He's my man tradutor Espanhol
1,219 parallel translation
Yes, he's a warm-hearted man, he did not abandon me in my time of misery.
Sí, es un hombre de buen corazón, no me abandonó en la desgracia.
That's my man, Toller, he likes to keep it secure.
Ese es mi hombre, Toller, le gusta mantener la seguridad.
My man here, he's the real pro.
Mi amigo es el verdadero profesional.
That's my man. He's got to show.
Tiene que aparecer.
My New England man comes back and he's bleeding.
Echaron al agente de Nueva Inglaterra.
When he says, "checkmate," my man, it's all over.
Cuando dice : "jaque mate", se acabó.
My friend, there comes a time in every man's life... where he must rise to the occasion.
Amigo llega un momento en la vida que todo hombre cuando creces.
thank you mighty warrior the name's He-man can you remove this collar from my neck, He-man?
Gracias poderoso guerrero Me llamo He-Man ¿ Puede quitar este collar de mi cuello He-Man?
Oh, my God. He's just the sexiest man in television.
Ay, Dios mío, es el hombre más sexy de la televisión.
A man puts a gun to my head and says he's not a terrorist... I take it with a grain of salt. GRANT :
Si alguien me apunta con un arma y dice no ser terrorista lo tomo como de quien viene.
I'm irresponsible, I've been a rambling man all my life... but blood's blood.
Soy irresponsable, toda mi vida he sido un tipo vagabundo, pero la sangre es la sangre.
You are taking the shotgun, that's my man He likes that thing
hay esta el shotgun es mi hombre le encanta ese juguete
No, I didn't say he wasn't successful but he's a scambag He's my customer, man, I'm not his
pero sigue siendo un traficante es cliente mío no yo de el
It's one of my personal favorites and I'd like to dedicate it to a young man who doesn't think he's seen anything good today.
Es una de mis preferidas... y quisiera dedicársela a un joven... que piensa que hoy no ha hecho nada interesante.
I had no doubt that when a man of Tom Logan's character and reputation found out about the predicament of my client he would take quick and decisive action.
No tengo dudas que cuando un hombre de la personalidad y reputacion de Tom Logan y descubrió sobre los dilemas de mi cliente debería tomar una acción rapida y decisiva.
Hocked them off my old man's dresser.
Se los he quitado a mi padre.
He's your man, and he's my friend.
... ¡ Es tu hombre! Y es mi amigo.
I finally duplicated my father's formula for invisibility... after five years of injecting myself with every chemical known to man.
Logré duplicar la fórmula de mi padre para hacerse invisible. Por cinco años me he estado inyectando todo químico conocido por el hombre.
The man in my dreams, he's real, isn't he?
Ese hombre, el de mis sueño, es real, no es cierto?
The young man from the mailroom who drove me home? He's going to stay here and do a little work in my garden.
Sí, el joven del Depto. de correo que me llevó a casa... va a quedarse aquí a trabajar un poco en mi jardín.
I pour out my heart and soul to the man I love, then he tells me he's taking someone else across the globe.
Derramo mi corazón y alma al hombre que amo, entonces él me dice que está tomando otra persona en todo el mundo.
He's the man I've been giving my accounts to the last couple weeks.
Él es el hombre que he estado dando mis cuentas para el último par de semanas.
He's a good man. He can more than fill my shoes.
Es un gran profesional y puede ocupar mi puesto.
I think he's the most attractive man I've ever met in my life.
Es el hombre más atractivo que haya conocido.
A big giant man, gigantic... and he's scrubbing my back, and it felt good!
Un hombre enorme y me frotaba la espalda.
the same problem with my old man's lawnmower he used to get the same expression on his face oh shut up!
Y Sam, ve abatido. Ella está con los dioses... Sí, creo que Dormir le está dando...
"Here I am at Philippe's. He's the man in my life. For now anyway."
Ahora estoy en casa de Philippe, mi actual "hombre de mi vida".
That man is my brother. If he doesn't watch'People's Court'in about 30 seconds... he'll have a fit on your porch.
Ese hombre es mi hermano y a menos que pueda ver People's Court tendrá un ataque aquí en su porche.
that's what I was doing when a man came to talk a black man, I couldn't care less at moments when I want inner peace when I want to be quiet in the calm of something I don't have because I don't have the money one needs to live on and I try to make it real in my mind, in my world so I was sitting there and he insisted on talking to me.
Entonces ha venido un tío a hablar conmigo, un negro... pero me da igual todo cuando busco la paz interior... cuando quiero estar en silencio, en la calma de cosas que no tengo... porque no tengo el dinero necesario para vivir... e intento hacerlo real en mi cabeza, en mi universo.
this man doesn't live here anymore, and he's strangling my guests.
