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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ P ] / Put those down

Put those down tradutor Espanhol

330 parallel translation
"It's fine. Put those down and you may go."
"Perfecto, gracias, ponga eso allí y déjenos."
Just put those down there to keep hot, Ted.
Calienta la pierna, Ted.
Put those down!
¡ Aparta esas manos!
- You put those down!
¡ Baje esas cosas!
Hey, look out there! Hey, put those down.
¡ Oye, ten cuidado!
Put those down.
- Déjalos en la mesa..
Just put those down anywhere.
Deje ésos donde sea.
- You can put those down there, will you, please?
Déjelo ahí, por favor. . Claro.
Put those down here, Braja. It's easier to unpack.
Ponlas ahí, Brojo.
That's right, there. And you people, put those down there.
¡ Ud. póngalo en el suelo!
Put those down, don't carry them.
Deje eso, no lo lleve encima.
Put those down!
¡ Suelte eso!
Put those guns down on the bank and get going.
Dejen las armas y ayuden.
then your majesty let the housewife write down the recipe and you ordered me to serve those mutton cutlets at the royal table exactly how is it possible, my dear chief cook... that for those mutton cutlets you put 3 talers on the bill... whereas they only cost 3 groschens?
Su Majestad hizo que la dueña de la casa le escribiera la receta... y me ordenó que sirviera chuletas de cordero en la mesa Real. ¡ Exactamente! ¿ Cómo es posible, mi querido jefe de cocina... que las chuletas de cordero figuren en la factura que han costado tres táleros si sólo cuestan 3 Groschen?
Now, you old scarecrow, put down your stick... take off those rags, and get up on the throne.
Oye, espantapájaros. Deja el bastón, quítate esos harapos y sube al trono.
Put those things down there.
Pon eso allí.
Put those kegs down. Are ye crazy?
Dejadlos en el suelo.
Put down those muskets.
Bajad las armas.
Put down those guns.
Tira las pistolas.
Put those guns down.
Que dejes las pistolas.
Put those blinds down. Get to your places.
¡ Bajen las cortinas!
Put down those shades, will ya?
Baja las cortinas, ¿ quieres?
Pon estas pequeñas piezas en las ranuras en las que encajan.
- Put those bags down.
- Baje las maletas.
Put those plates down.
Deja esos platos, me pones nervioso.
That was why I put myself down for a return visit... and had to fill in all those forms... and wait about in drafty passages for hours.
Por eso me apunté en la lista de las visitas de regreso... tuve que rellenar todas esas solicitudes... y esperar horas en esos pasadizos llenos de corrientes.
Put those scissors down.
Suelta esas tijeras.
Put those books down, man!
¡ Deje ahí los diccionarios, hombre!
Put down those clubs. Stop the music.
Abajo los bastones.
Put those things down and get out of here.
Deje todo eso y márchese de aquí.
Would you like to put those things down?
¿ Le importa bajar eso?
Take those back. Put that down.
Vuelvan a meter eso.
Now put those guns away, and let's get down to business.
Deja esas armas y hablemos de negocios.
Put down one of those sake jugs and free up a hand.
Pues deja una botella en el suelo, hombre.
Put down those stupid pots!
suelte esta bagatela de olla.
Golly, just think you can put those words down on paper like that and all I can do is hem brassieres.
Pensar que puedes juntar así las palabras sobre el papel. Y yo sólo sé empaquetar sujetadores.
Put down those stones.
Dejad esas piedras.
Closing down those centres... will put a strain on this company's cash position. In the long run, those cuts are going to hurt this company's innate value.
Cerrar esos centros fatigará la liquidez de esta compañía... y a largo plazo, lastimarán el valor innato de la compañía.
Put those buckets down!
Ponga esas cubetas abajo
Put those picks down!
¡ Tiren esos picos!
Sue Ann, put those glasses down.
Sue Ann, pquítate esas gafas.
Oh, and put down those castanets.
Ah, y deje esas castañuelas.
. I mean, do you think did they or didn't they... after they took those movies- - - Did they reach down and turn those turtles around... or did they put them in a jeep and drive them back?
A donde quiero llegar, ¿ crees que ellos después de hacer... esas filmaciones se agacharon y giraron a esas tortugas o las pusieron en el jeep y las llevaron de vuelta al mar?
But there is no vote for the poor, for the underprivileged no vote for all those who took up arms to put down the very autocracy that this Parliament now imposes upon us.
Pero no tienen derecho al voto los pobres, ni los desfavorecidos ni aquellos que alzaron sus armas para derrocar la autocracia que este Parlamento nos impone ahora.
You hate the way those girls put you down the way those kids, those little shitheads they made a shithead out of you, guys like Frank what Frank did to your daughter.
Odias cómo te insultaron esas chicas... a esos chicos, esos imbéciles... que te hicieron quedar como un imbécil, a los tipos como Frank... lo que Frank le hizo a tu hija.
I'll tell you. But first you need to put down those guns.
Te lo diré, pero no disparéis.
Put down those guns!
¡ Dejen las armas!
Let me put it this way... I don't know who killed those three women... but officially, I'm putting it down to the work of a criminally insane killer.
Déjeme ponerlo de esta forma... no sé quién mató a esas tres mujeres... pero, oficialmente, diré que se trata de un asesino demente.
Get those ladies down from that traveling bordello... and put them on the porch.
Bajad a esas damas de ese burdel sobre ruedas y llevadlas a ese porche.
- It's nice and sunny. - Will you put down those scissors!
- Es bonita y soleada - ¡ Quieres dejar esas tijeras!
Put down those cards!
¡ Deje esos naipes!

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