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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / Squeeze it

Squeeze it tradutor Espanhol

859 parallel translation
Eddie? Listen, get this and don't squeeze it because it will squirt in your eyes.
Eddie, escucha esto y no lo estrujes, te salpicarías los ojos.
Hay que ordeñarla.
I know money was no object... as long as you could squeeze it out of the pockets of the people.
El dinero no es un obstáculo mientras pueda quitárselo de los bolsillos al pueblo.
Your types are as old as history. If you can't lay your dirty fingers on a decent idea, and squeeze it into your pocket, like dogs, if you can't eat it, you bury it.
Sus pretensiones son tan viejas como la historia y si no pueden meter sus sucias y asquerosas manos en una idea decente y sacar provecho de ella, la destrozan como perros hambrientos y la entierran.
Squeeze it slowly.
No tires de él.
Any way to squeeze it out quicker?
¿ Hay algún modo de sacarla más rápido?
You could squeeze it in between you other commissions.
Podrías hacerle un hueco entre tus otros encargos.
You can take my hand if you won't squeeze it.
Puedes cogerme del brazo si no me lo aprietas.
And if he wasn't hurt, he'd come back and squeeze it out of ya.
Y si no estuviera impedido, volvería aquí para matarte.
You'll squeeze it out of me with those big, strong arms.
Me lo quitarás a la fuerza con tus fornidos brazos.
You'll have to squeeze it in before noon.
Tendrá que sacarlo antes del mediodía.
Go ahead, Softy, Squeeze it!
¡ Con fuerza, estúpido, aprieta!
What I don't know, nobody can squeeze it out of me.
Lo que no sabes, nadie puede extraértelo
Moisten the cloth, and squeeze it between his lips.
Humedece un trapo y mójale los labios.
I don't know, but mummy says that if you can buy it, burn it or bottle it, if he could sip it, swallow it or gurgle it or gargle it if you could squeeze it out of the bottle or squeeze it out of a damp rag or just put it in a glass and swish it around he'll drink it.
No sé, mami dice que si se compra, o embotella, y si se puede sorber, tragar, gargarizar, si sale de una botella o de exprimir un buen trapero, sírvanlo en un vaso, él lo beberá.
It hurts, boy, screaming. I'll have to squeeze it.
Si te duele, muchacho, grita.
Come on, squeeze it off.
Vamos, aprieta.
Squeeze it slowly.
Hazlo lentamente.
Is it in the water all the time or do they squeeze it out somehow?
¿ La lleva el agua misma y la exprimen o algo así?
But I expect to squeeze every minute out of it.
Aunque pienso aprovechar cada momento.
You think you're going to be pushed right spang up against a wall you can't see any way out, or any hope at all and then something you never counted on turns up and you kind of squeeze out of it.
Piensas que vas a encontrarte atrapado entre la espada y la pared no ves ninguna salida ni ninguna esperanza y entonces algo con lo que jamás habías contado aparece y logras salvar la dificultad.
on the contrary. it seems to me some of your guest before had an attack of "fall-through" on this chair before he's right in here you have to squeeze your asshole tight shut
¡ Al contrario. me parece que algunos de sus invitados ya conocían esta silla de antes! ¡ Tiene razón! ¡ Aquí tienes que mantener tu culo bien apretado!
In past ten years Is it enough that the people were squeeze and devastated by you?
¿ No es suficiente que el pueblo sufriera y muriera por su culpa?
Well, you know how it is, you're trying to squeeze a few nickels together.
¿ Y entonces cómo es que estáis todos revoloteando por aquí?
You said it. "Hold'em and squeeze'em, Dent."
Sí, "agarrarlo y apretar".
Well, it was a tight squeeze, but I made it.
Bueno, estuvo cerca, pero lo logré.
Yeah, it's going to be a tight squeeze for everybody. It won't do my pants any good.
Se me arrugarán los pantalones.
So as a favor to me, will you let out a man-sized protest about the whole deal, and give me a chance to squeeze out of it?
Por eso me hace un favor si protesta el acuerdo, y me da oportunidad de deshacerme de el.
All you had to do was grab hold of the gun, jab it against her heart and squeeze the trigger.
Lo único que tenía que hacer era coger el revólver, apuntarle al corazón y disparar.
Era fácil apretar el gatillo y él estaba tan... ¡ Basta!
And now he'd like to squeeze out the last drop of it by havin'me.
Y ahora quiere traer hasta la última gota poseyéndome a mí.
I know you'll squeeze every ounce out of it.
Sé que le sacará todo el jugo posible.
Tell me about it before I squeeze the rotten life out of you.
Cuéntamelo antes de que te exprima la mierda de vida que te queda.
And my Great Granny McCoy said that it would only be discovered... when a Squeeze Box McCoy returned.
Mi bisabuela McCoy decía que sólo sería descubierto... cuando regresara un Acordeón McCoy.
No... might be able to squeeze 4 out of it.
- No, quizás consigamos cuatro.
I am happy it was not necessary for me to squeeze two more into the dungeon.
Estoy feliz de que no fuera necesario encerrar a dos más en el calabozo.
It's the old squeeze play.
Es el viejo juego del acoso.
All you do is aim it and squeeze.
Sólo hay que apuntar y apretar.
They'll squeeze me dry for it.
Me dejarán completamente seco.
It's a lawyer's job to squeeze a man... and squeeze him where his squirming's seen most - in court.
El trabajo de un abogado es evprimir al hombre y donde más puede retorcerlo y evprimirlo es los tribunales.
He sics her onto the husbands, and before you know it... he's got his evidence and he's ready for the big squeeze.
La manda a seducir esposos. En seguida, reúne las pruebas y está listo para el chantaje.
When it comes to paying, they squeeze everyone.
Cuando se trata de números, todo el mundo se esconde.
- It'll be a tight squeeze, sir.
- Pasaremos por los pelos, señor.
It gets down to the squeeze, Jon.
En el fondo, es la presión, Jon.
When I saw I couldn't squeeze through, it was too late. I had to swing to the right, swing fast.
Tuve que girar a la derecha rápidamente.
It was small, just large enough for a man to squeeze through, but it was there.
Era del tamaño justo para que pasase una persona.
I mean, personally, I figure that some French mama put the squeeze on our boy you know, but he smoothed himself out of it.
Por mi parte, creo que una madre francesa apuró a nuestro muchacho ya sabes, pero èl supo cómo escapar.
- It's a bit of a squeeze.
- Vamos un poco apretados.
I knew it wouldn't be long until you'd you'd fine that opening and squeeze through.
Sabía que no pasaría mucho tiempo hasta que tú descubrieses la apertura y pasaras a través de ella.
Squeeze down on it.
You sure squeeze a man into laying it on the line, don't you?
Sabes presionar para poner las cartas sobre la mesa, ¿ eh?

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