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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / Stay away from him

Stay away from him tradutor Espanhol

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Stay away from him.
No te acerques a él.
Now, you stay away from him or you'll be dragged into the mess.
No te acerques a él o te salpicará.
- No, don't try it. Stay away from him!
- No, no lo intentes. ¡ Aléjate de él!
You stay away from him.
Aléjate de él.
Stay away from him, Kid, will you?
Aléjate de él, Kid.
Stay away from him, Kid.
Apártate de él, Kid.
Now, stay away from him, run him off his feet, stall him.
Ahora, mantente apartado de él, rehúyele, entretenle.
- Quiere a Smith.
Stay away from him, baby.
No te acerques a él.
Stay away from him.
Apártate de él.
Stay away from him, Stella. Please stay away from him.
Aléjate de él, por favor.
Stay away from him.
No te le acerques.
I begged you to stay away from him.
- Te rogué que te apartases de él. Te prevení.
Don't get close to him Stay away from him
Sobretodo no os acerquéis, primero huid
Don't get close to him Stay away from him
No os acerquéis por nada, huid sobretodo
You better stay away from him.
Manténgase alejado.
Take my advice and stay away from him.
Escucha mi consejo. Aléjate de él.
- Better leave him to me and stay away from him.
Mejor déjamelo a mí y mantente alejada
Just you stay away from him.
Solo quédate alejado de él.
- Stay away from him, Carol.
- Aléjate de él, Carol.
- Just stay away from him all you can.
Mantente todo lo alejado que puedas de él.
It's better to stay away from him these days.
Será mejor largarse durante estos días.
Now, remember, stay away from him!
Ahora, recuerda mantenerte alejado.
Don't forget, stay away from him!
No lo olvides, mantente alejado de él.
All right, I'll stay away from him, but you've got to help me.
Está bien. Me mantendré alejada de él, pero usted tendrá que ayudarme.
Stay away from him.
Mantente alejado de él.
Stay away from him.
- Apártate de él.
Well, first, about Dr. Burton. He's here because he's afraid Jack has a whooping cough, which means you children... will have to stay away from him.
Bueno, primero, en cuanto al Dr. Burton... está aquí porque Jack tiene la tosferina... por lo tanto, no pueden acercarse a él.
If you want to help him, stay away from him.
Si quieres ayudarle, aléjate de él.
Stay away from him, my son.
Aléjate de él, hijo mío.
Better stay away from him.
No te acerques a él.
- I said stay away from him.
- Dije que no te acercaras.
Look, stay away from him.
- Aléjate de él.
Angie, stay away from him!
¡ Angie, aléjate de él!
Please stay away from him.
Por favor, aléjense de él.
Stay away from him, Reggie.
No te acerques mucho a él, Reggie.
This is one way to see Brannan and still stay away from him.
Es curioso ver a Brannan mantener las distancias.
Lady, stay away from him, will you, please?
Señora, manténgase alejado de él, le, por favor?
Don't worry, sailor, I'll stay away from him,
No te preocupes, marinero, me mantendré alejado de él,
Eso, si puedes estar separada de él.
It's only in fun. Stay away from him, Fran.
Todo esto son bromas.
Stay away from him!
¡ Aléjese de él!
¿ Cómo ha podido mantenerlo alejado de su hora de oración?
If you see Scott Miller, you better warn him to stay away from me.
Si ves a Scott Miller, es mejor que le adviertas que se aleje de mí.
When you defied Vanning's command to stay away from the law and threatened to tell me all you knew about him, what did he do?
Cuando usted desafió la orden de Vanning de alejarse de la ley y amenazó con decirme todo lo que sabía sobre él, ¿ qué hizo él?
I warned him to stay away from you.
Le dije que se apartara de usted.
Stay away! Take that trumpet away from him, Doremus!
¡ Quítale la trompeta, Doremus!
You think you can take him away from me. But he'll come back and stay with me, because we love each other and belong to each other.
Pensáis que podéis robármelo, pero volverá conmigo y se quedará, porque nos amamos y nos pertenecemos.
Last round coming up. Stay away from him.
Es el último asalto.
Tell him to stay away from us.
Le ordené que se apartase de todos nosotros.
- But it seems that you, Father, made him promise to stay away from me.
- Más bien le has pagado para estar lejos.

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