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Incompatible tradutor Espanhol

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Quite unsuited to my wife.
Bastante incompatible con mi mujer.
When a marriage is incompatible with a dynasty... an heir may wed under special circumstances
Concesiones voluntariamente aceptadas al realizar una unión incompatible con las leyes dinásticas.
And if his task was at odds with your presence?
¿ Y si su tarea fuera ahora incompatible con su presencia? ¿ Lo ve?
Woman and science are incompatible.
Las mujeres y la ciencia son incompatibles.
I always believe science and marriage to be incompatible but it's stupid to believe in generalization.
Siempre he creído que ciencia y matrimonio son incompatibles. Pero es estupido obstinarse en generalizar.
- Don't worry, I'm well aware. Love and crime make incompatible bedfellows. The most perfect criminal can be traced and caught if he leaves his heart behind him as a clue.
Los delitos y el amor son incompatibles, juzgarán al delincuente perfecto si se deja llevar por el corazón.
Democracy doesn't have a timetable.
La democracia es incompatible con el mando.
I did not think that they were incompatible.
No pensé que fueran incompatibles.
Our ways of life are too different, our backgrounds are incompatible.
Nuestra forma de vivir es diferente, nuestros orígenes incompatibles.
That you were in love, married, and worked at it... had a few spats and some bad luck but what is it makes you incompatible?
Me han dicho que se enamoraron, se casaron y convivieron. Discutieron varias veces y tuvieron mala suerte, pero ¿ qué les hace incompatibles?
He sounds incompatible to me.
Me parece incompatible.
You understand, my friend, that it's incompatible with your dignity and mine for my wife to accept a gift of such value from you.
Compréndame, querido amigo, que es incompatible con su dignidad y la mía que mi mujer acepte de Ud. un regalo de tal importancia.
- Your conduct was incompatible with that required of a future doctor.
- Su conducta es incompatible... con la requerida en un futuro médico.
"to the rules of the regiment." "whose family situation is incompatible with the rules of the regiment."
Bien. "Situación familiar es contraria al sentido", después lo escribo, "del reglamento del ejército".
This.. this stupid black and white idea that honesty and profit are incompatible.
Odio esta creencia que pretende que la justicia y el beneficio son incompatibles.
Childhood and sadness are incompatible.
La niñez y la tristeza son incompatibles.
Don't you think that the dignity of a priest cannot be reduced to asking for charity?
¿ No cree que la dignidad de un sacerdote es incompatible con la humillación de pedir limosna?
Completely incompatible.
Es completamente incompatible.
It's not surprising. Our beliefs are incompatible.
Me sorprendería, nuestras creencias son irreconciliables
He doesn't match the method of the murder.
Y eso es incompatible con el asesinato.
You'll be fundamentally incompatible.
No vas a compatibilizar mucho con ellos.
It's inconsistent with the philosophy of "every man for himself".
Es incompatible con su filosofía de "cada hombre a lo suyo".
And the dosage I have to take now to be Cordelier again is incompatible with the human body.
Y la dosis que necesitaría para volver a ser Cordelier desborda la capacidad del cuerpo humano.
The application of thermal energy to two incompatible metastable compounds brought about fusion, the release of explosive gases, and a residue.
La aplicación de energía térmica a dos compuestos metaestables provoca su fusión, y la emisión de gases explosivos y de residuos.
But we're basically incompatible, Charlie.
Pero somos incompatibles, Charlie.
Licentiousness of mind, if not of conduct, is incompatible with the Christian conscience.
Los pensamientos licenciosos y no sólo las acciones son incompatibles con los estudios y con el pensamiento cristiano.
It's obvious. You and I are totally incompatible!
Es obvio. ¡ Tú y yo somos totalmente incompatibles!
"Unsuitable for further promotion," I think the phrase was.
"Incompatible con futuros ascensos", creo que fue la frase.
Its meticulous design, its powerful yet simple lines, and its uncommon elegance all prove that beauty isn't incompatible with top performance.
sobria prueba que la elegancia no es incompatible con los resultados.
- It is incompatible with these articles.
- es incompatible con estos artículos. -?
Bach is certainly very classical, but nothing like your songs.
¿ No le parece incompatible su música con la clásica?
Completely incompatible.
Son completamente incompatibles.
No te lo creas. Es incompatible...
We still have no specifics, but we seem to have entered a zone of energy which is incompatible with our living and mechanical processes.
Nada específico, pero parece que entramos a una zona de energía incompatible con nuestros procesos mecánicos y de subsistencia.
It's incompatible with the honor of an honest and healthy man.
Es incompatible con el honor de un hombre honesto y saludable.
Addiction is a vice incompatible with honor.
La adicción es un vicio incompatible con el honor.
You're wildly incompatible.
- Muy inconsistente.
And lastly... because I am very busy embroidering my wedding outfit, an occupation I haven't interrupted but to eat, which is quite incompatible with the ideas and passions of a conspiracy.
Cuarto : por estar entretenido... en bordar un vestido para mi casamiento, entretenimiento del cual me alejaba apenas para comer, algo incompatible con las ideas y pasiones de una conspiración.
They are incompatible.
Son incompatibles.
We're-We're incompatible.
- Somos incompatibles.
Would you believe... that they're incompatible, Mac?
¿ Qué te parece eso, Mac?
Her blood was not evil, it was incompatible.
Era incompatible.
Fedya, you're incompatible.
Fedya, eres incompatible.
I'm incompatible.
Somos incompatibles.
¿ Incompatible?
This order conflicts with my prime directive.
Esa orden es incompatible con mi directriz principal.
Admitting you're sick and seeking help is incompatible with insanity.
El solo hecho de decirse enfermo, y querer que lo curen ; es incompa - tible con la locura.
today, the family is the primary reason for the existence of and the primary support of capitalism, and so it is incompatible with socialism.
La familia es actualmente... la primera razón y el principal soporte del régimen capitalista, y por esta razón, es incompatible con la vida socialista.
There's an enzyme in avocado that's incompatible with your blood chemistry.
El aguacate tiene una enzima incompatible con tu química sanguínea.
"Genius is incοmρatible with the ρhysiοlοgy and ρsyche οf the female and is always strictly masculine."
"Incompatible con la fisiología y la psicología femenina el genio es sólo masculino."
¿ incompatibles?

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