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If we have to tradutor Espanhol

14,242 parallel translation
If we have to shove each and every one of them up their own asses.
Si tenemos que empujar a todos y cada uno uno de ellos sus propios culos,
If we have to wait for a whole week, who is going to pay for it?
¿ Quién va a pagar si necesitamos esperar aquí por una semana?
Longer if we have to drag that thing with us.
Más tiempo si tenemos que arrastrar esa cosa con nosotros.
I wonder if we'll have time to see Ernest Hemingway's house.
Ojalá podamos ver la casa de Hemingway.
And if there are self-made purgatories... and we all have to live in them... mine can be no worse than someone else's.
Y si hay purgatorios hechos a sí mismos... Y todos tenemos vivir en ellas... Mina puede haber peor la de otra persona.
Davis / Dexter would take a serious PR hit if this were to become public knowledge, but, as citizens, we do have a duty to protect the civic interest.
Davis / Dexter tomaría un serio golpe PR Si esto llegara a ser de conocimiento público, pero, como ciudadanos, tenemos el deber para proteger el interés ciudadano.
- If it were up to me, we'd go straight to your desk but I have agreed with the others to go through protocol.
Si fuera por mi iría directo a la prueba... pero estoy de acuerdo con los demás, y seguiremos el protocolo.
Yeah, if we have a road game that means I'm gonna have to fly back in the middle of it.
Si tenemos algo fuera, tendré que volar de vuelta.
If he says anything about General Walker, we have to hear it.
Si dice algo sobre el General Walker, tenemos que escucharlo.
We have to hear if shooting General Walker is George's idea or Lee's.
Tenemos que escuchar si disparar al General Walker es la idea de George o de Lee.
It's funny if you think about it, all you'd have to do is punch the accelerator into oncoming traffic and we wouldn't have to deal with any of this shit.
Es curioso si se piensa en ello, todo lo que tendría que hacer es perforar el acelerador circular en dirección contraria y no tener que lidiar con cualquiera de esta mierda.
If we're gonna have this relationship, we have to talk.
Si vamos a tener esta relación, tenemos que hablar.
Even if we get the baby, we have no way to get out of here.
Aunque recuperemos a la bebé, no tenemos cómo salir.
Look, I think if we can get Conner to agree to parity, then we have three. - Yeah.
Si Connor accede a paga igualitaria, tendríamos a tres y CMG podría estar de acuerdo...
And if we focus on his lies, and, equally important, his motives for lying, there's absolutely no reason we should have to produce eyewitnesses to these horrors.
Y si nos centramos en sus mentiras, e, igualmente importante, sus motivos para mentir, no hay absolutamente ninguna razón por la que... debamos producir testigos oculares, de estos horrores.
I have this terrible fear that if I'd have been ordered to do some of the things we saw today that...
Tengo este terrible miedo de que si me hubieran pedido... hacer algunas de las cosas que vimos hoy...
We don't have to have a military thing, because if you can reach people... you tend to get more out of them. That's my philosophy.
No debe ser un entrenamiento militar porque si conectas con la persona, pueden dar más de sí mismos, esa es mi filosofía.
You come to my office in a few weeks, with your new puppy, and if bad men haven't shown up with guns to kill the poor little innocent puppy by then, then maybe we have a chance at having a dinner date without bullets and boat chases.
Vienes a verme a la oficina en unas semanas, con tu nuevo cachorro, y si para entonces no se han presentado rufianes armados a matar al pobre cachorro, entonces quizá haya posibilidades de que salgamos a cenar sin disparos ni persecuciones en bote.
Adam, if time travel existed, don't you think that we would know about it because someone would have come back in time to make us aware?
Si se pudiera viajar en el tiempo, ¿ no crees que lo sabríamos, porque alguien hubiera venido... - a decirnos?
If we'd gone to the Vineyard, we wouldn't have eaten mushrooms, you wouldn't have lost your fucking mind.
Si hubiéramos ido al viñedo, no habríamos comido hongos, ni te habrías vuelto loco.
We wanted you to know that, with all this travel back and forth from Virginia, you have my number and if anybody arrests you, you have them get in touch with us.
Con tantas idas y venidas a Virginia... Tienen mi número. Si alguien les arresta, díganle que nos llame.
If we lose, then we would have to go back to Washington.
Si perdemos, tendríamos que volver a Washington.
If we can't get in, we'll just have to get Wayne to come out.
Si nosotros no podemos entrar, tendremos que hacer que Wayne salga.
What I'm saying is... ♪ We're gonna have to kill you if you sing the freakin'song ♪
Lo que estoy diciendo es... ♪ Estamos a tener que matarte si cantas la canción pasada " ♪
We have counseling services if you and your son would like to speak with...
