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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ J ] / Just stay away

Just stay away tradutor Espanhol

947 parallel translation
Just stay away and leave us alone and die.
Sólo mantente lejos nuestro. Muérete.
Just stay away from my son.
Quédate lejos de mi hijo.
Just stay away from her.
Pero aléjese de ella.
Just stay away from them and mind your own business.
Aléjate de ellos y métete en tus asuntos.
- Just stay away from him all you can.
Mantente todo lo alejado que puedas de él.
You just stay away from me!
¡ Aléjate de mí!
Just stay away from her!
¡ Aléjate de ella!
So I'll just stay away from the war.
Pero debo alejarme de la guerra.
" Just stay away from her.
" Aléjate de ella.
You just stay away from me.
Apártese de mí.
Just stay away from here!
¡ sólo aléjense de aquí!
Steve... Just do me a favor. Just stay away from me.
Déjame, Toni, te lo ruego.
Just stay away from the automobile.
No se acerquen a ese automóvil.
You just stay away.
Aléjate, por favor.
I wonder if he'll come back this time or just stay away.
Me pregunto si esta vez volverá o se quedará por ahí.
Just stay away from the flour barrels.
No te acerques a los barreños de harina.
You just stay away.
No se acerquen.
Just stay away when we're eating, please?
Pero no se acerque cuando estemos comiendo, por favor.
Just stay away from me, you hear?
No te me acerques, ¿ me entiendes?
Just stay away from him.
No te le acerques.
You just stay away, and get out.
Quiero que estés lejos de aquí, lárgate.
Couldn't stay away, just had to see this fight.
Teníamos que ver esta pelea.
I couldn't stay there all alone so I I just drove away.
No podía quedarme sola, entonces volví en el coche.
Well, anything's okay by me, just so long as we stay away from that screwball doctor.
Bueno, cualquier cosa está bien por mí, tan largo como nos quedamos fuera de que Screwball médico.
Just you stay away from him.
Solo quédate alejado de él.
I want her to be sure that... that I don't want you to stay here just because... I mean, I don't want her to think I'm trying to steal you away from her.
Quiero que sepa que no quiero que te quedes porque no quiero que piense que trato de alejarte de ella.
Oh doc, I am lonely, But I know I should stay away, and I will just as long as I can.
Estoy muy sola, pero sé que no debo ir y resistiré mientras pueda.
After my mother passed away, I just didn't want to stay there anymore.
Cuando mi madre murió, no quise quedarme más allí.
He just wanted to get away and stay away and see nobody.
Quería escapar y alejarse. No ver a nadie.
Everywhere else, governments command, scream, shout, but here it just has to ask people politely to stay away and they do.
En otro sitio, habría gritos, tormentas,... Y aquí, el Estado dice educadamente a la gente que no se mueva, y lo hacen.
Stay far away! " I just wanted to tell you I love you, mom!
- Es porque te quiero mucho, mamá.
I know you told me to stay away, but last night, I just couldn't help myself.
- Me dijiste que no viniera, pero anoche no pude evitarlo.
Just can't stay away, can you?
No puedes, ¿ verdad?
She just couldn't stay away.
No podía mantenerse alejada.
You just stay put, and if you get any ideas about getting away... if the Indians don't kill you, I will.
Quédate aquí, y si se te ocurre escapar... si los indios no te matan, yo Io haré.
Just keep quiet, and stay away from me, and not do anything?
¿ Callado y alejado de mí, sin hacer nada?
No, it would have been better to stay and face things rather than just... running away.
No. ¿ Intentar encontrar una nueva vida es huir?
In the village where I come from... the girls stay away from the men in March and April... just in case.
En mi pueblo... las chicas se alejan de los hombres en marzo y en abril, por si acaso.
But now she just gives me all the money I ask for, and I can stay away the entire night doing exactly as I please - which happens to be drinking.
Ahora, ella me da todo el dinero que pido... y puedo pasar fuera la noche entera... haciendo exactamente lo que me place... que casualmente es beber.
My lawyer just got a court order. So now he's gotta stay away from me.
Mi abogado ha conseguido una orden de restricción.
Ponlo en la mesa y mantente alejado de mí.
Just stay away from the automobile.
My wife's cousin has a place just outside of Washington. We'll stay away from the airports.
El primo de mi esposa tiene una casa cerca de Washington.
well, just stay away from me.
Aléjate de mí.
I think you and I ought to stay away from each other for a couple of days just in case she's tagging after me.
Creo que tenemos que estar alejados por un par de días, por si ella me anda siguiendo.
I just want him to stay away from my doves.
Sólo quiero que esté lejos de mis palomas.
- Give me the facts, or stay away from me, just the facts!
- Dame hechos. ¡ O ni te me acerques, solo hechos.!
I just want to ask you... how you people in show business... manage to stay in action when you give it away like that?
Yo quisiera saber... cómo las personas del espectáculo... se manejan para seguir en carrera cuando se muestran así.
Stay away from my medical magazines, Frank. I just got'em.
No toque mis revistas médicas.
Just keep to yourself and stay away from the press people.
Sólo sé discreto y mantente alejado de la prensa.
I just know you stay away from them.
Sólo se que mejor te alejas de ellos.

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