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Human nature tradutor Espanhol

1,142 parallel translation
Ennoble both human nature
Tú eres aquella que ennoblece tanto la natureza humana
Simple and understandable human nature.
Simple y comprensible naturaleza humana.
"'An observer of human nature, Sir,'said Mr. Pickwick.
"'Un observador de la naturaleza humana', dijo el Sr. Pickwick.
I'm a good judge of human nature. I knew we'd see eye to eye.
Tenía bastante claro que nos pondríamos de acuerdo.
It's in human nature, you know.
Está en la naturaleza humana, ya sabes.
But the threads that make up our human nature are two-ended.
Pero los hilos que traman la naturaleza humana tiene dos extremos.
It's their nature, human nature.
Es su naturaleza, la naturaleza humana.
Listen, if there's one sure-fire rule that I have learned in this business is that I don't know anything about human nature. I don't know anything about curiosity.
Escucha, si hay algo que he aprendido en este trabajo es que no sé nada sobre la naturaleza humana no sé nada acerca de la curiosidad.
and that all it did was... to administer the transformation of human nature into something servile to the state.
Todo lo que tenían de hecho era mucho énfasis en obediencia y servir al estado
They don't accept the selfish principles that were given to human nature by divine providence,
No aceptan los principios de egoísmo del ser humano.
Conflict is part of human nature and must be dealt with, not covered up.
El conflicto es parte de la naturaleza humana... y se debe enfrentar, y no mascararlo.
What is a bourgeois Woodford? What if not someone who simply has lost faith in the capacity of human nature for radical transformation.
¿ Qué es un burgués... sino alguien que no cree... que el hombre pueda llegar a transformarse por completo?
- Human nature.
- La naturaleza humana.
For me, human nature, within its borders, can bring joy and suffering to some degree.
La naturaleza humana tiene límites. Puedo soportar alegría y tristeza hasta un punto, más allá...
I am convinced that it is very common indeed, that human nature is particularly prone to it, and there are very few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self-complacency on some quality or other, real or imagined.
Y hay muy pocos de nosotros que no alberguemos un sentimiento de auto complacencia en una cualidad u otra, real o imaginaria.
Fundamental changes in society are sometimes labeled impractical or contrary to human nature as if nuclear war were practical or as if there were only one human nature.
Cambios fundamentales en la sociedad a veces se rotulan de impracticables o contrarios a la naturaleza humana o como si hubiese una sola naturaleza humana.
A good judge of human nature.
- Que aguda.
Human nature.
Es la naturaleza humana.
Gossip, I prefer to call it a healthy interest in human nature.
Prefiero llamarles un sano interés por la naturaleza humana.
That's human nature for you.
Esa es la naturaleza humana para usted.
Human nature, Mr. Von Bohm...
La naturaleza humana, Sr. Von Bohm...
Do we know human nature?
¿ Conocemos la naturaleza humana?
A shame such an astute observer of human nature is stuck behind a bar.
Un gran observador del comportamiento humano de camarero... Qué lástima.
Your intuitive grasp of human nature is so... so...
Tu intuición sobre la naturaleza humana es tan... Tan...
And when you do that, it calls on something in human nature that makes his hatred for you decrease and his respect increase.
se apela a algo de la naturaleza humana que disminuye su odio y aumenta su respeto por ti.
Showing feelings of an almost human nature
Mostrando sentimientos de naturaleza casi humana.
I think that applies to human nature, too.
Creo que se aplica a la naturaleza humana, también.
It's human nature.
Es la naturaleza humana.
But the Institute's Code of Honor embodies an ideal that transcends human nature.
Pero el Código de Honor del Instituto Encarna un ideal Que trasciende la naturaleza humana.
He doesn't know the first thing about human nature.
No sabe qué es lo primordial en la naturaleza humana.
We're about to make millions of dollars in frozen orange juice and you're talking about human nature.
Vamos a ganar millones de dólares con el zumo de naranja helado, y te da por hablar de la naturaleza humana.
Uncle, you are not human nature! Right!
Tío, eres inhumano!
As a matter of fact, the only difference between you and me is that you still believe that human nature is basically good.
Yo siendo un hombre sensible, de hecho... la única diferencia entre usted y yo es que usted aun cree que la naturaleza humana es básicamente buena.
Whereas, I have no doubt that human nature is basically corrupt.
Yo en cambio no tengo duda de que la naturaleza humana es básicamente corrupta.
According to Shakespeare, there was something operating... in nature, perhaps inside human nature itself, that was rotten.
Acorde con Shakespeare, habia algo operando... en la naturaleza, quiza dentro de la naturaleza humana misma, eso fue corrupto.
We create human nature.
Nosotros creamos la naturaleza humana.
Well, that's human nature.
, es la naturaleza humana.
I could tell you tales of cobblers wags that would disgust you with human nature.
Podría contarle a usted anécdotas del empleo de cera de zapatero remendón... como para que se asquease de la condición humana.
But that's human nature, isn't it, arguments between brothers and sisters?
Eso es parte de la naturaleza humana. Los hermanos discuten...
I am the only man living who understands human nature.
" Soy el único hombre vivo que comprende la naturaleza humana...
The maggot cells changed the structure of the human cells into their own nature.
La cosa es que las células del gusano han cambiado la estructura de las células humanas a su propia naturaleza.
So it is difficult to distinguish a human form or even to determine the nature of an object at all.
Por lo tanto, es difícil distinguir una forma humana o incluso para determinar la naturaleza de un objeto en general.
Us poor human men are submitted to the laws of nature like the animals. Yes, the laws of nature as for the animals.
Nosotros, pobres humanos, estamos sometidos igual que los animales a las leyes de la naturaleza...
If nature doesn't destroy the environment, it is very possible that the human being will.
Si la naturaleza no se autodestruye, es muy posible que la la humanidad lo logre.
I am a pacifist by nature with a deep Quaker belief in the sanctity of human life.
Soy un pacifista por naturaleza, como un cuáquero porque creo profundamente en la santidad de la vida humana.
The diversity of the phenomena of nature is so great and the treasures hidden in the heavens so rich precisely in order that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment. "
La diversidad de los fenómenos naturales es tan grande y los tesoros ocultos en el cielo son tan ricos precisamente con el fin de que la mente humana nunca carezca de su alimento ".
Nature's own human element.
La naturaleza posee el elemento humano.
That's coming from a man very late on in his life who understood a great deal about the nature of human beings, perhaps more than any man that's lived.
Este es mi asistente, el Capitán Hans Geering. Parece demasiado sano para estar aquí.
- Human nature to tell lies.
Mentir es la naturaleza humana.
Difficulties are right in the methods... but also in the human species by nature, you see?
La gran dificultad está en los métodos, pero más aún en la condición humana. ¿ Se entiende?
The nature of human... A teacher mistakenly took his wife's skirt His wife must've taken his pants by mistake
El maestro tomó la falda de su esposa por equivocación...

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