Tenemos servicios de asesoramiento si usted y su hijo quisieran hablar con... - Tengo que irme.
We still have to question those waiting to board It's best that the murderer doesn't know about this If we identify the body, we'll be a step ahead
Interrogar a los pasajeros que deben abordar el ferry... hará que el asesino no sospeche nada, y si identificamos a la víctima vamos a tener un buen avance.
We've decided to have one last session with you, and if we can't resolve it, it's over.
Hemos decidido tener una última sesión con usted y si no podemos resolverlo, se acabó.
- Listen, I'm not gonna give a gun to his chin, if you just let us have a few weapons, maybe a car, we'll be out of your beautiful hair.
Escucha, no le voy a dar un arma a su mentón si solo nos prestan unas cuantas armas, tal vez un auto, y saldremos de tu hermosa vida.
I have a feeling we can't stop this thing if we wanted to right now.
Tengo la sensación de que no detendremos esto... si no lo hacemos ahora.
If this marriage doesn't happen, we won't have Rheda's iron weapons to defend ourselves and we'll all die.
Si este matrimonio no se lleva a cabo, no tendremos las armas de Rheda para defendernos... y moriremos.
We don't have to share a bed, but if we don't share a room, people will talk.
No tenemos que compartir el lecho, pero si no compartimos estancias, la gente hablará.
What if we just keep living here, and if they try to take the farm, we'll just have a shootout, like Scarface.
¿ Por qué no seguimos viviendo aquí y si quieren tomar la granja, hacemos un tiroteo, como en Scarface?
Although I'm telling this group right now, if we're naked, I have to lose six to eight pounds.
Aunque le digo al grupo ahora mismo, que si nos desnudamos, tengo que perder de tres a cuatro kilos.
You know, if... if I let your dog shit slide, then I have to be okay then I have to be okay with this whole plaza filling up with it, which it would before we know it.
Sabe, si... si dejo pasar la mierda de su perro, entonces tengo que aceptar que toda esta plaza esté llena, y lo estaría antes que nos diéramos cuenta.
We have no idea if we gotta talk to the union....
No tenemos idea de si debemos hablar con el sindicato...
If you had, we could have worked it out to get you in on this without attracting attention.
Si lo hubieras hecho, hubiéramos resuelto cómo meterte en esto sin llamar la atención.
If Winston is dying, we'll have to pull the morning editions, I need a telephone.
Si Winston está muriendo, vamos a tener que tirar de las ediciones matutinas, necesito un teléfono.
You know what? I'm gonna have a quick look at the menu'cause I really wanna decide what I'm gonna order, and it's hard for me to concentrate if we...
Voy a mirar rápido el menú porque quiero decidir qué voy a pedir, y me cuesta concentrarme si...
Wouldn't have to tell anybody if we didn't feel like it.
Si no queremos, no le decimos a nadie.
- Doesn't have to bother us if we don't let it.
Si no pensamos en eso, no nos agobiará.
If we want to get to Polis before the attack, we have to move.
Si queremos llegar a Polis antes del ataque, debemos darnos prisa.
If we miss the next train, we have to wait another 20 minutes.
Si perdemos el siguiente tren, tenemos que esperar otros 20 minutos.
Which we wouldn't have had to do in the first place if you weren't such a monumental jerk!
¡ Lo cual no hubiese pasado, en primer lugar, si no fueras un tremendo idiota!
Well, we have a kingdom to save, even if the king isn't home right now.
Bueno, tenemos un reino que salvar, aun si el rey no está en casa ahora mismo.
You have to tell people you'll go through a wall if you have to, - not "I'll fight, and we'll see what happens."
Tienes que decir que atravesarás una pared si es necesario, no "yo pelearé y veré lo que pasa."
We have to play the game if we're gonna survive.
Tenemos que jugar a este juego para sobrevivir.
If we take a car, I can take you back home in a day, and you can all see for yourselves who we are and what we have to offer.
Si tomamos un auto, puedo llevarlos a casa en un día, y pueden ver por sí mismos quienes somos y que tenemos para ofrecer.
If we survive this threat and it's not over, another one will be back to take its place, to take what we have.
Si sobrevivimos a esta amenaza y que no ha terminado, otro a estar de vuelta para tomar su lugar, a tomar lo que tenemos.
We have to try, even if it's a long shot, even if it's dangerous.
Tenemos que intentarlo, aunque sea una apuesta arriesgada, aunque sea peligroso.
If I play my cards right over the next few years, we're not going to have to worry about money ever again.
Si juego bien mis cartas los próximos años, no tendremos que preocuparnos más por el dinero.
If your girlfriend really is in that thing, then we have nothing to worry about, right?
Si tu novia está de verdad en esa cosa, entonces no tenemos nada de lo que preocuparnos, ¿ verdad?

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