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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Q ] / Queeny

Queeny tradutor Espanhol

21 parallel translation
Queeny's pregnant again.
Queeny está preñada otra vez.
Say, I still have one of Queeny's kittens left. Would you like to have it?
Me queda un cachorro de Queeny, ¿ lo quieres?
You can peel and core the apples, queeny.
Tu puedes pelar y cortar las manzanas, reinita.
Just a minute, queeny.
Solo un minuto, reinita.
Then let me make one thing clear, queeny.
Entonces dejame dejarte una cosa clara, reinita.
Very Queeny!
Muy femenino.
All I'm fucking saying is, I don't like it when you get queeny.
Sólo digo que no me gusta que te pongas reinota...
And I did this one with this hysterically funny, queeny guy... from Soap Opera Digest.
Hice una con ese divertidísimo chico gay... del'Soap Opera Digest'.
Shut up you queeny twink.
Cállate idiota.
There's Queeny.
Ése es Mariquín.
That I had to dress in a certain way, that I had to take the queeny inflection out of my voice, play sports I hated and was lousy at, in order to protect me from being made fun of or get beaten up.
Que tenía que vestir en cierto modo, que tenía que quitarme el tonito de reina de mi voz, hacer deportes que odiaba y en los que era pésimo, para protegerme de ser objeto de burlas o de una paliza.
'OK, Queeny, it's back in the'50s, you're nice and young,'you've just been coronated, I'm taking off your cloak.
Vale, reinita. Son los años 50, eres bonita y joven Acabas de ser coronada.
Just once, nothing queeny.
Sólo una vez, nada homosexual.
- Where's Queeny?
- ¿ Dónde está Queeny?
No, you killed a 300-year-old vampire named Queeny.
No, has matado a un vampiro de 300 años de edad llamado Queeny.
But I know what you do, queeny,... that it costs you too much to abandon the people you live with... you understand me.
Pues yo sí lo sé, reina, a ti te cuesta mucho romper con la gente con la que vives, ya me entiendes.
So, you mean, like, 10 being The most queeny, flouncy, flamy, homo in the land And 1 being, like, craig t.
O sea, ¿ quieres decir, como, el 10 siendo lo más reinita, coquetita, loca, homo de la tierra y el 1 siendo, como, Craig T. Nelson?
And what kills me is yöu're the Queeny one.
Y lo que me mata es que eres el Queeny uno.
I can tell by that stupid little queeny smirk of hers!
¡ Lo sé por su estúpida sonrisa de superioridad!
I can't believe miss queeny smugface had them right under our noses the whole time!
¡ No puedo creer esa engreída reina los tuviera bajo nuestra narices!
¶ I'm the queeny-est queen of the queeny-est queens ¶
Soy la más reinosa reina de todas las reinosas reinas.

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