Suspect down tradutor Espanhol
327 parallel translation
So after waiting around for six hours... the assistant D.A. Comes out, looking like he just stepped in something squishy... and he tells me they copped the suspect down to misdemeanorjoyriding.
Entonces después de seis horas... sale el fiscal adjunto, con rostro desencajado... y me dice que hizo un trato por un delito menor.
Personally, I'd recommend you get hold of a cocker spaniel, tie your suspect down on a chair with a potty on his head, then pop his todger between two flowery baps and shout, "Dinner time, Fido"!
Personalmente, le recomendaría coger un cocker spaniel, atar al sospechoso en una silla con un orinal en la cabeza, colocarle la cosa entre dos rebanadas de pan y gritar : "¡ A comer, Fido!"
Suspect down.
Sospechoso herido.
Suspect down, Third and Carlton.
Sospechoso herido. 3ra. y Carlton.
What's up? I've got a suspect down at the station I was hoping you could I.D.
Quiero que identifique a un sospechoso.
You were most likely saddened but I suspect you're also a bit pleased deep down inside, if truth be told. No!
Estás muy triste, pero sospecho que, en el fondo, también estás un poco satisfecho, si te digo la verdad,
I suspect it's time to get down to business, Mr. Adams.
Creo que es hora de regresar a nuestros asuntos, Sr. Adams.
If you don't speak any louder I might suspect that you're knocking down on me.
Si no habla más alto, sospecharé que me esconde algo.
And if the Russians down there suspect our presence at all let it be because they sense this.
Si los rusos sospechan lo más mínimo de nuestra presencia que sea porque lo presienten.
Le dio la voz de alto y se identificó como policía, pero el sospechoso continuó por las escaleras de incendio.
Suspect in a half-dozen drug murders down here.
Un sospechoso en seis homicidios por drogas en la ciudad.
He's down as a suspect here.
Es como un sospechoso aquí.
Tonight on a Harlem back street, Leo Smalls, Jr... a street pimp known as "Fast Black"... was allegedly gunned down by a suspect... police have identified as Reginald Liggens.
Esta noche en un callejón de Harlem, Leo Smalls, Jr un chulo conocido como "Fast Black" se alega, fue asesinado por un sospechoso identificado como Reginald Liggens.
Well, Donald also told me that you had him down as chief suspect. is that right?
Donald también me dijo que es su principal sospechoso. ¿ Es correcto?
Dr King, I suspect... that your butterfly's on upside down.
Doctora King, sospecho... que su mariposa está al revés.
Foster had you down as chief suspect.
Foster te consideraba el sospechoso principal.
Suspect has been shot and is down.
Un sospechoso también ha caído.
They've picked up a suspect and they want you to come down and look at a lineup today.
Detuvieron a un sospechoso y quieren que vayas a reconocerlo hoy.
Kimble is suspect. Repeat officer down.
Se sospecha de Kimble.
He's also our top suspect... but we can't track him down.
Es nuestro mayor sospechoso... pero no podemos rastrearlo.
- Yeah, but you had him down as a suspect at one stage.
- Por cierto que no. - Pero ya lo tuvo como sospechoso.
Capt. Bridger or Clayton suspect anything... we'll be shut down for sure. Got it?
Si el capitán Bridger o Clayton sospechan algo nos detendrán con seguridad.
AII units, suspect in the four-officer - down call is still at large.
Atención, sospechoso que hirió a 4 oficiales sigue libre.
Victor One. Suspect is down.
El sospechoso ha sido derribado.
Suspect's down, third floor.
Sospechoso herido en el tercer piso.
Suspect's down.
¡ El sospechoso está herido!
Well, I've narrowed down my list of one suspect.
- Reduje mi lista a un sospechoso.
A suspect is worn down.
El sospechoso es agotado.
Thank you for coming down here, though I suspect it has been a pointless journey.
Gracias por venir pero me temo que ha sido un viaje inútil.
lnterrogation really means questioning a suspect. When I need to find some info from Little Rick or whatever, I take'is head, put it down and -'scuse me French - l do a guff on his head.
interrogatorio significa preguntar a un sospechoso cuando necesito información del Little Rick o tal, le cojo de la cabeza, le bajo y - disculpa mi francés - le tiro un pedo en la cara, entonces habla
We just want to make sure the shoe on the suspect is the same shoe that kicked down your door.
