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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ L ] / Let her finish

Let her finish tradutor Espanhol

167 parallel translation
Let her finish what she's working on.
La escritora debería dejar de trabajar en el guión ahora.
- Let her finish.
- Déjela...
But you didn't even let her finish her song!
Pero ni siquiera le dejó terminar la canción.
- Let her finish.
- Déjala terminar.
Let her finish.
Déjala hablar.
- Oh, do let her finish, please!
¡ Déjela acabar!
- Quiet! Let her finish!
Deja que termine.
I'll cut you down but let her finish you off.
Te cortaré entero pero le dejaré a ella que te remate.
I let her finish first.
La dejé terminar primero.
- No, wait a minute, let her finish.
- No, espera un minuto, permíteme terminar.
Mr. MacMillan, you'll have ample time to cross-exam. Let her finish.
Sr. MacMillan, tiene mucho tiempo para el interrogatorio.
i've been saving up for her my plan was to bring her here i'll let her finish school
Estuve ahorrando... mi plan era traerla
Hey, let her finish.
- Déjale que termine.
Let her finish
Déjala terminar.
- She said let her finish.
- Dijo que la dejes terminar.
Let her finish her drink!
Deja que termine su trago!
Let her finish watching the parade.
Déjala que termine de ver el desfile.
Let her finish her Orgasm. Muriel, people think we're mad.
Déjala terminar su orgasmo.
- Shut up, man, let her finish.
- Calla tio, déjala acabar.
We can't let her finish the sensor array.
No podemos dejar que termine la batería de sensores.
Guys, let her finish!
- ¡ Tíos, dejadla acabar!
Why don't you let her finish and tell her what you're high on and then I have the perfect surgeon for you.
Deje que termine el historial y cuéntele lo que se ha tomado y entonces consigo al cirujano perfecto para usted.
- Let her finish, Buffy.
- Deja que termine, Buffy.
- Let her finish. You at least owe her that.
Le debes eso, por lo menos.
- Let her finish her breakfast!
- ¡ Vamos a terminar el desayuno!
I had to let her finish
Tenía que dejar que terminase.
- Let her finish!
- Déjala acabar.
- Wait, please let her finish.
- Espera, déjala terminar.
- Let her finish her tea at least.
- DéjaIa acabar el té. - bill.
What's the rush? At least let her finish the front lawn.
AI menos deja que acabe con eI césped.
- Let her finish!
- ¡ Deja que termine!
- Guys, come on, let her finish. - Jacki :
- Vamos, déjenla terminar.
Let her finish, Giulia.
Déjala terminar, Giulia, vamos.
Thanks. Wait, let me finish. If my wife had someone else but still slept with me, I'd kill her.
Espera, déjame terminar si mi esposa me dijo que él tiene otra y se fue a casa a dormir, voy a matar de hecho, puedo ir
I won't be silent you have no right that's not for you to decide but count Daun has promised us... let's finish this write this down the comtesse has nothing further to add to her statement the hearing is closed
¡ No voy a callar! ¡ No tiene Ud. ningún derecho! ¡ No es Ud. quien debe decidirlo!
Now, let me finish telling you about her.
Pero me basta. Permíteme que te acabe de contar.
For you to let Madeleine finish her sentence.
A que deje a Madeleine acabar su frase.
Please, let me finish treating her.
Calma, déjeme que atienda primero esa herida.
Let me finish the last of the cocoa while I'm still beyond her jurisdiction.
Déjame terminar el cacao mientras aún estoy fuera de su jurisdicción.
That's okay, when I finish with her., I'll let you have her..
Bien, cuando acabe con ella te la dejare.
I'd let him warm her up for a few minutes and I could come in at the end and finish her.
Dejar que la caliente y luego ir y acabar la faena.
- Try to reason with her and let's finish with all that!
- Intenta razonar y acabar con todo.
Let's finish her off.
Destruyámosla de una vez.
Let's finish her. Hmm?
Terminémosla. ¿ Si?
After I finish, maybe I'll let Caspian have her.
Después que termine, quizás le deje a Caspian que la tenga.
Borgoff, we should just let her kill herself and then we can finish him off, what do you think about that idea?
Borgoff, creo que deberíamos dejar que se mate sola. Y después acabamos con él, ¿ no te parece buena idea?
Let the gal finish her burger so we can close up.
Deja que la chica termine su hamburguesa y así podremos cerrar.
If she is saying something, let her finish it.
Deja que nos acabe de contar.
Chloe and her dad have offered to let me stay with them until I finish high school.
Chloe y su papá me ofrecieron quedarme con ellos hasta terminar la escuela.
She won't let her husband finish a sen...
No deja a su marido ni abrir la...
- Déjenme terminar, la salvaré.

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