Tell me about him tradutor Espanhol
1,252 parallel translation
- So tell me about him.
- Háblame de él.
I want you to tell me about him, about my father.
Quiero que me hables de él, de mi padre.
- Tell me about him. - Michel?
Hábleme de él.
Tell me about him.
Cuénteme algo de él.
Tell me about him.
Dígame algo sobre él.
Can you tell me about him?
¿ Puedes hablarme de él?
So, tell me about him.
Bueno, cuéntame sobre él.
Tell me about him.
Hàbleme de él.
Tell me about him.
Háblame de él.
I was wondering if you could tell me about him.
Quisiera saber si podría decirme algo sobre él.
So tell me about him.
Cuéntame sobre él.
Tell me about him.
Hábleme de él.
Tell me about him.
Cuéntame sobre él.
Tell me about him.
Cuentame de el.
- Tell me about him. - No.
- Habla sobre él.
- Tell me about him.
- Háblame de él.
Alexander. About how she did not tell me about him when he was born.
Sobre Alexander, porque no quiso decírmelo cuando nació.
Tell me about him.
You're gonna tell me he'll give a damn about what you do to him if he makes it out ofthere alive?
¿ Cree que le va a importar un rábano lo que pueda hacerle si consigue salir con vida?
Well, when he comes in, could you tell him to drop by about eight?
¿ podrías decirle que me recoja cerca de las 8?
Me and Sawyer didn't tell him about it.
Sawyer y yo no le dijimos nada.
Let me tell you something about the little guy. You can only push him around until you back him in the corner. Like the mighty Wolverine who gnaws his leg off if caught in a trap,
Déjame decirte algo acerca del muchachito... al que has acosado y puesto contra las cuerdas... pero, las cosas van a cambiar.
So I begged him not to lie about important things... and to tell me if he stopped loving me.
Entonces le dije que en lo esencial no me enganara que si algun dia dejaba de quererme, que me lo dijera.
He said to tell you not to worry about him.
Me dijo que no te preocuparas por él.
Did you tell him about me and the baby?
¿ Le hablaste de mí y del niño?
Martin Petrie tried to tell me about this society but they got to him before I did.
Martin Petrie intentó contarme cómo funcionaba esa sociedad, pero llegaron antes que yo.
Did you tell him about me?
¿ Le hablaste de mí?
Can you tell me anything about him?
¿ Puede contarme algo de él?
I'd like to ask Mr. Farazmand to tell the court about the various people who contacted him regarding this man.
Me gustaría pedirle al Sr. Farazmand que le cuente a la Corte sobre las varias personas que lo contactaron con respecto a este hombre.
Tell him Lombino didn't say nothing to me about no new bagman.
Dile que Lombino no nos dijo que tenía un cobrador nuevo.
Me muero por ir a casa y contarle.
What can you tell me about him?
- ¿ Qué me puedes decir?
- Tell me more about him.
- Cuéntame más sobre él.
Don't tell me to forget about him!
- ¡ No me digas que lo olvide!
Just tell Mr. Jaconelli Dr. MacKee's wife called and that I expect him to get back to me personally about this, OK?
Dígale al Sr. Jaconelli que le ha llamado la mujer del Dr. MacKee.
Tell me something else about him.
Dígame algo más sobre él.
Now, I wanna write a story about it, but I need you to tell me how I can get in touch with him.
Quiero escribir una historia sobre ello pero necesito que me digas cómo ponerme en contacto con él.
Well, to tell the truth, there's some stuff about Holling that really bugs me, but now I know I can tell him.
A decir verdad, hay ciertas cosas de Holling que me molestan mucho... pero ahora se las puedo decir.
Tell me more about him.
Hàbleme de él.
Can you tell me anything else about him or her?
¿ Hay algo más que pueda decirme? ¿ Algo sobre él? ¿ O ella?
So, we ate, and he walked me home... and just as I was about to tell him that this was it- -
Así que, cenamos, y me llevó a casa... y justo cuando estaba a punto de decirle de que se trataba todo esto...
Um, well, if I did, I wouldn't have just asked him what he could tell me about it.
Bueno, si supiera algo, no le habría dicho a el que me contara algo del lugar.
Give it to your firstborn and tell him about me.
Puedes dársela a tu primogénito y hablarle de mí.
Tell me something about him.
Cuéntame algo acerca de él.
You tell me all about him.
Si me lo cuentas todo.
Let me let him tell you about it.
Y dejaré que sea él quien lo cuente.
Tell me, what did you know about him?
Dime, ¿ qué sabías de él?
Tell me about him.
Hableme de él.
While I do that, you march over to Joker and tell him that me and Pascal wish to speak to him about the murders.
Mientras yo hago eso, tu ve y encuentra a Joker, y dile que Pascal quiere hablar con él de los asesinatos.
Whenever I can't sleep, I ask him to tell me about his day.
Cuando no puedo dormir, le pregunto qué hizo.
Tell me about a young Buddy in love with a woman who just didn't want him.
Cuéntame de un joven Buddy enamorado... de una mujer que simplemente no lo quería.
tell me 9887
tell me about yourself 90
tell me more 252
tell me everything 270
tell me something about yourself 16
tell me about it 1085
tell me you love me 72
tell me something i don't know 107
tell me your name 121
tell me what happened 368
tell me about yourself 90
tell me more 252
tell me everything 270
tell me something about yourself 16
tell me about it 1085
tell me you love me 72
tell me something i don't know 107
tell me your name 121
tell me what happened 368