I begged you tradutor Espanhol
533 parallel translation
And I begged you not to accept his invitation!
Y espero que tú no aceptes su invitación.
I begged you to send me away, but you wouldn't.
Le rogué que me trasladara, pero no lo hizo.
I begged you not to.
Le rogué que no lo hiciera.
- I begged you not to write to me.
- Le rogué que no me escribiese.
I begged you not to do it.
Te supliqué que no lo hicieras.
Alyosha, I begged you to come with me!
Aliosha, ¡ te rogué que vinieras conmigo!
Te rogué que no lo hicieras.
The cage was wide open. I begged you to get out.
Abrí la jaula y te rogué que salieras.
But I learned my mistake and I begged you to turn around and go back.
Pero asumí mi error, entonces te rogué que renunciaras.
I begged you to stay away from Fuseli.
Te supliqué que te alejaras de Fuseli.
Last night I begged you to come to me.
Anoche te supliqué que vinieras a mí.
One thing I begged you to do.
Steve, I begged you not to lie to me.
Steve, te rogué que no me mintieras.
Loxi, when we found you aboard, I begged you to go ashore.
Cuando la encontré a bordo, le rogué que regresara a la costa.
I begged you to stay away from him.
- Te rogué que te apartases de él. Te prevení.
I begged you to come with me.
Recuerda, yo te fui a buscar.
I begged you to let me go. I pleaded with you.
Quiero que me dejes.
I begged you, yes.
Sí, te lo pedí.
I begged you but you're so stubborn and I'm begging you so don't treat me like an old cloth.
Ya te rogué, condenada sigue montada en tu macho'ora voy de suplicada no me trates como hilacho.
I don't have the authority to forbid you, but what if I begged you?
No tengo autoridad para prohibírselo, pero... ¿ y si se lo suplicara?
That's why I begged you this morning... not to treat this tragic crime with thoughtless emotionalism.
Por eso te rogaba esta mañana que no trataras este trágico crimen con insensata emotividad.
I begged you on my knees, but you deserted me.
Te rogué de rodillas, pero tú me abandonaste.
To tell you that I begged your pardon and that I forgave you.
Para deciros que pedía perdón y que perdonaba.
Do you remeber how much I begged you and how you despised me?
¿ Recuerdas cuanto te rogué y como me despreciabas?
You see? I begged you to keep quiet!
Les había rogado que se callasen.
I wouldn't go back to work for you if you begged me on your hands and knees!
¡ No volvería a trabajar para ti aunque me lo pidieses de rodillas!
I would have begged to hear you thank me... and you stand there, saying nothing... as if you've already made me suffer enough.
... y hasta habría ido mendigando, sólo para que me dieras las gracias. Y tú, te quedas aquí, tan tranquilo,
I did it because you begged me. You drove me crazy!
Sólo lo hacía porque me rogaste, me hundiste y me volviste loca.
I just begged for you.
Rogué por ti.
Well, of course I would not go out with you now if you begged me to.
Pero nunca iría con Ud por supuesto...
I have played with you and you've begged me and forgiven me and I haven't cared.
He jugado contigo y tú me has rogado y perdonado, y a mí me daba igual.
Since I have been able to pray again... I have begged God in his mercy to forgive me for having loved you.
Desde que he vuelto a rezar no he cesado de dar gracias a Dios por haberte amado.
That's why I listened to Helen when she begged me not to toss you back into the can.
Por eso escuché a Helen. Me dijo que no os enviara a la cárcel..
Pres, I've begged you not to ever say that to me.
Pres, te he suplicado que jamás me digas eso.
I never begged you in my life.
Nunca te rogué.
Since that time, you've had me thrown out of a newsreel theater, chasing around Manhattan in my pajamas on Christmas eve, conked on the head by a total stranger, robbed of my favorite overcoat, and my fiance, whom I've begged to forgive me... twice a day for the last three years, will undoubtedly never... let me beg her to forgive me again.
Desde entonces, hizo que me echaran de un cine... que me paseara en pijama por Manhattan en Nochebuena... que me golpeara un desconocido, que me robaran mi abrigo favorito... y mi prometida, a quien supliqué que me perdonara... dos veces al día durante los últimos 3 años... sin duda jamás... dejará que le vuelva a suplicar que me perdone.
I once begged you to stay. Now I'm telling you to go!
Ahora te ordeno que te vayas.
Oh, Tarzan, I've practically begged you to fix that shower and here you just sit.
Tarzán, te he suplicado que arregles la ducha y aquí estás.
I've begged him to tell you... That it was only fair to you.
Cada vez que he estado con David,... le he suplicado que se lo dijera.
I begged you not to come here.
¡ No tenías que venir!
- I begged him not to hurt you.
- Le pedí que no te hiciera daño.
Later I begged her to go, because you promised to call me.
Después le he suplicado que se fuera, porque habías prometido llamarme.
You said "I love you so much," you would get annoyed, you begged me, you pestered me ;
"Sí, Georges, te quiero". ¿ Es así? Si contestaba : "Te quiero mucho", te enfadabas, me suplicabas, me acosabas, y cansada te decía :
I thought that if you begged him he would keep quiet.
Pensé que se apartaría y le suplicaría que se callase.
You know... You know, I begged the nurse to let me put on a dress.
Le rogué a la enfermera que me dejara ponerme un vestido.
I've never begged anyone before I hate to beg if you think about it we all make mistakes.
A ninguna le he rogado pos rogar me contramata y viéndolo bien mira'o todos metemos la pata.
I wouldn't write that song if you begged me.
No escribiría esa canción si me rogaras.
Even if I liked you! Even if you went down on bended knees and begged me for it!
Ni aunque me cayera bien, ni aunque me lo pidiera de rodillas.
Not before I had begged your forgiveness. Then you may go now,
No antes de rogarte que me perdones.
I begged her not to tell Joey where you lived.
Le supliqué que no le dijese a Joey donde vivías.
Mother, I begged and begged you to stop.
Madre, le suplico que pare.
i begged him 21
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
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youth 73
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
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youth 73