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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / Stay away from them

Stay away from them tradutor Espanhol

217 parallel translation
Stay away from them.
Aléjate de ellos.
You ought to stay away from them.
Deberias mantenerte lejos de ellos.
Stay away from them. And from the women too. With your naiveté, they'll steal the shirt off your back.
Olvídate de ellos y también de las mujeres... porque con lo necio que eres, cualquiera te quita la camisa.
Stay away from them.
Mantente alejado.
Just stay away from them and mind your own business.
Aléjate de ellos y métete en tus asuntos.
Told you to stay away from them, didn't I?
- Te dije que te alejaras ¿ no?
The best way to help them is to stay away from them.
La mejor manera es alejándonos de ellos.
Stay away from them.
No te acerques a ellos.
Now get off your horses and stay away from them guns.
Desmonten y alejence de las armas.
If the scum who rode with Alban is a sample of your nobility, I'd rather stay away from them.
Si la chusma que iba con Alban es un ejemplo de la nobleza, prefiero mantenerme alejado.
You stay away from them.
No te acerques a ellos.
- Stay away from them, for God's sake!
Mantente lejos de ellos o te arrepentirás.
And you stay away from them, young lady.
Y tu mantente alejada de ellos, jovencita.
You stay away from them.
No se les acerque.
- Stay away from them cliffs. boy.
- Aléjate de los precipicios, chico.
Stay away from them, it won't last.
Aléjate de ellos, no durarán mucho.
As long as you're under this roof you gotta promise me to stay away from them people and outta the rackets.
Mientras estés en esta casa, debes prometerme que no verás a esa gente ni te meterás en líos.
I just know you stay away from them.
Sólo se que mejor te alejas de ellos.
I've talked to him about those kids. "Stay away from them."
He hablado con él respecto a esos chicos.
- Stay away from them.
- No te metas- -
I would have tried to stop him, but the security guard told me to just stay away from them until they arrived.
Yo habría intentado detenerlos pero el guardia de seguridad me dijo que me apartara de ellos hasta que arribara.
If you see anyone wearing a bracelet like this, stay away from them.
Si ve a alguien usando un brazalete como éste, manténgase alejado de él.
Stay away from them, please.
Aléjense de ellos, por favor.
Come and get me. " I can't stay away from them.
Ven por mi. " No puedo alejarme de ellos.
Stay away from them.
Silvio, apártate de ellos por favor.
Stay away from them sheets,
No me ensucien las sábanas,
Stay away from them.
Manténgase alejado de ellos.
Stay away from them.
Manténte alejado de ellos.
Jocelyn told her to stay away from them.
Jocelyn le dijo que se mantenga alejada de ellas.
And listen, stay away from them casinos.
Y escucha, mantente alejado de los casinos.
Stay away from them.
Apártese de ellos.
We stay away from them.
Nos mantenemos lejos de ellos.
Stay away from them!
¡ No se les acerque!
Stay the hell away from me, and stay away from them kids!
Permanece lejos de mi y mantente lejos de los niños!
Munn, leave them alone. Stay away from them.
No intervengas.
And you stay away from them.
Son hienas. Aléjense de ellos.
- Whatever you do, stay away from them.
Mantente lejos de ellas.
He wants them to stay away from me.
Quiere que se mantengan alejados.
Well, they'd better stay away from me if they know what's good for them.
Que no se me acerquen.
Stay away from me with them sheep shears.
Aléjate de mí con esas tijeras para ovejas.
But I could not stay there, knowing. she loved Mr. Rodock not know where I was going simply me away from them
Pero no podía quedarme allí, sabiendo que ella amaba al señor Rodock. No sabía a donde me dirigía. Simplemente, me alejaba de ellos.
I want you to stay away from their house and stop tormenting'them.
Quiero que se mantengan lejos de su casa y dejen de atormentarlos.
Stay away from them, Mellium.
¿ Qué pasa?
and tell them to stay away from red dunes.
Y dígales que se queden lejos de las dunas Rojas.
I told them to stay away from the shore.
Pero yo les dije que no se acercaran a la orilla.
Go ahead and eat them, but stay away from any snakes.
- Untranslated subtitle -
Why, them girls can hardly stay away from me.
Esas chicas se me tiran todas encima.
Monk San Te The Government sent them. Please stay away from our business
San Ta, los envió el gobierno.
That is, to pay a monk to come and say there're evils we just want to scare off anybody with bad intentions so as to make them stay away from us
La de pagar a un monje para que viniera y dijera que hay demonios. Sólo queremos asustar a cualquiera con malas intenciones. Para que se alejen de nosotras.
- I told them to stay away from this candy.
- Les dije que se alejaran de ese dulce.
We'll stay away from them.
No nos acercaremos a ellos.

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