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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / She's all i have

She's all i have tradutor Espanhol

325 parallel translation
She's all I have left in the world
Es todo lo que me queda en el mundo.
I have every intention of treating Miss Arnold with the all respect she's entitled to.
Tengo la intención de tratar a la Srta. Arnold con todo el respeto que se merece.
We all have a right to our own opinion and I think she's cruel... and a very ill-bred person.
Todas tenemos derecho a opinar... y creo que es una persona ordinaria y sin educación.
Sí, pero se le pasará el efecto de la bebida... y voy a tener que emborracharla de nuevo.
- She's all I have.
- Es lo único que tengo.
She's all I have.
Es lo único que tengo.
She's glad of the work, and I am glad to have her. It's all right, old girl.
No, está contenta con el trabajo, y yo de tenerla aquí.
I thank God with all my heart, you can believe me that He let me have such a daughter and she's clever and quick and educated she can read better than I can but you old crook, you told me yesterday you couldn't read at all!
Excelencia, estoy agradecido a Dios de corazón, puede creerme. Que me haya regalado algo así... ¡ Y es inteligente!
I knew after that night, that wasn't the way to stop her. She'd just have to get over him. That's all.
Tenía que esperar a que se desilusionara de él.
I'm positive she's all right. Darling, I have told you time and time again we can't trust anybody.
- En serio que es buena persona.
But you won't have to. I tell you she's perfectly all right.
Pero eso no es preciso Sabemos que está perfectamente.
I forgive you all the tricks you played on me, but you have to know where she's gone.
Te perdono por todas las bromas que me has gastado, pero tengo que saber dónde se ha ido.
All I know is that she says she's Ruth. She certainly sounds like Ruth. And unless you have some way of proving different...
Lo único que sé es que ella dice que es Ruth y lo parece a menos que usted pueda demostrar lo contrario.
She's heard all i have to tell her.
Ya oyó lo que tenía que decirle.
You can have her for all I care, she's yours!
Te la dejo de corazón. Es tuya.
After all, she's the only sister I have and I... How's that?
Al fin y al cabo es la única hermana que tengo, y yo... ¿ qué?
She's all I have.
Sólo la tengo a ella.
I guess she'll have enough to get by on, that is, when it's all settled up. But in the meantime, if she needs any ready cash, it's not much considering what's happened. It's only a little over $ 700, but if she'll accept it...
Supongo que no tendrá problemas económicos al menos cuando todo esté resuelto, pero mientras tanto, si necesita dinero no es mucho, poco más de 700 $, pero quisiera...
Besides, it's only fair I should have her tiara. After all, she has you.
Es justo que tenga la diadema de su esposa, porque ella lo tiene a usted.
She's all I have.
Ella es todo lo que me queda.
Like my wife, she's not much, but she's all I have.
Johnson. Como mi esposa, no es gran cosa, pero es todo lo que tengo.
She's all I have in the world
Ella es todo lo que tengo en el mundo
- Vera, she's all I have in the world.
- Vera, es todo lo que yo tengo en el mundo.
Well, she's all I have.
Es toda mi vida.
She couldn't have told by my face, I'm sure, it's just... It's as if we're all the same man.
No pudo ser por mi cara, estoy seguro, es como si todos fuésemos el mismo hombre.
Aw now, there's a certain little lady, now, you all know who i mean, she may have been to rodean, but to me, uh, she's still a queen?
"Hay una damita en particular. Todos saben de quién hablo. " Puede que haya ido a Rodean, pero para mí
She's all I have!
¡ Ella es todo lo que tengo!
She's all I have.
Ella es todo lo que tengo.
All the men have been running after her, But I'm the one she's picked.
Todos los hombres corría tras ella, pero me escogió a mí.
She wanted to come tonight, but I thought after all the fun she had at the airport... this afternoon that she ought to have a night's rest.
Quería venir... pero después de lo del aeropuerto... pensé que debía descansar bien esta noche.
Well, what she's trying to say, Chief, is that I have just been appointed head of the negotiating committee for all women CONTROL agents.
Lo que intenta decir, jefe es que acaban de nombrarme jefe del comité negociador de las agentes de CONTROL.
You see, I have a great responsibility toward Helena. She's very young and all of her life ahead of her.
Porque tengo una gran responsabilidad con Helena es muy joven y tiene...
She's all I have.
Es todo lo que tengo en el mundo.
She's lost all the sex appeal I thought she might have had.
Pero ha perdido todo el sex appeal que un día tuvo.
She's all I have left.
No puedo abandonarla.
I mean, you have those glove prints on the murder weapon, and, I'll tell ya. The more I speak to people around here... people like yourself... the more I find it hard to believe that she's the type of woman... that would get involved in that kind of thing at all.
Por esas huellas de guantes en el arma homicida y, además cuanto más hablo con la gente de aquí, incluyéndolo a usted más me cuesta creer que ella fuera la clase de mujer que se mezcla en esa clase de cosas.
that's it. I had. I had, we had, she had, you had, they had, you all had, having had, having had, we would have had...
Yo tenía, tenías, tenía, teníamos, tenía, teníais, tenían,... las conjugaciones del verbo "teniendo".
But between you and me she might have been 15. When you get that little red beaver right up there in front of you, I don't think it's crazy at all.
Entre Ud. y yo puede que tuviera 15 años, pero cuando uno tiene enfrente una conchita así, no creo que sea cosa de locos.
Captain I am a poor devil. She's all I have in this world. If you're joking, Captain...
Mi capitán, soy un pobre diablo... es lo único que tengo en el mundo.
She's all the family that Ceddie and I have.
Ella es toda la familia que Setti y yo tenemos
I'm sorry, she's all wet. I have to change her.
Discúlpeme, tengo que cambiarla.
I have all these things to say and she's not here.
Tengo tantas cosas que decirle y ella no est? aqu? .
After all, she's the only family I have.
- Es la única familia que tengo.
Not always, but she's all I have left.
No siempre. Pero es lo único que me queda.
I have been trying to tell you all night. That girl, she's a guy.
He tratado de decírtelo toda la noche, esa mujer... ¡ es un tipo!
She's all I have.
Ella es lo único que tengo.
She's all I have left of zoe.
Ella es todo lo que me queda de Zoe.
She's all I have in the world.
Es lo único que tengo en el mundo.
I have a friend, who has a man growing in her field and she doesn't know if, in order to have relations with him, she needs an agreement of us all here or there's freedom on this.
Es que tengo una amiga que le ha salido un hombre en el bancal, y no sabe si si para tener relaciones con él hace falta un acuerdo aquí de todas nosotras o hay libertad.
As long I have the mustache and all that, it's cute for me. She don't want me being in no girls'clothes. She can't take it.
Aunque usara bigote y todo eso, porque me quedaba bien, no quería que usara ropa de mujer.
You know, Neal, that really is amazing. I can't believe that Margaret, after all she's put you through that she would have the nerve to call you up and ask you to take her back. It must have felt really good to finally tell her off, eh?
Lo que Kate trata de decir, en nombre de todos, es que estás tan ciego, que ya nos rendimos.

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