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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ K ] / Keep your hands up

Keep your hands up tradutor Espanhol

362 parallel translation
I allow you to say a prayer, but keep your hands up.
En caso de accidente, solo te permito rezar. Pero sin bajar los brazos.
Keep your hands up and move out the front door!
¡ Levanten las manos y salgan por la puerta!
Go on, get over there with them and keep your hands up.
Vamos, vete con ellos y mantén las manos levantadas.
Keep your hands up and watch that guy.
Mantén las manos levantadas y estudia al hombre.
Keep your hands up, do you hear?
Las manos arriba, ¿ entendido?
Did no one ever tell you to keep your hands up? Keep them up.
¿ No te han dicho que pongas las manos en alto?
All you gotta do is to keep your hands up and your mouth shut. Everything's gonna be all right.
Mantened las manos arriba y la boca cerrada, y todo acabará bien.
- Come on outta there and keep your hands up.
Salga de ahí con los brazos en alto. Hola.
Go on over in the corner and turn your back and keep your hands up.
Ve a la esquina, gira tu espalda y levanta las manos.
- Quiet! Keep your hands up.
Arriba las manos.
Keep your hands up.
Mantenga las manos arriba.
All right, everybody, out of that coach, and keep your hands up.
Salgan todos de la diligencia con las manos en alto.
Keep your hands up.
Mantengan las manos arriba.
Keep your hands up.
- Las manos arriba.
Keep your hands up and come on in.
Mantén las manos arriba y entra.
Keep your hands up. Both of you.
¡ Seguid con las manos arriba!
Keep your hands up.
Arriba las manos.
Keep your hands up!
¡ Con las manos en alto!
- Keep your hands up!
- Mantenga sus manos en alto!
Keep your hands up.
Mantén las manos en alto.
Just keep your hands up where I can see them.
Levanten las manos hasta donde pueda verlas bien.
Keep your hands up, Mr. Bond.
Las manos en alto, Bond.
Keep your hands up, though.
mantén la guardia alta.
¡ Vamos, levanten las manos!
- Keep your hands up.
Es tuyo. Las manos arriba!
Retroceda y mantenga las manos en alto.
Keep your hands up.
Tenga las manos en alto.
And keep your hands up, or I'll let her have it! - I'm alone.
¡ Salga con las manos arriba, o la mato!
Just get moving slowly. Keep your hands up Keep them covered, guys.
Sólo muévanse lentamente mantengan las manos en alto manténgalos cubiertos, muchachos.
Keep your hands up.
Mantenga sus manos.
Keep your hands up!
¡ Arriba las manos! ¡ Arriba las manos!
Keep your hands up.
Manos arriba. Manos arriba.
Keep your hands up!
¡ Arriba las manos!
You there, keep your hands up!
¡ Tú, no bajes las manos!
Keep your hands up or I'll have to shoot you.
Mantén las manos arriba o tendré que disparar.
Keep your hands up and say something.
Levante las manos y hable.
Keep your hands up there.
¡ Ponga sus manos ahí arriba!
No, the y're mine. Sta y where you are and keep your hands up.
Estaos quietos y levantad las manos.
Keep your hands up.
Mantén tus manos arriba.
Keep your hands up.
¡ Manos arriba!
And keep your hands up!
¡ Y dejad las manos a la vista!
Listen, if you don't shut up, I'll give you something to cry about. - Keep your dirty hands off of me!
Están preparando un dolor de cuello para tu novio.
Put your hands up and keep them there.
Ponga las manos donde yo pueda verlas.
Come on out and keep your hands up.
Mire, se acerca la masa.
Come on, you, put your hands up and keep'em up.
Vamos, en pie. Levantad las manos.
Yes, but keep your guard up. He's a very fast man with his hands.
Pero tenga cuidado, es muy rápido con las manos.
Keep your hands up.
¡ Arriba las manos!
I said, keep your hands up.
A eso me refería. ¡ Vamos!
It is written : "He shall put His angels in charge to keep Thee from harm. And they shall hold up their hands lest you dash your foot against a stone."
Dicen las escrituras pondrá sus ángeles al mando para prevenirte del mal y alzarán las manos no sea que arrojen piedras a tus pies.
Keep your hands off her, and everything else that's up here too.
- Déjala aquí. Quítate las manos de encima a ella y a todo lo que hay aquí.
Hands up and keep facing that wall. You look around, I'll blow your head off.
Manos arriba y mire a la pared, o le vuelo la cabeza.

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