Take me to him tradutor Espanhol
2,644 parallel translation
I'm asking you to take me to him.
Le voy a pedir que me lleve con él.
Take me to him.
Llévenme con él.
Take me to him, please.
Llévame con él, por favor.
l-l met the same, um, taxi driver, but this time I let him take me to his brother's hotel.
Me topé con aquel taxista, pero esta vez me dejé llevar al hotel de su cuñado.
Me and him don't take kindly to left-wing bastards coming out here...
Él y yo no les gustan a de izquierda bastardos venir aquí...
So many girls wanted to take him from me!
¡ Tantas chicas querían llevármelo!
If you want me to take him off your hands, that is something I could do.
Si quieres te lo puedo quitar de las manos, eso es algo que podría hacer.
- Fine, take me to see him if it's so important to you.
Está bien, llévame con él, si es tan importante para ti.
He'd just take Sean off me, and if I tried to say anything to him, he'd bury me.
Acababa de tomar Sean de mí, y si yo trataba de decirle nada, él me entierren.
I want him to take me as his patient.
Quiero que él me tome como su paciente.
- Take me to him.
Eh... ¡ llévame con éI, "Sardinuca"! Ves cómo te pones, ¿ eh?
So now I have to go pay a million dollars to these bounty hunters to get Mario back, cos if I don't, they're gonna take him straight to the cops and that little piece of shit will rat me out.
Entonces ahora tengo que pagarle un millón de dólares a esos cazadores de recompensa para recuperar a Mario. Porque si no lo hago, lo llevarán directo a la policía y ese pedazo de mierda me delataría.
But they are going to take him away from me.
Pero me lo van a quitar.
You really want to kill me and take him with me?
¿ En verdad quieren matarme y matarlo a él conmigo?
I know that he needs me to take care of him.
Sé que necesita que le cuide.
I knew it was gonna take more than just the blue suits in the bureau to take him down.
Sabia que me iba a tomar mas que unos trajes azules del buro para doblegarme
He's really shy, so he made me come with him, but he is dying to take your pole dancing class.
Es muy timido, así que me ha hecho venir con él, pero se muere por probar vuestras clases de barra americana.
You don't want me to take that back to him.
No quieres que le devuelva eso.
Because I've been thinking that I'm going to take him to Paris with me.
Porque he estado pensando en que voy a llevármelo a París conmigo.
I take him to work, he hangs me out to dry in front of everyone.
Lo llevo a trabajar, y me deja abandonada ante todos.
I gotta take care of that thing to get him off my ass.
Necesito arreglar ese asunto para que papá me deje tranquilo.
Follow me and I'll take you to him.
Sígueme y te llevaré a él.
I set out to take revenge on Jeff Winger, to scare him with the ghost of his father.
Me dispuse a vengarme de Jeff Winger, a asustarle con el fantasma de su padre.
I say you take him, question him, and get back to me.
Yo propongo que lo traigas, le interrogues y después vuelvas conmigo.
This guy has done nothing concrete that I can use to take him down.
El chico no ha hecho nada concreto que me permita ir a por él.
What interests me is whether she's here looking for business or waiting for a customer that she has already arranged to meet, in which case I suggest we sit here and wait for the dirty bugger to show up and then take pictures of him to blackmail him with.
Lo que me interesa es si está aquí buscando hacer negocios o esperando a un cliente con quien ya acordó verse, que en ese caso sugiero que nos sentemos aquí y esperamos a que aparezca ese cabrón y le tomamos fotos para chantajearlo.
My mother would take me to the hospital to visit him, and I remember the smell in there, the chemicals.
Mi madre solía llevarme a visitarlo al hospital y recuerdo el olor que había allí, los productos químicos.
He's still gonna take over my body once I fall asleep, whether I allow him to or not.
Todavía puede tomar mi cuerpo cuando me duerma... se lo permita o no.
And I would love to get your take on him.
Y me encantaría tener tu opinión sobre él.
But first she had to prove that she could take care of him, and believe me, she had a terrible time.
Pero primero demostró que podía ocuparse de él... y créeme, no le fue nada bien.
I don't either, so it occurred to me that maybe I could take him around to see the sites... and have a nice day out and about.
