Perhaps i will tradutor Espanhol
566 parallel translation
Yeah, perhaps I will.
Tal vez lo haga.
- Oh, yes. Perhaps I will not stay to tea.
- No creo que me quede al té.
Perhaps I will, then, after all.
Tal vez los haga. ¿ Por qué no?
Perhaps I will.
Tal vez lo termine.
Perhaps I will have one.
Tal vez me fume uno.
I should kill you both, perhaps I will.
Debería mataros, y puede que lo haga.
You'll see how funny they are. Perhaps I will.
Puede que lo haga.
Later on, perhaps I will be obliged to make an appeal to you.
Quizás en el futuro me vea obligado a acudir a usted.
Perhaps I will take you.
Tal vez os lleve conmigo.
Perhaps I will call out that I've found her here now.
- Tal vez diga que la he encontrado aquí.
I shall bury the golden plates, father, and perhaps one day someone very special will find them.
Voy a enterrar las planchas de oro, padre, y quizás un día alguien muy especial los encontrará.
Perhaps tomorrow I will dwell in Madrid, and will be called Lima.
Quizá mañana esté en... Madrid, y me llame... Lima.
# Nobody's to know anything about it, just the two of us # only I'm afraid, perhaps something will happen to me while I'm doing it.
# Nadie tiene que sospechar nada de eso, sólo nosotros dos, # ¡ Sólo temo que me pase algo!
Perhaps I shall go only as far as the door... and the sight of your tears will bring me back.
Quizá sólo llegaré hasta la puerta... y la visión de tus lágrimas harán que regrese.
But perhaps next spring, the war will be over you and I...
Pero quizás para la próxima primavera la guerra habrá acabado usted y yo...
And if I haven't, perhaps you will know what to say.
Y si no lo he hecho, quizás usted sepa qué decir.
Then perhaps you will convey to Her Highness... that I've been waiting for some time now to congratulate her... on the great historic event of providing our country with a much-needed heir to the throne.
Entonces quizá haréis saber a Su Alteza que he estado esperando para poder felicitarla por este gran acontecimiento histórico : haber proporcionado a nuestro país un muy necesario heredero al trono.
Now I shall go and talk with some friends... and, uh, perhaps they will talk with you.
Ahora iré a hablar con algunos amigos... y quizá ellos hablen contigo.
Perhaps they do, but what will I talk about?
¿ De qué hablaría?
You will find me young, perhaps, inexperienced but with the support of all of you and with the Earl of Moray at my side, I shall rule fairly and justly.
Quizá me encontréis joven, e inexperta pero con el apoyo de todos vosotros y el conde de Moray a mi lado, regiré con imparcialidad y justicia.
Perhaps you will if i tell you, though, You had no way of knowing That you see before you two gentlemen
Tal vez si le digo, sin embargo, que no tenía forma de saber que tiene ante sí a dos caballeros tan desesperados como Ud. mismo.
Perhaps you will understand everything When i tell you that i ran away from home Because my dreams of marrying a knight in armor
Tal vez lo entenderá todo cuando le diga que me escapé de casa porque mis sueños de casarme con un príncipe azul se estaban haciendo añicos.
She will believe that I come perhaps of
Ella creerá que he vuelto.
But Anna say you so very busy. But I say perhaps he will remember.
Anna decía que estaba usted muy ocupado, pero yo le decía que quizá se acordara.
I should perhaps explain that the operation will be performed by me.
Quizá deba decir que la operaré yo.
Perhaps that great desire will give me the talent that I may not truly possess.
Y quizá este gran deseo me dará todo el talento... que en el fondo, no tengo.
Perhaps I am wrong in telling it to you but in a few years you will be women of an age to love and suffer and face difficult problems.
Tal vez me equivoque al contárosla pero en unos años seréis mujeres en edad de amar y de sufrir y de enfrentarse a problemas difíciles.
- Perhaps, if I make a very good speech mademoiselle will allow me to come along on your walk in the park.
- Si hago un buen discurso mademoiselle me permitirá unirme a vosotros en el paseo por el parque.
I doubt that in Germany there will ever be a shortage of people... wishing for a strong and courageous king... but perhaps one day the kings will become extinct.
Dudo que en Alemania haya escasez de personas... que quieran un rey valeroso y fuerte... pero quizá algún día se extingan los reyes
yes I will perhaps into the Neva too
Sí... seguramente al Neva...
I think perhaps they will make soup once more.
Creo que harán sopa una vez más.
Well, perhaps you and I will meet again.
Quizá volvamos a vernos.
