I killed tradutor Espanhol
31,964 parallel translation
I killed you.
- Te maté.
- If I killed the police, I wouldn't waste a bullet on a kid.
- Si yo matara a un policía, no desperdiciaría una bala en un chico.
I killed Daddy.
Yo maté a papá.
No, I-I killed him,
- No, yo lo maté.
I killed him. I know.
- Lo maté.
I killed the only man I've ever loved.
Maté al único hombre que he amado.
I killed him.
Lo maté.
I killed 27 people to keep that secret, and now is on World Wide Web for whole world to see.
He matado a 27 personas para mantener ese secreto, y ahora está en la World Wide Web para el mundo entero para ver.
such a Goody Two-shoes, but I killed them with a little thing called kindness, and guess who became the next editor-in-chief.
una buenorra dos-zapatos, pero yo los maté con una cosa pequeña llamada bondad, y supongo que se convirtió en el siguiente editor jefe.
Charlotte, do you really think I killed Jill?
Charlotte, ¿ de veras crees que maté a Jill?
I'm up in that sanctuary every day, praying for the souls of the people I killed.
Estoy a diario en ese santuario, orando por las almas de las personas que maté.
No, I killed them, Noah.
No, yo los maté, Noah.
I killed all of them!
¡ Los maté a todos!
I killed one of them with this very blade.
Maté a uno de ellos con esta misma hoja.
I killed my father.
- Maté a mi padre.
When I killed my father, I didn't just destroy his life.
Cuando maté a mi padre... no destruí sólo su vida.
I killed my father, and I left an innocent boy an orphan.
Maté a mi padre... y dejé huérfano a un niño inocente.
I mean, last night you told me you almost killed someone.
Quiero decir, anoche me dijiste que casi matas a alguien.
My parents were killed by a drunk driver when I was 11, and yesterday I found out that
Mis padres murieron por un conductor ebrio cuando tenía 11 y ayer me enteré que
Yeah, well, I'll be normal when I'm home with the woman I love instead of dreaming that the guy I'm sharing a cell with killed her.
Sí, bueno, seré normal cuando esté en casa con la mujer que amo en lugar de soñar que el tipo con el que comparto la celda la va a matar.
- I had a dream last night that I didn't have to inform on Kevin anymore, because he killed Rachel in an accident.
- Anoche tuve un sueño donde ya no tenía que dar informes sobre Kevin, porque había matado a Rachel en un accidente.
But I never killed anybody in my life.
Pero nunca maté a nadie en mi vida.
But right now, I need every available officer out there trying to find who killed two of our own.
Pero ahora mismo, necesito cada oficial disponible allá afuera tratando de encontrar al que mató a dos de los nuestros.
And you know, I would rather look like a crazy bitch than get killed trying to make this show.
Y sabes, prefiero parecer una loca que morir intentando hacer este programa.
I am not getting killed over no damn TV show.
No me van a matar por ningún maldito show de televisión.
You help me find who killed my friend, I'll help you find who killed yours.
Me ayudas a encontrar a quién mató a mi amiga y yo te ayudaré a encontrar a quién mató a los tuyos.
So if you want to find out who killed him and who stole my property, I suggest you start by trying to identify the losing bidders.
Así que si quiere averiguar quién lo mató y robó mi propiedad, le sugiero que comience por identificar a los postores que perdieron.
So what are you suggesting- - that I had Rey Torres killed so I could get the Seal and trade it with the Chinese for the mineral deal?
Entonces, ¿ qué está sugiriendo, que mandé a matar a Rey Torres así podía conseguir el sello e intercambiarlo con los chinos por el acuerdo de los minerales?
Of course that was way back before disco killed life as I knew it.
Claro que eso fue mucho antes de que la música disco matara la vida tal como la conocí.
I've killed so many people, Paul!
¡ He matado a mucha gente, Paul!
I helped cover up that man's murder, so the least you can do is admit it, admit you killed Lee Walsh.
Ayudé a encubrir el asesinato de ese hombre, así que lo menos que puedes hacer es reconocerlo, admite que mataste a Lee Walsh.
When I was seven... my dad killed my mum in front of me.
Cuando tenía siete años... mi papá, mató a mi mamá delante de mí.
I thought you got killed back then.
Pensé que te mataron en aquel momento.
And I've killed too many zombies and humans to give up now.
Y he matado a muchos zombis y humanos como para darme por vencida ahora. TUSUBTITULO - DIFUNDE LA CULTURA -
And I thought that meant that I was remembering that he had killed her.
Pensé que significaba que estaba recordando que él la había matado.
The girl who's been killed... I met her the previous evening.
A la chica que mataron la conocí la noche anterior.
You knew I'd come here and I'd killed him.
Sabía que vendría aquí y que lo mataría.
Every time we get nearly killed, you come down here to talk to your dead dad, and I'm the weird one?
Cada vez que estamos cerca de morir, vienes aquí a hablar con tu padre muerto, ¿ y yo soy el raro?
I don't want us to have killed him.
No quiero que nosotros le matemos.
I have to believe, General, that he's in Algeria trying to help his country, not get killed by it.
Él conocía los riesgos, Señor. Tengo que creer, General, que está en Argelia tratando de ayudar a su país, no haciéndose matar por él.
I've never killed a Kryptonian.
Nunca he asesinado a una kryptoniana.
I have never killed anyone in the ring.
Nunca he matado a nadie en el ring.
Plus, you know, I would feel bad if you went and got yourself killed when I could've helped you. Blah blah...
Además, me sentiría mal si te mataran cuando podría haberte ayudado.
I was so sure he killed Mom.
Muy segura de que había matado a mamá.
I would have killed my father if I could have.
Habría matado a mi padre si hubiese podido.
If I'm the girl who killed Jill, then none of this was your fault.
Si yo fui quien mató a Jill, nada de esto fue culpa tuya.
It was only a matter of time before I got myself killed.
- Era cuestión de tiempo que me mataran.
The night before she was killed. I...
La noche antes de que fuera asesinada.
I've killed somebody once. I can't take another life again.
Ya he matado a alguien una vez.
I'm gonna assume that their professional relationship is over at this point, considering Zhang Kiu just tried to have her killed.
Asumo que su relación profesional ha terminado ahora mismo si tenemos en cuenta que Zhang Kiu ha intentado matarla.
So, in a way, I was the one who killed it.
De alguna manera, lo maté yo.
i killed it 29
i killed a man 52
i killed my brother 18
i killed them all 20
i killed him 428
i killed my wife 16
i killed them 79
i killed you 76
i killed someone 57
i killed her 247
i killed a man 52
i killed my brother 18
i killed them all 20
i killed him 428
i killed my wife 16
i killed them 79
i killed you 76
i killed someone 57
i killed her 247
killed 266
killed it 20
killed in action 17
killed her 59
killed himself 25
killed him 92
i kill you 71
i kill people 18
i kill him 30
i kill 23
killed it 20
killed in action 17
killed her 59
killed himself 25
killed him 92
i kill you 71
i kill people 18
i kill him 30
i kill 23