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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ P ] / Put your foot down

Put your foot down tradutor Espanhol

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Put your foot down....
Ponte firme...
- Put your foot down.
- No cedas.
Couldn't you put your foot down? Forbid the banns? Something like that?
¿ No podría insistir o prohibir los casamientos o algo así?
I like a bit of fun, as the saying goes but when a bloke grabs you with nasty notions in his head it's time to put your foot down.
Me gusta divertirme un poco, o eso dicen. Pero cuando un tío te agarra con malas intenciones es hora de echar a correr.
And it's not nice to put your foot down.
Y no está bien bajarse del carro.
You see, mother, you've let yourself be intimidated, when this is the moment to put your foot down and show them we aren't less then them.
Mamá, te has dejado intimidar. Sin embargo, este es el momento de mantenerse firme y de demostrarles que no somos menos que ellos.
- Put your foot down!
- ¡ Písale!
Now, come on, I've got you. Put your foot down.
Vamos, te ayudo.
You better put your foot down!
¡ Anda, acelera!
Put your foot down.
- Put your foot down!
- ¡ Presiona el acelerador!
Then you can put your foot down pull out of the slipstream and maybe overtake two, three cars at once.
Luego puedes bajar el pie salirte de la estela y tal vez rebasar dos, tres autos al tiempo.
And as far as things like this top floor job are concerned, you simply got to put your foot down.
En cuanto a cosas como lo del piso de arriba, simplemente tienes que decir que no.
Put your foot down!
¡ Aceleré!
Put your foot down, Tony.
Pisa a fondo, Tony.
They're behind us. Put your foot down, we'll lose'em easy.
Están detrás nuestro.Pisa a fondo Los perderemos facilmente.
- So you should be. Now put your foot down.
Ahora aprieta el acelerador.
Yeah, all right, well, don't hang about, come on, put your foot down.
Sí, de acuerdo, bien, no des vueltas, vamos, presiona el acelerador.
Put your foot down!
Pisá te digo!
- Put your foot down.
Oh. Well, you've got to put your foot down.
Oh, tienes que pisar el acelerador
Put your foot down!
¡ Dele a fondo al acelerador!
My advice is to just put your foot down.
Te aconsejo que te plantes con firmeza.
Remember that time Mom won a VCR, and you put your foot down?
¿ Te acuerdas cuando mamá ganó un vídeo, y pusiste el pie encima?
You want to put your foot down and get out of there?
¿ Quiere bajar el pie y salir de ahí?
You're doing the right thing, honey. Put your foot down now.
Estás haciendo lo correcto.
Can't you put your foot down?
¿ No puedes acelerar? - Lo estoy haciendo.
Put your foot down there, Con.
Pisa el acelerador, Con.
Just put your foot down on the accelerator...
Sólo tienes que apretar el acelerador.
You're gonna have to "put your foot down"?
¿ Vas a "mantenerte firme en esto"?
You just have to put your foot down once in a while, let her know you are a man.
Ponte firme de vez en cuando, que sepa que eres un hombre.
Chloe, put your foot down little to the left. Right?
Chloe, pone el pie un poco más para la izquierda. ¿ Cierto?
Put your foot down, bitch!
Saca el pie del acelerador, perra!
Put your foot on something down there.
Pon el pie por ahí abajo.
Just be grateful he didn't put his foot down on your being an actress at all. Why, what's this?
Dale gracias a Dios de que no se haya opuesto del todo a tu carrera de actriz.
He thinks you're gonna put your foot down, Herman.
Cree que le vas a ahogar con el pie, Herman.
Más vale que hables... antes de que te meta el pie en tu bocaza número uno.
Put your foot right on the stomach, then raise backward, bend down.
Pon tu pie en el estómago, luego retrocede y bájate.
Put your left foot down and we`ll try it slightly....
Pon tu pie izquierdo en el suelo y lo intentaremos despacio...
# Come on, ease on down ease on down the road # # Pick your left foot up put your right one down #
# Siguiendo tranquilo el camino # # levanta tu pie izquierdo y ponlo justo aquí #
- Put your foot down!
- Pisa más el acelerador
Why didn't your father put his foot down about Princeton?
¿ Por qué su Papá no insistió para que fuera a Princeton?
Put your foot on the pedal down here so, like this, and then you press down.
Presione el pedal, entonces baje la palanca.
I put my foot down and your mother listened to me. Know why?
Me impuse y tu madre me hizo caso. iSabes por qué?
You gotta learn to put your foot down.
Poné pies en la tierra
This is your dad, Eric. When I put my foot down, that's it.
Tú sabes que cuando yo me pongo firme, se acabó.
But your father put his foot down.
Pero tu padre sentenciaba...
Put your left foot down!
¡ Baja tu pie izquierdo!
A witness already said she saw you running down the hall screaming the crazy funeral-home girl put a foot in your locker.
Según un testigo, gritabas que la chica de la funeraria habia puesto un pie en tu armario.
No, I'm mad because I didn't put my foot down... the moment I knew you were in over your head... with a bunch of con artists!
No, estoy enojado porque no fui firme... en cuanto supe que estabas fuera de control... ¡ con un grupo de estafadores!
Shut the fuck up and put your fucking foot down.
Cierra la maldita boca! y detente! .

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