swimmer or Dad decided to have one off the wrist instead of impregnating Mam, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
Si no hubiera nadado más rápido, o papá hubiera elegido una muñeca en lugar de embarazar a mamá, nosotros no estaríamos teniendo esta conversación.
I would have you give the order to withdraw medical care from the patient on the basis that even if we could save her life, it would be of such low quality that she will wish that we hadn't.
Quisiera que diese la orden de retirar la atención médica del paciente basándome en que aunque pudiésemos salvar su vida, esta sería de tan baja calidad que deseará que no lo hubiésemos hecho.
If we hadn't got this contract, my father would've called me back to India, and I would end up like Rao's son!
Si no conseguíamos este contrato, mi padre me habría pedido de volver a la India, y ¡ terminaría como el hijo de Rao!
We hadn't done that arena rock thing.
Nunca habíamos hecho algo así.
We don't do anything, we hadn't accomplished anything without you.
No habríamos hecho nada. No habríamos logrado nada sin ti.
You... you would be fine if you hadn't come to my house. I asked her if she wanted a glass of milk before we started.
Es... estarías bien si no hubieses venido a mi casa.
No, if it hadn't been for you, we wouldn't have ever gotten off that mountain.
No, si no hubiera sido por ti, jamás habríamos salido de la montaña.
I do. { \ cHFFFFFF } And we'd still be together now if { \ cHFFFFFF } he hadn't brought me back here.
Y todavía estaríamos juntos si él no me hubiera traído aquí.
If you hadn't helped Toller, we wouldn't be here.
Si no hubieras ayudado a Toller, no hubiéramos - llegado a esto.
Things would've been good if we hadn't had you.
Todo habría ido bien si no hubieras nacido.
Well, if you hadn't zapped my men, we might've known that the elevators had been compromised.
Si no hubieras liquidado a mis hombres, sabríamos que los ascensores habían sido comprometidos.
You know, if we weren't friends, and you hadn't brought up that creepy pornography story, I'd be on you like the speed of light squared on matter to make energy.
Sabes, si no fuà © ramos amigos, y no hubieras revivido esa espeluznante historia pornogrà ¡ fica, estarà ­ a encima tuyo como la velocidad de la luz al cuadrado sobre la materia para producir energà ­ a.
And if we hadn't shown up?
- ¿ Y si no hubiéramos aparecido?
What's crazy is if your Uncle hadn't left you that tiny bit of money, we never would've left Miami.
Lo que es una locura es que si tu tío no te hubiera dejado ese poco dinero, nunca habríamos podido irnos de Miami.
When we met I was a little flinty, I suppose, because life hadn't turned out the way I'd expected.
Cuando nos conocimos era un poco reacia, supongo, porque la vida no se había comportado conmigo del modo que esperaba.
We hadn't planned on doing anything tonight, so this way it'll just be spontaneous.
No hemos planeado nada esta noche, así que, será espontáneo.
Just to clarify, what you are saying..... yesterday, when we asked you had you ever visited Emel's address and you said you hadn't, that wasn't true?
Sólo para que quede claro, lo que dice ayer, cuando le preguntamos si había visitado la casa de Emel y dijo que no, ¿ no era verdad?
Elka, this never would've happened if we hadn't talked you into having a big wedding.
Elka, esto nunca hubiera pasado si no te hubieramos hablado sobre tener una gran boda.
We'd be lying if we said it hadn't raised certain alarms.
Estaríamos mintiendo si dijéramos que no ha despertado ciertas alarmas.
Who wouldn't be a person of interest if she hadn't disappeared the minute we told her Matt had died.
Quien no sería una persona de interés si ella no hubiera desaparecido al instante en que le comunicamos la muerte de Matt.
Of all his multiple personalities the strongest was Lu Kim and we never would have known if it hadn't been for Inspector Butters.
De todas sus múltiples personalidades, la más fuerte era Lu Kim, y nunca lo habríamos sabido si no fuera por el Inspector Butters.
We hadn't done anything, we were being arrested and detained in jail for the day.
No habíamos hecho nada, nos iban a retener en la cárcel por un día.
We prepped for surgery, but her pre-op scan showed the disk hadn't herniated.
