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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He looks happy

He looks happy tradutor Espanhol

154 parallel translation
He looks happy.
Parece feliz.
He looks happy. I like you to know what death looks like.
Quiero que sepas cómo es la muerte.
No, he looks happy
No, parece muy alegre.
Aye, he looks happy.
- sí se le ve muy feliz.
- He looks happy.
¡ Quasimodo se ha casado!
He looks happy.
Está contento.
He looks happy
Escuche, ¿ se ríe? ¿ hay de qué?
He looks happy.
Se ve contento.
- Well, he looks happy to me.
- A mí me parece que alegre.
You know, I don't even know if he looks happy... of if he would even take the drug.
Sabes, ni siquiera sé si parece feliz. O si tomaría la droga.
- He looks happy.
- Parece contento.
- Yeah, he looks happy.
- Si, parece estar contento.
There he looks happy.
Ahí se ve feliz.
- He looks happy.
- Se ve feliz.
Looks like Alice is going to get married, and I think she'll be very happy because we just met the boy you sent her and he looks fine.
Parece ser que Alice se va a casar y creo que será muy feliz, porque acabamos de conocer al chico que le has enviado y tiene buen aspecto.
Looks happy, don't he?
- Se ve contento, ¿ verdad?
He also looks happy.
Ella también parece feliz.
He always looks happy.
Ella también parece feliz. Ni siquiera se rompió al caer.
- He looks extraordinarily happy to me. Calm, yet strangely aloof.
Lo veo extraordinariamente feliz... tranquilo, pero curiosamente distante.
How happy he looks now.
Que feliz parece.
He looks so glum, rather than happy as he usually was.
Luce más bien sombrío en vez de lo alegre que solía ser.
He looks real happy, doesn't he?
Se le ve muy feliz,? no?
I must say, he looks uncommonly happy for someone so deep in debt.
Parece demasiado contento para una persona tan endeudada.
- ¿ Está bien? - Dios mío.
He even looks happy.
Incluso parece feliz.
He looks so happy today, doesn't he?
Se lo ve tan feliz hoy, ¿ no?
And he looks as if nothing happened at all. He's even happy.
Parece no percatarse de nada, incluso está feliz.
- He looks like a happy guy.
Parece un tipo feliz.
And he looks very happy.
Y se ve muy feliz.
He looks so happy.
Se ve tan feliz.
He's looks happy.
Parece contento...
He looks quite happy to me.
Yo lo veo muy contento.
So he felt the need to compensate, and in a way I feel sorry for him. He looks at us and sees us happy together.
Por tanto necesita compensar, supongo, y siento pena por él porque nos mira y nos ve felices juntos.
He is happy, gives good looks.
Es alegre, le da buen aspecto.
Destroy all pictures where he looks sexy and you look happy.
Destruir todas las fotos en dónde él estuviese sexy y tú parecieses feliz.
He looks fabulous. - Happy anniversary, Mom.
- Feliz aniversario, mamá
- He looks very happy.
Se le ve feliz, ¿ no?
He looks very happy with himself, that coyote. Look, ears down...
Se ve muy satisfecho de símismo, ese coyote.
"Look how happy he looks."
Mira qué feliz está "
He looks pretty happy to me.
Parece estar muy contento.
- Luke looks happy, doesn't he?
- Parece que Luke esta contento, ¿ no?
Actually looks like he used to be happy.
En realidad parece que solía ser feliz.
Slütter never looks happy, but I assure you he's full of joy, he only needs a little lesson in Realpolitik.
Slütter nunca luce contento, Pero te aseguro que él está lleno de alegría, sólo necesita un pequeña lección sobre Realpolitik.
I'm not sure he'd be happy someone looks at them without telling him.
No se si le agradaría que alguien los viera sin que el sepa.
He looks really happy.
Se ve muy feliz.
- Looks like. - Do you think he's happy?
- Así parece, - ¿ Crees que está contento?
Oh, he looks happy.
- Oh, luce contento!
Man, he looks really happy.
Vaya, parece muy feliz.
Pedro looks so handsome here, he seems so happy.
Pedro está tan guapo aquí. Parece tan feliz.
So you'd he happy if somebody exterminated the two of us and everybody that looks like us?
Estarías feliz si alguien nos exterminara a los dos y a todos los que se parecen a nosotros.
He looks so happy.
Parece feliz.

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