Perhaps he is, but Missouri is no place for such so-called courage today, as he will soon find out if I ever lay hands on him.
Pero en Missouri ya no hay lugar para eso que llaman valor. Ya lo descubrirá él cuando lo cojamos. ¿ Y qué piensa hacer usted cuando llegue ese gran día, mayor?
That would be easy, perhaps... but I will not be guilty of such silence.
Eso habría sido fácil, tal vez... pero no seré culpable de ese silencio.
Do as I say. Perhaps this will do what I've obviously failed to do... make a man of you.
Quizá esto haga lo que yo nunca pude hacer :
If it should come and I have not as yet returned... it is not wise, perhaps, to speak so far in the future but the world goes bad and who knows how long that will last.
Si llega y yo todavia no he vuelto... Tal vez no sea prudente hablar del futuro pero el mundo va mal y quien sabe cuanto tardara.
I completely agree, but perhaps someone will defend the proposition?
Opino del mismo modo. ¿ Quizás haya alguien dispuesto a defender esta propuesta?
But perhaps, by the time Allida and I are old They will have one of those small elevators Working properly.
Pero quizá cuando Allida y yo seamos viejos, habrá ascensores que funcionen como es debido.
Now perhaps you will understand why I cannot let you meet people.
Quizá ahora entiendas por qué no te dejo ver a nadie.
Since your cousin avoided me tonight and undoubtedly will avoid me in the morning I think perhaps I had better speak to you.
Ya que su primo me rehuyó esta noche y, sin duda, me rehuirá mañana quizá sería mejor hablar con usted.
Perhaps you will insist that Madame give me more time... so that you and I can go to Paris together.
Podría pedirle a la señora que me conceda más tiempo libre... para que usted y yo podamos ir a París juntos
Perhaps it will encourage you to know that I too have made a fool.
Quizá le anime saber que a mí también me ha puesto en ridículo.
And perhaps it will be prison, I don't know exactly.
Y quizás será prisión, No lo sé exactamente.
I don't know why. It's perhaps... Because you prefer to imagine how it will be in the spring.
Quizá porque uno se imagina cómo será durante la primavera.
And perhaps this "Boys Town" will be the first... of many others that I hope will rise from where the war has passed.
Y esta ciudad de los niños puede muy bien ser la primera de muchas otras que surgirán de todo el país por donde la guerra ha pasado.
When you are older and I am no longer around anymore perhaps Sir will go about things better than this old man and will understand that his laws were just laws of nature in which he honestly believed and tried to apply in good faith always as a gentleman just as Sir, in good faith, applies his own laws.
Cuando usted ya no sea tan joven y yo no esté en este mundo,... vuecencia quizás juzgará mejor a este viejo. Y comprenderá que las suyas eran leyes de la naturaleza,... en las cuales el colono Turi creía honestamente y las aplicaba de buena fe,... siempre como un caballero,
Perhaps all of us killed Paolino in some small way, but just one man shot him. And I will deliver him to Sir to be tried under the laws of the State.
Quizás todos hayamos matado un poco a Paolino, pero ha sido uno quien ha disparado y se lo entrego a vuecencia, para que sea juzgado según la ley del Estado.
Perhaps you will forgive me if I clear out some old papers from your desk.
Quizás pueda disculparme si despejo su escritorio de algunos papeles viejos.
Perhaps you will consider this foolish but when Joab told me I was to come to Jerusalem I swore an oath on my sword.
Quizá lo consideréis una tontería... pero cuando Joab me ordenó venir a Jerusalén... hice un juramento por mi espada.
Perhaps you will be kind enough to give him this. You see, I had an opportunity
Por favor, dele esto.
I think I will be Monsieur Martin till the party is over... and even afterwards perhaps.
Creo que seré Monsieur Martin hasta que la fiesta termine... e incluso después.
perhaps i am 18
perhaps it's for the best 20
perhaps i can help you 18
perhaps i can help 35
i will 7976
i will call you 60
i will never forget you 25
i will marry you 56
i will kill you 375
i will be back 49
perhaps it's for the best 20
perhaps i can help you 18
perhaps i can help 35
i will 7976
i will call you 60
i will never forget you 25
i will marry you 56
i will kill you 375
i will be back 49
i will never forgive you 52
i will never leave you 46
i will always love you 92
i will fear no evil 57
i will do my best 52
i will call you later 16
i will try 73
i will be in touch 16
i will find you 119
i will tell you 105
i will never leave you 46
i will always love you 92
i will fear no evil 57
i will do my best 52
i will call you later 16
i will try 73
i will be in touch 16
i will find you 119
i will tell you 105