Light them up tradutor Espanhol
170 parallel translation
As soon as the backdrops are ready, light them up.
Tan pronto como esté listo el telón de fondo, enfóquenlo.
Alright, come on. Light them up.
Bien, vamos.
Let's light them up.
Estupendo, vamos a encenderlas.
All right, light them up.
Encended la mecha.
I'll give you the signal to light them up.
Yo os daré Ia señal para prenderlas.
Light them up.
Light them up!
¡ Préndanle fuego!
Light them up.
You want to light them up?
¿ Nos los cargamos?
- We're gonna light them up.
- Nos los vamos a cargar.
Well, you can light them up and blow the smoke in my face.
Bueno, tú los enciendes y me tiras el humo en la cara.
- Light them up!
- ¡ Ponlas en marcha!
All right, Seven... light them up.
De acuerdo 7, ilumínalos.
Let's light them up.
Vamos a prenderlos.
Light them up.
Arriba el ánimo.
Light them up.
Dales batalla.
We light them up with our shillelaghs.
Los encendemos con nuestros bastones.
They can't light them up.
No pueden encenderlo.
They never seemed to realize that we could light the interiors of our houses with sunshine of our own... so there was no need to stick them up ever so high into the air.
No entendían que se pudiera iluminar el interior de las casas con nuestro propio sol. Con lo que no hacía falta subir a tales alturas.
You'll go up to your room, sit at your typewriter, mess around with some words, thrown them away, lie on your bed, put the light out, then put it back on again, go back to your desk.
En tu habitación te sentarás ante la máquina de escribir. Escribirás algo, lo tirarás a la papelera. Te acostarás.
You should never have got me to stand up and you shouldn't have had them put that light on me.
Nunca debería haber hecho que yo me levante y nunca debería haber hecho que ellos pongan esa luz sobre mi.
- You hold them up to light?
Como lo hace? ? Lo pone a contraluz?
Maybe they wanna find out how much of them cosmic rays a human carcass can absorb before we light up like Christmas trees.
Quizá quieran saber cuántos rayos cósmicos puede el ser humano absorber hasta brillar como un árbol de Navidad.
Any one of them gets shot up... The whole lot will saddle up and light out of here in a hurry.
Si uno de ellos cae abatido, toda la panda montará y se irá como alma que lleva el diablo.
Well, come on up. You wanna light them?
Pues sube. ¿ Quieres prenderlas?
When she's gone to bed, open them up again. I'll be watching for the light. Okay?
Hazme una señal con la luz más tarde, ¿ ok?
We pile them up and light them.
Las amontonamos, las encendemos.
Make them think they can't live without door knobs that light up.
Que se crean que no pueden vivir sin pomos de puerta luminosos.
And if you are of a curious nature, and I assume you are, or else you would not be here this afternoon, may I suggest that you tear out these illustrations and hold them up before an electric light bulb?
Y si son curiosos, y supongo que lo son, o no estarían aquí esta tarde, les sugiero que arranquen las ilustraciones y las sostengan delante de una bombilla eléctrica.
Soon, one of them will strike such sparks in him, that he'll light up like dry wood.
Lo conozco bien. Pronto, una de ellas sacará chispas de él, y él la encenderá como madera seca.
- Can you light one of them up at a time?
- ¿ Puedes alumbrar de a uno a la vez?
Get a light sentence, send them up the river for six months then to their wives and kids.
Conseguir una sentencia ligera enviarlos a chirona durante seis meses y luego devolverlos a sus mujeres e hijos.
We have the blessed opportunity to raise up the children from the bowels of the earth where the devil hath imprisoned them in powers of darkness bringing them to the light of knowledge.
Tenemos la gran oportunidad de sacarlos de las entrañas de la tierra encerrados en la oscuridad por el diablo para sacarlos a la luz del conocimiento.
A star blows up thousands of light-years away in space and produces cosmic rays which spiral through the Milky Way galaxy for millions of years until, quite by accident some of them strike the Earth penetrate this cave, reach this Geiger counter and us.
Una estrella explota en el espacio a miles de años luz y produce rayos cósmicos que giran a través de la Vía Láctea durante millones de años hasta que, por accidente algunos de ellos repercuten en la Tierra penetran en esta cueva, llegan a este contador Geiger y a nosotros.
Light them up.
On Wednesdays, I'd pick up the goods and take them to Light.
Los miércoles recogía mercancía y se la entregaba a Luz.
They light up your house when you cook them.
Te iluminan la casa cuando los cocinas.
You can start bringing them up by the first light.
Puede empezar a levantarlos al amanecer.
It's like telling them "Light up."
Me gustaria que se lo digas a ellos.
You go out, find little critters, put them in a jar, hold them up to the light... and you go, " Whoopee!
Hallas pequeños bichos, los colocas en un frasco, los pones a trasluz... y dices : "! Grandioso!
We'll go up and grab them at first light.
Nos levantaremos al amanecer.
Light them up.
Hold them up to the light.
Póngalos a la luz.
They turned around and looked, and they recognized our two faces peering in at them, and you should have seen their eyes light up.
Se volvieron y miraron, y reconocieron nuestras dos caras mirándoles de cerca, y deberías haber visto sus ojos iluminarse.
Now, there is some light filtering through up there and there are... some fissures in the ice, but all of them are too narrow to follow very far.
Se filtra algo de luz allí arriba... y hay algunas fisuras en el hielo, pero son demasiado angostas.
Now, there is some light filtering through up there and there are fissures in the ice, but all of them are too narrow to follow very far.
Se filtra algo de luz allí arriba... y hay algunas fisuras en el hielo, pero son demasiado angostas.
You gotta hold them up to the light for 20 minutes.
Deben estar 20 minutos en la luz. ¿ Quién tiene tiempo para eso?
Billions of microscopic creatures rise up from the depths as the light fails, and shoals of fish surge into life to pursue them.
Billones de criaturas microscópicas emergen de las profundidades en cuanto empieza a oscurecer, y cardúmenes de peces aparecen para perseguirlos.
I'm gonna douse them with lighter fluid... and light'em up in front of God and Peggy... so she can witness it and see how sorry I am.
Las voy a empapar con gasolina... y encenderlas delante de Dios y de Peggy... para que ella sea testigo y vea lo arrepentido que estoy.
In light of our vulnerability to surprise attack, we can't let them know that there are only five of us up here.
Si atacaran por sorpresa, nos vencerían. No podemos permitir que sepan que sólo somos cinco personas.
It's up to us to persuade and help them see the light, Not extort them, to.
está en nosotros persuadirlos y ayudarlos a encontrar el camino correcto, no amenazarlos.
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
up top 130
upside down 57
up yours 130
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
up top 130
upside down 57
up yours 130
up to you 126
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up north 49
up the stairs 74
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up north 49
up the stairs 74
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87