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It's worth it tradutor Espanhol

11,267 parallel translation
And you'd better hope it's worth something, my friend, or I'm putting that bullet back where I found it.
Y será mejor que valga la pena, amigo mío, o te vuelvo a meter la bala donde estaba.
But if something is that important, it's worth considering more than once.
Pero algo tan importante merece ser pensado más de una vez.
And for whatever it's worth, I am loyal to you.
Y si te sirve de algo, te soy leal.
Look, I heard what the Osela said to you, and for what it's worth, it's not true.
Mira, he oído lo que te ha dicho Osela, y por si sirbe de algo, no es verdad.
And you think it's worth dying for?
¿ Y crees que merece la pena morir por eso?
It's got to be worth something.
Tiene que valer de algo.
It's worth 100,000 yen on a collector's market.
Vale 100.000 yenes en el mercado de coleccionistas.
For what it's worth, I never suggested they decline the surgery.
Si sirve de algo, nunca sugerí que rechazaran la cirugía.
But I suppose it's worth a shot.
Pero supongo que vale la pena intentarlo.
Well, maybe it's worth checking to see if this Jane Doe has any memory of the moment right before she woke up.
Bueno, quizá vale la pena ir a ver si esta desconocida tiene algún recuerdo del momento justo antes de despertar. Bien, tiempo fuera.
It's worth investigating, don't you think?
Vale la pena investigarlo, ¿ no cree?
What could be so important that it's worth all this?
¿ Qué podría ser tan importante que es digno de todo esto?
For what it's worth, in my book, you were a hero long before you shot that intruder.
Para lo que sirva, en mi libro, eras una heroína antes de dispararle al intruso.
But for what it's worth,
- Usted resolver distancia.
When those girls out there see you manning up and taking one for the team, you'll play the sympathy card for all it's worth.
Cuando esas chicas de ahí afuera te vean ser un hombre y tomar una por el grupo, jugarás la carta de la simpatía en todo lo que vale.
It's worth everything, Dad.
Vale la pena, papá.
Y no vale la pena CON ALGUIEN CON SU VOZ.
I guess it's worth a try.
Supongo que merece la pena probar.
I think it's worth the attempt.
Creo que merece la pena intentarlo.
For what it's worth, I was young.
Por si sirve de algo, yo era joven.
It's worth a shot.
Vale la pena.
I think it's worth a try.
Creo que merece la pena intentarlo.
For what it's worth, I'll always be here for you.
Para que conste, siempre estaré aquí para ti.
For what it's worth, I think the mom has fake boobs too.
Por si sirve de algo, creo la mamá tiene tetas falsas demasiado
It's worth a look.
Vale la pena un vistazo.
It's a Vacheron Constantin worth over $ 30,000.
Es un Vacheron Constantin por valor de más de $ 30.000.
It's worth to try.
Hay que intentarlo.
Ask yourself if it's worth it.
Pregúntate a ti mismo si vale la pena.
It's not easy, but my father once said that nothing worth doing ever is.
No es fácil, pero mi padre dijo una vez que nada que merezca la pena lo es.
Compared to a man's life, is it any worth?
En comparación con la vida de un hombre, ¿ no es de valor?
It's... it's worth it if we can finally bring him down.
Vale la pena si finalmente lo atrapamos.
It's worth billions each year in contracts to one's cronies.
Vale miles de millones cada año en contratos para sus compinches.
It's worth a trip to New Jersey to find out, right?
Merece la pena un viaje a Nueva Jersey para averiguarlo, ¿ verdad?
It's not worth it.
Que no vale la pena.
He's not worth it.
No vale la pena.
That's worth something, is it not?
Tiene que valer de algo, ¿ no?
Look, I know exactly what you're trying to do here, but the money's not worth it.
Mira, sé exactamente qué estás intentando, pero ese dinero no merece la pena.
It's worth a shot.
- Vale la pena intentarlo.
It's the only way to make life worth living.
Es la única forma para que valga la pena vivir.
- It's worth a shot.
Vale la pena el intento.
It's worth a shot.
Vale la pena intentarlo
That's... that's not worth it.
No vale la pena.
For what it's worth, you were there for my first steps...
Para que conste, estuvo ahí para mis primeros pasos...
It's worth noting that, in this game, people are pretty good.
No sirve de nada que, en este juego, las personas están bastante bien.
If he thinks it's worth looking into...
Si él piensa que merece mirar en...
Maggie Kent had cooked a week's worth of food and left it at the door.
Maggie Kent había cocinado kilos de comida y la había dejado frente a la puerta.
Well, for what it's worth, boss, we all said we'd stay on the job if you asked us to.
Bueno, si le sirve de algo, jefe, todos dijimos que seguiríamos en nuestro puesto si usted nos lo pidiera.
Maybe it's worth a flyover.
Quizá valga la pena sobrevolar la zona.
What, so we poached a king's ransom worth in nuclear secrets to leave it all behind in the dust?
Entonces, ¿ hemos birlado secretos nucleares que valen el rescate de un rey para dejarlos tirados en el desierto?
Yeah, but it's worth millions if you're looking for oil.
Tal vez, pero vale millones Si te dedicas al petróleo.
And once this project's up and running, I promise, it'll be worth it.
Y una vez que este proyecto empiece a caminar, prometo, que va a valer la pena.

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