Here i was tradutor Espanhol
27,633 parallel translation
Yeah, definitely when I was paragliding over the French Alps, there was a moment in there where I was just so grateful for the opportunity to be here and to be able to do this.
Sí, cuando estaba en parapente sobre los Alpes Franceses, hubo un momento ahí en el que me sentí muy agradecida por la oportunidad de estar aquí y poder hacer esto.
Because I think so much has changed since he was here, and he feels it.
Porque creo que han cambiado muchas cosas desde que estuvo aquí y lo nota.
I was never here.
Yo nunca estuve aquí.
I was waiting to interrogate him until you got here.
Estaba esperando para interrogarlo hasta que tú llegaras.
I used to eat in here even when I was an undergrad.
También venía cuando era alumno. ¿ Cuál es tu plan?
I didn't say I was from here.
No dije que lo fuera.
It was right there and I was right here.
Fue allí mismo y yo estaba aquí.
I was gonna leave her and her smoldering spawn here, but then I saw her pain speak to you and, well, I'm just a sucker for a reunion.
La iba a dejar aquí junto con su engendro ardiente, pero luego vi que su dolor te estaba llamando. Y a mí me encantan las reuniones.
Look, I was here before years ago.
Mira, yo estaba aquí antes hace años.
I was almost out of here.
Yo estaba casi fuera de aquí.
When I was last here, Sir Roger thought it was as mad a plan as I did.
Cuando estuve la última vez aquí, Sir Roger pensó, como yo, que era un plan demente.
I was hoping that there's some teams still here at the Roadblock.
Siempre espero que algún equipo siga haciendo el Bloqueo.
OK... Was I here before?
- Muy bien, ¿ ya estuve aquí?
I thought you said he was already here.
Me habías dicho que ya estaba aquí.
I thought something happened here because she left me a weird voice mail, and I couldn't tell if it was serious or not, but...
Pensé que algo pasó aquí porque ella me dejó un mensaje de voz extraño, y no podía decir si era en serio o no, pero...
I debated for the longest time if it was okay to come here.
Le he dado muchas vueltas a la cabeza si el hecho de venir aquí estaría bien.
I, uh, was here for close to two years during my undercover days.
Yo, ah... estuve aquí cerca de dos años durante mis días de encubierta.
Main selling point is I was never worried I was gonna be shot here.
El punto principal es que nunca estuve preocupada de que fuera a ser tiroteada aquí.
All I have wanted since I first walked into Trauma One was to feel like I belonged here.
Lo único que quería desde que llegué a Trauma Uno, fue sentirme parte de este lugar.
Yeah, but you know, some of the stuff was shipped down after I had been here for a while.
Sí, pero sabes, algunas de esas cosas me fueron enviadas después de que ya llevaba aquí un tiempo.
Hey. I thought no one was supposed to be living here.
Oye... pensé que nadie estaba viviendo aquí.
- It was my choice to come here to serve you, to protect you, and I will.
- Fue elección mía el venir aquí para servirte y protegerte, y lo haré.
She would not be happy to think I was standing here now.
Ella no sería feliz al pensar que estoy aquí parado ahora.
I knew what he was and I'm heartily ashamed for bringing him here.
Yo sabía cómo estaba y me avergüenza profundamente haberlo traído aquí.
Tyler, I only came here because you said I was old news.
Tyler, solo vengo porque dijiste que yo ya no les intereso.
And I noticed that he has a lot of cough medicine and stuff here, so the man was not faking his cold.
y me di cuenta de que él tiene un montón de medicamentos para la tos y cosas aquí, por lo que el hombre no estaba fingiendo su resfriado.
It's so much bigger than when I was here last.
Es mucho más grande que cuando estuve la última vez.
I thought when you called me in here, it was gonna be another terrible day,
Pensé cuando me llamaron aquí qué iba a ser otro terrible día
Do you remember how uncooperative I was when I first moved in here?
¿ Te acuerdas de cómo fui poco cooperativo cuando llegué aquí?
I-I was waiting by the elevator, and he's here. Who?
Estaba esperando el ascensor, y está aquí
Here, I thought I was in trouble, but I'm...
Pensé que estaba en problemas, pero...
I mean, if word got out that a FBI agent was killed here, they would just shut us down!
Es decir, si se sabe que una Agente del FBI murió aquí, ¡ sólo nos cerrarían!
I must say that coming here today was not my decision, but rather that of my employers at the United Nations.
Debo decir que venir aquí hoy no fue mi decisión, sino más bien la de mis empleadores en las Naciones Unidas.
Oh, I was, until Chanel wheeled me in here.
Estaba, hasta que Chanel me trajo aquí.
I was looking for my present, but then Chanel Pour Homme said he wanted it more than I did so I figured I'd just let him have it and I came back up here.
Estaba buscando mi regalo, pero luego Chanel para Hombres dijo que lo quería más que yo por lo que pensé que debía dejar que lo tuviera y volví aquí arriba.
I came here because I was curious.
estoy aquí porque tenía curiosidad.
This bitch was caught escaping and I know there is an accomplice in here.
Hemos atrapado a esta zorra tratando de escapar. Y sé que hay cómplices aquí.
I'm really glad that my dad was here for that challenge, because his surgeon hands just went to work and I was his... nurse assistant!
Me alegro de que mi padre esté haciendo esta prueba, porque sus manos de cirujano están trabajando y yo era su enfermera asistente.
I was here first.
Yo estaba aquí antes.
I was never here.
Nunca estuve aquí.
Looks like Henry was here, but I don't think he was alone.
Parece que Henry estuvo aquí, pero no vino solo.
And I was here when Debbie got her first period.
Y aquí estaba yo cuando a Debbie le vino el periodo por primera vez.
I know Richie had been here for a while because the pot roast was half gone.
Sé que Richie llevaba aquí un tiempo porque quedaba la mitad del asado.
Yeah, we did have an arrangement. I was gonna come in for my physical and then you give me my pills. There's a much bigger problem here.
Sí, que yo vendría para mi examen y me darías mis pastillas.
I didn't know anybody was here.
- No sabía que había alguien.
I had no idea there was somebody here.
No tenía idea de que había alguien.
When everyone here talked me into running for alderman, I was told it was a side job.
Cuando todos aquí me convencieron para lanzarme como concejal... me dijeron que era un trabajo extra.
It's funny, I pictured living in Manhattan, but I've only been to Manhattan maybe three times since I got here. - And how long ago was that?
Es curioso, me imaginaba estando en Manhattan, pero sólo he estado en Manhattan tres veces tal vez desde que estoy aquí.
When I first got here, he was one of the worst people I had ever met in my life.
Cuando entramos aquí por primera vez, él era una de las peores personas que había conocido en mi vida.
I was just here to drop off an outline...
Solo vine para dejarle un resumen...
AKA the real reason Cook sent us in here and let me point out, it was I who referenced the Stallone film where the heroes get screwed.
También conocido como la verdadera razón de Cook nos envió aquí y permítanme señalar, era yo el que hace referencia a la película de Stallone donde los héroes se liman.
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here i come 382
here i go again 25
here is the 17
here i am 1287
here i go 248
here it goes 122
here i am again 16
here is 53
here it is 2313
here i come 382
here i go again 25
here is the 17
here i am 1287
here i go 248
here it goes 122
here i am again 16
here is 53
here is my card 18
here i stand 20
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
here i stand 20
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was thinking about you 32
i was just wondering 282
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
i was just wondering 282
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211