Solo queremos asegurarnos que el zapato del sospechoso es el mismo zapato que pateo su puerta.
They have shut down the main grid they suspect someone is helping him.
Deben de haber apagado la rejilla principal ya que sospechan que alguien lo ha estado ayudando.
And in the fourth hour of a massive manhunt for a third suspect airports up and down the Atlantic Coast are closed. National Guard units.... Washington and Baltimore report massive delays, cancellations and closures at major airports....
En la cuarta hora de búsqueda de un tercer sospechoso los aeropuertos de la costa atlántica están cerrados grandes retrasos, cancelaciones y cierres de los principales aeropuertos estaciones de tren, autobús y puertos.
When you see that everything's ok, and he doesn't suspect shit, then you yell out : "Are there any aligators down there?"
Heather, ve con ellos como si fueras a hablar, cuando todo está bien y no sospeche gritas hay lagartos.
Suspect's down there.
Tiene al sospechoso.
What he doesn't realize, we got no DNA on the hairs so we can't chase down his other suspect.
Aunque sin la raíz, no tenemos ADN para perseguir a su otro sospechoso.
Something smells completely frellnik down here, so I suspect I found the waste conduit Moordil said we had to find. Look, just stay where you are.
Algo huele completamente mal aquí abajo, asi que sospecho que he encontrado los conductos de desperdicios que Moordil dijo que teniamos que encontrar
Well, they all had to bring the letters and sit down with our suspect. Have a drink, it's laced with, I don't know, Valium and then it's lights out.
Todos trajeron las cartas y se sentaron con el sospechoso.
I'm here at the crime scene at the boardwalk where a detective was gunned down during a manhunt for Joseph LaMarca a murder suspect police consider armed and dangerous.
Sí Brian, estoy aquí en este, una vez popular casino, donde el detective Duffy fue asesinado en una cacería humana por Joseph Lamarca, el cual la policía... -... considera armado y peligroso. - Teniente.
As soon as I stand, they're going to suspect that some shit's about to go down.
Ni bien me pare, van a sospechar que algo está por ocurrir.
Suspect's down.
El sospechoso ha caído.
I repeat, suspect is down.
Repito, el sospechoso ha caído.
One suspect down.
Un sospechoso herido.
Suspect is down.
Un sospechoso herido.
That the main suspect was caught with half of the goods that he didn't have time to flush down the toilet.
Que el principal sospechoso fue sorprendido con la mitad del botín que no tuvo tiempo de tirar por el váter.
Well, that's fine.I would never turn down an invitation to a suspect's home.
Bueno, está bien. Nunca rechazo la invitación a la casa de un sospechoso.
Well, I mean, you know, anyone with half a brain can build a silencer, so the suspect attached metal tubing to the end of the barrel, and then filled the suppressor tube around it with bronze, wool, and lithium grease to dissipate any expulsion of gasses... and to keep the explosion down, and then, finally, capped it all off with a black neoprene washer.
Bueno, verás, ya sabes, cualquiera con medio cerebro puede construir un silenciador,... así que el sospechoso añadió un tubo de metal al final del cañon, y rellenó el hueco de alrededor con bronce, lana, y grasa de litio para disipar la expulsión de gases y poder disminuir la explosión, y entonces, por último, forró todo con una arandela de neopreno negra.
Then we were 50 billion apart, and I suspect if I'd gone down to 25... -... we'd be 12 billion apart.
Nos separaban 50.000 millones y si hubiera bajado otros 25.000 nos hubieran separado 12.000 millones.
That narrows down our suspect pool.
Eso acorta nuestra lista de sospechosos.
Stand down! I repeat, stand down! Suspect is not black!
¡ Retírense, repito, retírense, el sospechoso no es negro!
I suspect Kelso hasn't told Brooke that he burned down the police academy.
Sospecho que Kelso no le dijo a Brooke que incendió la academia de polcía.
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down to business 31
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down to 41
down in one 23
down in front 26
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down to 41
down in one 23
down in front 26