Nos preparamos para la cirugía, Pero la tomografía nos mostró que el disco no estaba herniado.
If this hadn't happened We would still be together.
Si esto no hubiera pasado, seguiríamos juntos.
If this whole thing hadn't happened, We never would have met.
Si todo esto no hubiera pasado... nunca nos hubiéramos conocido.
No one is dead Velayudham saved all of them if he hadn't done that we would've lost our portfolios
Nadie ha muerto Velayudham salvó a todos ellos si él no lo hubiera hecho nos lo hemos perdido nuestras carteras
We hadn't officially determined, uh, if Mr. Norris was stolen or just misplaced.
No tenemos determinado oficialmente, sí el Señor Morris fue robado o sólo se perdió.
And if you hadn't spent so much time trolling the sludge to get your client a payoff she doesn't deserve, we wouldn't have been forced to counter your unsubstantiated story with ours.
Y si no hubieras pasado tanto tiempo arrastrándote por el lodo para conseguirle a tu cliente un pago que no se merece, no nos habríamos visto forzados a contrarrestar tu insostenible historia con la nuestra.
All the sound and lighting companies and the people we worked with hadn't been paid, so we were at a really crucial point.
Porque él también estaba dudando sobre su propia sexualidad... Y Freddie venía de una crianza muy tradicional, muy zoroastriana...
We might have had to break up if that album hadn't done well. It was an expensive album, enormous complexity on there.
Y creo que para él la opinión de su familia era probablemente lo primordial
At no point did you think, "We've made it," cos we hadn't.
La participación del público hacía de las presentaciones algo realmente especial
We were still making a record, we hadn't even nearly finished the album, and we were going out in Munich and somebody came up and said,
"Qué tienes?" "Bueno, tengo esto"
Coming back into the big brother house with Daniele, it's like a redo of season 8 where she hadn't talked to me in two years then, we haven't spoken in three years now but we know what we're here for.
Volver a GH con Danielle, es como volver a la 8ª temporada donde no nos hablábamos hacía 2 años, ahora es desde hace 3 años, pero sabemos que estamos aquí.
I would've kissed Amanda on the lips if we hadn't all not brushed our teeth.
Me hubiera besado Amanda en los labios si no hubiéramos todo No cepillado los dientes.
Yeah, but on the bright side, if this hadn't happened, we never would've met Kyle. Hey.
Si, pero mira el lado positivo, si no hubiese pasado, nunca hubiesemos conocido a Kyle.
'Whereas we... sort of hadn't.'
Considerando que... suerte de no haberlo hecho.
We hadn't committed any great crimes against humanity or art - all we'd done was been a little self-conscious and overblown.
No habíamos cometido ningún crimen contra la humanidad o el arte, Lo único que habíamos hecho era ser un poco tímidos y pretenciosos.
It was only when I met the guy who had been with me again that I remembered we hadn't been beaten up again in the hospital but they had been hours of pure terror.
fue solo entonces cuando volvi a ver al chico que estuvo conmigo, cuando pude recordar que no volvieron a pegarnos de nuevo en el hospital pero pasamos por un autentico terror.
For the first time we had a hot meal, we hadn't had one for a long time.
por primera vez tuvimos comida caliente. No comimos nada caliente durante un tiempo antes.
Sometimes we say this that we wish we hadn't.
A veces decimos cosas que nos gustaría no haber dicho.
True, we hadn't "defined the relationship."
Cierto, no habíamos "definido la relación".
How come, when I met you at the safe house the other day, you pretended like we hadn't bumped into each other at the, uh, support group?
¿ Cómo es que, cuando me encontré contigo en el piso franco el otro día, hiciste como que no habíamos coincidido en el... grupo de apoyo?
What we know now is that the lawyers on the case hadn't gone to the crime laboratory and looked meticulously through all of the laboratory's notebooks of what was done out at the crime scene.
Lo que ahora sabemos es que los abogados del caso no habían ido al laboratorio de homicidios a estudiar meticulosamente todos los cuadernos de notas sobre lo que se había hecho en el lugar del crimen.
We hadn't spoken in over six months.
No habíamos hablado desde hace mas de seis meses.

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