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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I looked into it

I looked into it tradutor Espanhol

355 parallel translation
I looked into it.
Lo consulté.
I looked into it.
Lo registré.
She was afraid that if i looked into it, The mirror would snatch away my image, and i would die -
Creía que si me miraba en ellos, el espejo robaría mi imagen y yo moriría.
On one wall was a gigantic mirror, and when I looked into it, I didn't see my own face. I saw my wife's.
Sobre una pared había un espejo gigante... y cuando me miré en él no vi mi cara... sino la de mi mujer.
When I looked into it, it was the same day that a hydrogen bomb was detonated in the South Pacific.
Lo he comprobado. Es la misma fecha en que detonaron una bomba H en el Pacífico.
No, I looked into it.
No he robado dinero.
I looked into it, studied the papers.
Lo he mirado, estudié los papeles.
Then he said, and I hadn't thought of it until just now, I swear, he said : "I looked into its deadlights and I wanted to be there."
Hasta ahora, no lo había pensado, pero me dijo "Miré de frente sus luces de la muerte y quise entrar ahí."
I looked into it, and since they've been escorting bombers they haven't lost one to enemy action, sir.
Averigüé y desde que están escoltando no han perdido ni uno ante el enemigo.
- No, I ain't looked into it yet.
- Aún no lo he pensado.
When I was a young girl I looked the world into the eye and I decided I didn't like it.
Desde niña he visto el mundo como es y decidí que no me gustaba.
- I knew it. I knew it the moment I looked into your eyes.
Lo supe en cuanto lo miré a los ojos.
I looked down from the top into the rocks. And there it was.
Miré hacia abajo, donde están las rocas, y allí estaba.
Looked at the walls and looked and looked.. And when I couldn't stand it any longer I got into these clothes and here I am.
Luego regresé al apartamento, miré a las paredes y armarios y, cuando no lo soporté más, me puse este vestido y aquí me tienes.
I've looked into it too many years not to know it.
Son demasiados años observándolo para no darme cuenta.
Don't both of you jump on me. I only mention it as something that should be looked into.
Sólo lo dije para investigar esa posibilidad.
I already looked into it.
Ya lo averigüé.
But I think it's something should be looked into.
Y también creo que debemos ver que es.
If you looked into a magic crystal... and you saw your army destroyed and yourself dead... if you saw that in the future... as I'm sure you're seeing it now... would you continue to fight?
Si miraras una bola de cristal... y vieras a tu ejército destruido y te vieras a ti mismo muerto... si vieras eso en el futuro... como seguro que lo ves ahora... ¿ seguirías luchando?
I should've looked into it sooner.
Debí pensarlo mucho antes.
Yes. I mean, you went into a store, and you looked around, and then you - - you picked out a ring, and then - - And then you bought it for me.
Es decir, fuiste a una tienda, y elegiste un anillo, ¿ y lo compraste para mi?
The one I looked into had a different address on it.
El que yo vi tenía una dirección diferente.
My wife says I oughta have it looked into, so I told her I know this psychiatrist
Mi esposa dice que debería examinar eso así que le dije que conozco a un psiquiatra.
I have looked into their village. I have seen it being done.
He visto su aldea, y he visto cómo los hacen.
. I think he should have looked into it.
Pienso que su deber es investigarlo.
I looked into your eyes, I saw it right away. Leo.
Miré en sus ojos y vi luego.
Because when I looked into the crate, you know, I didn't see it in there.
Pero, ¿ qué pasó con el revólver de culata nacarada? Cuando miré dentro de la caja, no lo vi.
I'm just saying it should be looked into.
- Habría que investigarse el caso.
I looked into that, but it needs work.
Lo he mirado, pero necesito trabajarlo.
I'll certainly have it looked into.
Abriré una investigación.
I'll have it looked into.
- Abriré una investigación.
I've looked into this thing, and a helluva lot of things don't add up about this... what are the cops calling it- - a freak accident?
He revisado esto y hay muchas cosas que no encajan en este... ¿ cómo lo llama la policía? ¿ Un extraño accidente?
Hello? I looked into that, Ed, and it appears that you were right.
Lo he comprobado, Ed, y al parecer tenías razón.
I have looked into your face, straight into it.
He visto en tu cara.
I just looked into the face of insensitivity and dishonesty, and it made me blanch.
Yo miraba a la cara de la insensibilidad y la falta de honradez, y me hizo palidecer.
I'm having it looked into. What else?
Lo están examinando. ¿ Qué más?
And when I looked into those eyes, they told me it was not time to go off chasing rainbows.
Cuando miraba esos ojos, me decian que no era el momento de ir a perseguir el arco iris.
I mean, they looked to me like they were into it last night. Didn't it look that way to you? Huh?
No parecían serlo anoche. ¿ A ti te pareció eso?
I've looked into it.
He mirado ahí dentro.
Well, I said, Mr. President, it's being looked into.
Bien, como le dije, Sr. Presidente, esto está siendo analizado.
I've looked into the research done by Mr. Kitano and I think it has been handled wrongly.
He visto la investigación hecha por el Sr. Kitano y pienso que ha estado muy errado.
I looked into the future and it may be fish.
- Creo que el pescado tiene más futuro.
I said that the man who in 1971 looked into the future and saw that it was named microwave technology, the man who applied Japanese management principles while others kowtowed to the unions, the man who saw the Ma Bell break-up coming from miles away,
Les dije que un hombre que en 1971 miró hacia el futuro y vio el potencial de la tecnología de microondas, que aplicó las ideas de gestión japonesas mientras otros cedían ante los Sindicatos, el hombre que vio a la legua la disolución de Ma Bell,
Yes, I-I-I know it's a mess, but, you see, it got me scriffy, and then when he looked into my eyes and said, "Chipmunk, I love you"...
Sí, ya sé que es un lío, pero es que me han embaucado, luego me ha mirado a los ojos y me ha dicho "ardillita, te quiero."
First thing in the morning, I'll run you into town and we'll have it looked at.
A primera hora te llevaré a la ciudad para que te lo miren.
I looked at it and fell into a coma!
Yo lo mire una vez y entre en coma.
I looked into the mirror, and it seemed a stranger was staring back at me from behind my own eyes...
Me miré en el espejo y percibí a un extraño que me contemplaba a través de mis propios ojos...
She stepped into the spin, then I'm not sure but it looked like she got caught in his lederhosen.
Entró en la pirueta y no estoy segura pero pareció que ella se enganchó en su lederhosen.
I went into his study, and he was sitting at his desk. Well, at least that's how it looked.
Subí a su estudio, y estaba sentado a la mesa de su despacho bueno, eso fue lo que me pareció.
I've never really looked into it.
Sí. No abrí para ver.
I looked right into it.
La miraba de frente.

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