Oficial, este hombre ya no vive aquí y está molestando a mis huéspedes.
But anyway, let me open my defence straightaway by saying that I've known this man for three years, he's an absolutely corking chap...
Pero permítame abrir mi defensa directamente diciendo que hace 3 años que conozco a este camarada extraordinario...
He's throwing at my man's head.
- ¡ Le tiró a la cabeza de mi hombre!
He's the biggest scrounger this army ever saw. The man's okay in my book, sarge.
Él es el aprovechador más grande que el ejército alguna vez viera.
He's a white man, my God.
Dios mío, es un hombre blanco.
It's my pleasure to announce my partnership with the greatest karate man I have ever known, Sensei John Kreese. Yeah, Mr. Kreese.
Es un placer anunciar que me he asociado con el más grande... karateka que haya conocido... el sensei John Kreese.
With my hands I created what no man's mind or woman's womb could ever hope to achieve.
Con mis manos. He creado lo que ningún hombre o útero de mujer habría imaginado lograr.
My man wants to go to L.A. What he's got goin'there is his business.
Mí hombre quiere ir L.A. Es porque allá tiene unos negocios.
He's my main man Geoffrey.
Es mi buen amigo Geoffrey.
Never in all my years of practicing law have I witnessed such a complete and utter disregard for an accused man's constitutional rights.
Nunca en mis años de abogado he visto tan completa y total indiferencia por los derechos constitucionales de un acusado.
My old man thinks he's retarded, so he's free. What more do you want?
Mi viejo cree que es retrasado, y está libre. ¿ Qué más quieres?
I see the man who takes me into his church, the man who makes me his brother and embraces me, kisses me on the cheek. He's the same man who turns my Bo against me.
Veo que quien me lleva a su iglesia me abraza y me da un beso en la mejilla es el mismo que volvió a Bo en mi contra.
He's the man sitting with my wife.
El hombre sentado junto a mi mujer.
My man Jodie here, he's an expert cosmic surgeon.
Mi hombre aquí, Jodie, es un experto cirujano universal.
My God, Alex, he's the spittin'image of his old man.
Dios, Alex, tiene la misma cara que su padre.
Look, I'd like to, but my old man got back in town, and he's got...
¿ Listas para otro trago?
I guess all of my life I've been a man that's reached out his hand for what he wanted.
Supongo que toda mi vida he sido un hombre que ha extendido su mano para coger lo que quería.
- Wait a minute. This man, my man - He's not from New York, is he?
Este hombre, mi hombre... no es de Nueva York, ¿ verdad?
Perhaps when I was in King's Lacey, but Colonel Lacey he is a friendly old man of my father.
Tal vez cuando estuve con King Lacey. Pero el Coronel Lacey es un viejo amigo de mi padre.
Yes, there's a man in my apartment, and he won't get out!
Sí, hay un hombre en mi apartamento, ¡ y no quiere irse!
Finally meet the man of my dreams, next thing I know, he's on a plane to Brazil.
Finalmente conocí al hombre de mis sueños y de pronto está en un avión camino a Brasil.
He said "daddy," man. That's my son.
Dijo "papi", Es mi hijo.
he's my uncle 44
he's my husband 167
he's my brother 335
he's my best friend 106
he's my baby 20
he's my cousin 54
he's my dad 94
he's my hero 20
he's my friend 298
he's my father 168
he's my husband 167
he's my brother 335
he's my best friend 106
he's my baby 20
he's my cousin 54
he's my dad 94
he's my hero 20
he's my friend 298
he's my father 168
he's my little brother 20
he's my nephew 35
he's my boyfriend 93
he's my partner 54
he's my son 345
he's my responsibility 17
he's my ex 34
he's my family 23
he's my patient 35
he's my 53
he's my nephew 35
he's my boyfriend 93
he's my partner 54
he's my son 345
he's my responsibility 17
he's my ex 34
he's my family 23
he's my patient 35
he's my 53
he's my boss 62
he's my lawyer 20
he's my kid 16
my man 1094
my manager 29
manda 42
mania 33
mani 42
mano 100
mandarin 19
he's my lawyer 20
he's my kid 16
my man 1094
my manager 29
manda 42
mania 33
mani 42
mano 100
mandarin 19
management 67
many 384
manual 26
manning 138
manslaughter 67
manuel 198
mange 18
manolo 90
manu 88
manuela 81
many 384
manual 26
manning 138
manslaughter 67
manuel 198
mange 18
manolo 90
manu 88
manuela 81