Y yo tampoco. Se me ocurrió que, por ahí, podía llevármelo y mostrarle las cosas lindas que hay... y pasear un poco ¿ qué te parece?
When Linus was a baby I used to take him down to the fence when the expeditionaries came home, hold him up high above the fence so Mitchell could see him.
Cuando Linus era un bebé me gustaba llevarle hasta la valla cuando los expedicionarios regresaban a casa.
I guess old timeline me used to take him on ride-alongs.
Creo que en la antigua línea de tiempo solía llevarle conmigo de patrulla.
Promised to take him with me.
Le prometí que me lo llevaría conmigo.
I don't want to take him down with me.
- No quiero que caiga conmigo.
So you get to take him away from me?
Así que, ¿ lo alejas de mí?
- If you're gonna defend him and tell me to take a backseat to law school, you can leave this bathroom.
- Si vas a defenderle y decirme que me quede atrás mientras esté en Derecho, puedes dejar este baño.
Then I'd like to take him home as soon as possible.
Después me gustaría llevarlo a casa lo más pronto posible.
I called him earlier, but I didn't hear back, and I got to take off today.
Lo llamé antes pero no me lo cogió y tengo que irme hoy.
And after we take the Acton Armory, I'm gonna be weaponing up and going back to get him.
Y cuando nos hayamos hecho con la armería, me armaré y regresaré para recuperarlo.
He asked me to take a drink with him tonight.
Me pidió que tomara un trago con él esta noche.
All I have to give you is Ali as dear to me as you are. Take him.
Todo lo que puedo darte es a Ali tan querido para mi como tu.
He promised to take me with him, back to Oxford.
Prometió llevarme con él de vuelta a Oxford.
If I tell you I already have a boyfriend, you promise not to take it as some big, macho challenge and try to steal me away from him?
Si te dijera que ya tengo un novio, Prometes no tomartelo como un reto machista e intentar robarle la chica?
I think we should let to take him home, if ask nicely. Never You know when you might need it.
Creo que me llevaré uno de esos en la noche, nunca sabes cuando pueden ser útiles.
We need to confront this Omar Baba and we need to tell him that we is not going to take it any more.
Tenemos que confrontar a Omar Baba y decirle que no vamos a tolerarlo más. ¿ Me entienden?
I'm gonna take him to the woodshed, believe me.
Voy a darle su merecido, creeme.
Let me take a run at him, coach to qb, And see if I can't get him to do the right thing.
Déjame ir a verlo, entrenarlo para quarter back y ver si logro que haga lo correcto.
Shouldn't take too much Succubus stylin'to get him to tell me what makes him so strong.
No debería llevar demasiado estilo súcubo conseguir que me diga qué le hace tan fuerte.
- Tell you what... share him with me and we'll take him to Bishop together.
Te digo que... compartelo conmigo y lo llevamos a Bishop juntos.
I once saw a guy take 11 rounds before he begged me to kill him.
Una vez vi a un hombre dar 11 vueltas antes de que me pidiera que lo matara.
take me away 98
take me 491
take me back 66
take me there 54
take me out 21
take me with you 319
take me home 231
take me to your leader 17
take me along 20
take me instead 42
take me 491
take me back 66
take me there 54
take me out 21
take me with you 319
take me home 231
take me to your leader 17
take me along 20
take me instead 42
take me in 25
take me away from here 19
take me now 23
take me to her 22
take me to them 19
to him 225
to himself 21
take it easy 3777
take care 2154
take your time 1039
take me away from here 19
take me now 23
take me to her 22
take me to them 19
to him 225
to himself 21
take it easy 3777
take care 2154
take your time 1039
take care of yourself 629
take it away 239
take a nap 62
take that 698
take it 3226
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take it slow 68
take a shower 102
take a walk 160
take it away 239
take a nap 62
take that 698
take it 3226
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take it slow 68
take a shower 102
take a walk 160
take thee 47
take them off 138
take off the mask 22
take it down 128
take a seat 906
take care of me 19
take care of yourselves 28
take your pick 204
take it up 36
take a bite 43
take them off 138
take off the mask 22
take it down 128
take a seat 906
take care of me 19
take care of yourselves 28
take your pick 204
take it up 36
take a bite 43