Perhaps you should tradutor Espanhol
1,703 parallel translation
Perhaps you should consider somewhere less expensive.
Bueno, quizás deberías considerar mudarte a algún sitio menos caro...
Perhaps you should ask your superiors to steal a genome sequencer?
Quizás deberías pedirle a tus superiores que roben un secuenciador de genomas.
Perhaps you should ask them.
Quizás deberías preguntárselo a ellos.
Perhaps you should direct your anger at Commander Archer.
Quizás deberías dirigir tu enfado hacia el Comandante Archer.
Perhaps you should reconsider the repercussions- -
Quizás deberías reconsiderar el- -
Yes, well, uh, perhaps you should go then.
Sí, bien, uh, en ese caso, tal vez debas irte.
Perhaps you should come in tomorrow ; I'll do a complete work up. Some antibiotics might be in order.
Bueno, pásate mañana por la consulta, te haré un chequeo y te recetaré un antibiótico
Oh yeah? Well perhaps you should grow a heart, ass-face!
Bueno, pues a lo mejor lo hago caraculo
All fine points, perhaps you should address them to Attila the Hun over there.
Interesantes puntos, quizás deberías dirigírselos a Atila Humor.
Perhaps you should worry a little less about your pride... and a little more about the creepy-crawlies... shawshanking their way out of your balloon knot.
, te deberías preocupar un poco menos por tu orgullo y un poco más por esos bichitos que intentan escapar por ya sabes dónde.
- Perhaps you should sit...
- Tal vez debería sentarse- -
Perhaps you should find another friend to help you with your shelter.
Quizás deberías buscar otro amigo que te ayude con el refugio.
Well, perhaps you should consider using a different methodology then, John.
Tal vez entonces deberías considerar usar una metodología diferente, John.
Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice. Take some additional time to consider your response.
Quizás deba prestarle atención al consejo de su representante y tomarse un tiempo extra para considerar su respuesta.
Perhaps you should join him in Greece, get real Pompeian blood on your sword.
Deberías unirte a él en Grecia y mancharte con la sangre de Pompeyo.
Perhaps you should look at the bigger picture, Lex.
Quizás deberías mirarlo con un poco de perspectiva, Lex.
Perhaps you should sit down.
Quizás deberías sentarte.
Perhaps you should consider telling the truth.
Quizás deberías considerar decirles la verdad
Perhaps you should listen to Mr Davis.
Tal vez deberías escuchar al Sr. Davis.
Perhaps you should go back to decorating pots.
Tal vez deberías volver a decorar ollas.
- Perhaps you should listen to her, Charles.
Quizá deberías hacerle caso.
Perhaps you should wait for me in my office.
Es mejor que me esperen en la oficina.
Perhaps you should have done the same.
Tal vez debiste haber hecho lo mismo.
- Perhaps you should keep a journal.
- Tal vez debería tener un diario.
Perhaps you should check the basement Diane.
Tal vez deberías revisar el sótano... ... Diane.
Perhaps you should let him go.
Quizá deberías dejarlo.
Perhaps you should take these matters up with Sister Summersisle.
Tal vez deba hablar de ello con la Hermana Summersisle.
Perhaps you should spend some time away from London. - What's this?
Tal vez deba pasar un tiempo fuera de Londres.
Perhaps you should lower your voice, Mr. President,
Quizá debería bajar la voz, Sr. Presidente,
Pyotr Andreyevich, perhaps you should listen to his demands?
Pyotr Andreyevich, ¿ no debería escuchar sus demandas?
Well, perhaps you should consider the repercussions of what you've done, Pip.
Bueno, quizás debas considerar las repercusiones de Io que tú hiciste, Pip.
Perhaps you should go speak with him about it.
Quizá deberías hablar con él sobre eso.
Perhaps you should go home and discuss it with your wife.
Quizá deba ir a casa y discutirlo con su esposa.
- Perhaps you should take a few moments...
Sr. Presidente, tal vez debería tomar... -... unos momentos- - - ¡ Mike!
Perhaps you should be tending to their needs.
Tal vez deberías atender sus necesidades.
So perhaps you should give me your number. Uh, we could discuss the syllabus?
Deberías darme tu número para que hablemos del temario.
Perhaps you should see for yourself.
Tal vez debería verlo usted.
Perhaps you should shut the fuck up and eat your breakfast or we're not going- -
Deberías callarte, y tomarte el desayuno. o no iremos...
Perhaps you should give more thought to allegiance, soldier.
Quizás deba pensar más en la lealtad, soldado.
Perhaps you should have abducted Dr. Soong.
Quizás deberían haber abducido al Dr. Soong.
Perhaps it should be you they're photographing.
Quizás debería ser usted a quien fotografiaran.
Y'know, perhaps you should take something to help you sleep.
Deberías tomarte algo para dormir.
Lord knows I'm going to regret this, but perhaps you two should join us.
Eso no suena muy bien. Podríais venir con nosotros puede que os fuera bien a los dos
Perhaps I should talk slower... or have a woman sit in a circle above my head... signing my words to you.
Quizá deba hablar más lento... o tener a una intérprete de lengua de señas... que les repita Io que digo.
- Perhaps if I let you off... you'll remember this act of kindness, and afford me the same leniency should I miss my own curfew.
Quizá si te perdono recordarás este acto de bondad y me permitas la misma licencia de poder saltarme mi toque de queda.
Perhaps I should put you in police custody so you don't run off like your father.
Quizás debería arrestarla. No se escapará como su padre.
And, to be honest, perhaps the person whose you should worry about and'yourself.
Y, de hecho, tal vez la persona en que debe preocuparse, es en usted mismo.
Now, perhaps if you did me a demonstration of what I might call a naive sound and a projected sound, we should see this area light up in the spectrograph. OK.
Si me haces una demostración con un sonido sin entrenar y otro proyectado veríamos esta área encenderse en el espectrógrafo
I should know you intimately, perhaps better than anyone else knows you, except, of course, yourself.
Voy a conocerlos íntimamentete, tal vez mejor que todo el mundo. - Excepto, claro, Uds. mismos.
Well, seeing as we're married, perhaps we should have a kiss. Do you think?
Bueno, viendo que estamos casados, quizás deberíamos besarnos. ¿ No cree?
Sir, perhaps we should take a moment... You will abide by my authority.
Señor... quizás deberíamos tomarnos un descanso.
perhaps you 18
perhaps you're right 90
you shouldn't smoke 23
you shouldn't have done that 152
you shouldn't 299
you should come 233
you should see a doctor 24
you should know better 74
you shouldn't have 355
you shouldn't have said that 26
perhaps you're right 90
you shouldn't smoke 23
you shouldn't have done that 152
you shouldn't 299
you should come 233
you should see a doctor 24
you should know better 74
you shouldn't have 355
you shouldn't have said that 26
you shouldn't have bothered 22
you shouldn't say that 24
you should be ashamed of yourself 149
you should know 399
you shouldn't be in here 36
you should try it 151
you shouldn't have come here 76
you shouldn't be here 384
you should 1132
you should have told me 157
you shouldn't say that 24
you should be ashamed of yourself 149
you should know 399
you shouldn't be in here 36
you should try it 151
you shouldn't have come here 76
you shouldn't be here 384
you should 1132
you should have told me 157