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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ N ] / No i won't

No i won't tradutor Espanhol

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I won't.
I won't let him.
No dejaré que lo haga.
I won't let anything happen to your friends.
No voy a dejar que les pase nada a tus amigos.
I won't, thank you, sir.
No, gracias, señor.
Okay, fine, I won't... ask about your mom.
Está bien, no preguntaré sobre de su mamá.
Look, I have learned to live with most of your lies, but I won't accept your story about Silas.
‐ Mira, he aprendido a vivir con la mayoría de tus mentiras, pero no voy a aceptar tu historia sobre Silas.
No, I won't tell you here.
No, no te la diré aquí.
I won't tell him.
No le diré.
If I'm not who I say I am, I won't last long.
Si no soy quien digo ser, no duraré mucho.
I won't cut you.
No la cortaré.
If I don't return, at least you won't have to deal with the King in the North anymore.
Si no regreso al menos ya no tendrá que tratar con el Rey en el Norte.
You and I won't find much joy while we're here.
Tú y yo no encontraremos mucha alegría mientras estamos aquí.
I promise, it won't come back to bite you in the ass.
Prometo que no te perjudicará.
I can ask, but it won't change anything.
Puedo preguntar, pero no cambiará nada.
I won't have you disgrace Mark's memory by saying he abandoned his family.
No dejaré que deshonren la memoria de Mark diciendo que abandonó a su familia.
I won't.
No lo haré.
How am I supposed to make it up to you when you won't let me?
¿ Cómo voy a poder compensártelo si no me dejas?
I won't push.
No te presionaré.
I want you, Irv. But if you won't take the job...
Quiero que seas tú, Irv, pero si no aceptas el puesto...
It's only on the weekends. I won't miss any school.
Fines de semana, no faltaré a clases.
I won't disappoint you.
No lo defraudaré.
- I know my brother won't be pleased.
Sé que mi hermano no estará complacido.
Okay, okay. - Don't think I won't shoot you.
- No creas que no te dispararé.
I know you came for your medication, but it won't be ready until tomorrow.
Sé que has venido a por tu medicación, pero no estará lista hasta mañana.
Maybe Audrey was trying to keep it from you, but... I won't.
Puede que Audrey intentará ocultártelo, pero... yo no lo haré.
- I won't let that happen.
- No voy a permitir que eso pase.
I'm gonna assume the worst, cop or no cop. There's nothing I won't do to protect my family.
Si te vuelvo a ver por aquí, me voy a imaginar lo peor, seas poli o no.
I won't tell the cops.
No le diré a la Policía.
I'm not the man I once was, and people won't let me be, man.
Ya no soy el que era antes y no me dejan en paz, hombre.
- I won't.
- No lo haré.
I won't mess with you.
No voy a meterme contigo.
I tried, and they won't do anything.
Lo intenté, y no harán nada.
So if you don't want me to do it, I won't.
Si no quieres que lo haga, no lo haré.
Well, I guess we won't be needing these.
Supongo que no necesitaremos esto.
No. I won't put you at risk.
No, no voy a ponerte en peligro.
I won't lose you too.
No voy a perderte a ti también.
Well, I won't give up.
Pues bien, yo no me voy a rendir.
I don't want to hand you over, but if you won't help me, I don't have a choice.
No quiero entregarte, pero si no me ayudas, no me queda otra opción.
I like how after the Greatest Day, people won't die anymore.
Me gusta que después del Gran Día ya no morirá más gente.
I won't blame you.
No te culparé.
listen, obviously, this is unacceptable, and I won't tolerate it, but I just...
- Escuche, obviamente esto es inaceptable y no lo toleraré, pero es que... yo quiero que entienda lo que ha estado pasando con Martin. Yo-
I just wanted you to understand a little about me so that... I just... One day when I die and you're clearing out my house, you won't be rehearsing conversations that...
Yo... quería que supieras un poco más sobre mí para que el día que me muera, mientras estés vaciando mi casa no tendrás que simular conversaciones que sabes bien que nunca tendrás.
No, I won't. I won't.
No, no lo haré.
And I know that you're mad at me and JP's pissed at Noah, so you probably won't want him coming up to... to West Orange, which, you know, that's fine.
Y sé que estás enojada conmigo y JP está enojado con Noah así que probablemente no quieras que venga a West Orange lo cual, ya sabes, está bien.
I won't do that.
No voy a hacerlo.
I won't.
No voy a quedarme.
Do you think I won't get a chair and work it out on you?
¿ Crees que no puedo coger una silla y rompértela encima?
I won't quit.
No abandonaré.
I won't let you be alone with him.
- ¿ Quién? - No te dejaré estar a solas con él.
I won't let them.
No les dejaré.
I did what was best for the client, not what was easy or politically efficient, because one pardon won't make or break the President or Mellie.
Hice lo que era lo mejor para el cliente, no lo que era fácil o políticamente eficiente, porque un indulto afectará al presidente o a Mellie.

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