Lock them up tradutor Espanhol
364 parallel translation
We can't take all the witnesses in every criminal case and lock them up, can we.
No podemos encerrar a todos los testigos de cada juicio.
Monsieur, there must be a law in France to smother such things at birth... - or lock them up.
Seguro que hay una ley en Francia que ordena asfixiar algo así al nacer, o encerrarlo.
Order to lock up the prisoners in church because there is no other place to lock them up.
Orden para encerrar a los prisioneros en la iglesia porque no hay otro lugar donde encerrarlos.
Captain lock them up all the time we no use.
El capitán las guarda cuando no las usamos.
I lock them up now, please?
Las cerraré ahora.
Lock them up.
You lock them up, don't you? I mean, there's no way they can get out at night, is there?
Supongo que no hay forma de que puedan salir solos.
Lock them up! Look out!
Sacadlos fuera.
And if you've got any dames you're particular about, lock them up below and batten down the hatches.
Si se interesan por alguna señorita será mejor que la encierren y la guarden.
Losito, lock them up, then we'll see.
Losito, enciérrelos. Después, veremos.
Take them and lock them up.
Llévatelos y enciérralos.
Mr. Dougal, take him forward and lock them up together.
Señor Dougal, lleváoslo y encerradles juntos.
Lock them up.
- Lúcia. Enciérrelos.
Lock them up!
¡ A la cárcel!
Take these gentlemen below and lock them up.
lleven a estos caballeros abajo y enciérrenlos.
Put them in the hotel and lock them up.
Llévalas al hotel y enciérralas.
- All right, lock them up.
- Bien, enciérrenlas. - Venga chicas.
Kelly, take them down and lock them up for the night.
Kelly, llévatelos y enciérralos.
It was you who elected atamans, now you lock them up.
Nosotros mismos elegimos a nuestros atamanes y ustedes los encarcelan.
Fine. Lock them up... both of them.
Bien, adentro los dos.
Show me and I'll lock them up!
Muéstrenmelos, que los arrestaré.
Major, if you can't control your women, lock them up.
Mayor, si no puede controlar a sus mujeres haga el favor de encerrarlas.
They are free now, and nobody... no Englishman, no Haganah, will ever lock them up again.
Son libres y nadie, ni los ingleses ni la Haganah, volverá a encerrarlos.
Lock them up in the storehouse.
Enciérralos en el almacén.
I'll lock them up in the dressing room.
Si no los necesitas, los encierro.
We lock them up and go home, right?
Los atamos y vamos a casa, ¿ no?
Lock them up!
¡ Encerradlos!
Lock them up.
Now lock them up and kill them!
Habría que encerrarlos y matarlos!
You, take them out of here and lock them up with the Doctor.
Usted, sáquelos de aquí y enciérrelos con el Doctor.
A few, but they've lock them up in the correction hospital.
Unos pocos, pero han encerrarlos en el hospital de corrección.
- If you can identify them, we'll lock them up.
Si los identificas, los encerraremos.
If you'd had the law in your hands, Wyatt would've let you lock them up out at the corral. I know him.
Si las hubieras tenido tú, te habría dejado encerrarlos en el Corral.
Leave him, lock them up in there.
Déjalo. Encerrémoslos ahí.
Lock them up!
The guy they ought to lock up is the guy that sent them things out.
El tipo al que deberían encerrar es el que envió esos anuncios.
Lock them up, put them in chains, send them to the gallows. Oh Your Excellency, I'm so sorry.
Que los encierren, enviadlos a la horca.
They lock up female workers in the mills and exploit them day and night without even feeding them.
Encierran a los obreros de las hilanderías... y los explotan noche y día sin alimentarlos.
Got any place I can lock this soldier boy up till I get them papers signed?
¿ Hay algún lugar para encerrarlo hasta que se firmen los papeles?
Sally Mae, you better lock yourself up in your room until them Yankees get outta town.
Será mejor que te encierres en tu cuarto hasta que los norteños se marchen.
I want to take the weapons back to the ship and lock them up. - You're not getting my gun. - Come on, Bart.
¡ Tenéis que dejar de pelear!
Lock up after them.
Cierre en cuanto salgan.
I'd like them to lock up at 4 : 50, stay locked up until 5 : 10.
Me gustaría que cerraran de las 16 : 50 a las 17 : 10.
Bring them up here and lock them in a cabin.
Tráelos y enciérralos en un camarote.
If I were judge, no trial, lock them all up!
Y si fuese el juez, ni proceso. ¡ Todos a chirona!
Lock them two up.
Encerremos a estos dos.
Don't let them lock me up!
¡ No quiero que me cierren!
Take them down after tea, paint them outside Hut C, carry them into the hut at lock-up to paint them overnight, but we make a ladder - simple.
Bájenlos y píntenlos fuera del barracón C, llévenlos junto a la cárcel, píntenlos durante la noche... y hagan una simple escalera.
Tell them if they let my body out of jail I'd lock up my mind?
¿ Decirles que si dejan mi cuerpo en libertad, yo encarcelaré mi mente?
Take them to the cellar and lock them both up.
Aquí estoy. He traído al mocoso. - Vuelve a encerrarlos en la bodega.
Batches are in a tub, you'll carry them around, then you'll lock up everything.
Coged el grano y cerrad.
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up top 130
up yours 130
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up top 130
up yours 130
up against the wall 84
up to you 126
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87
up to you 126
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87