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That is not it tradutor Espanhol

16,378 parallel translation
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that's not it, is it?
- Hay más, ¿ cierto?
You have to understand that this kind of response is not atypical, and I can't explain it.
Mis creencias... Le pido que entienda... que este tipo de respuesta no es atípica... y no puedo explicarlo.
I think it is very well that you were not here to hear the testimony of Miss Hill.
Creo que estaba muy bien planeado. Para ser testimonio.
That attitude, that focus, that ability... it's not being fostered where you're at, is it?
Esa actitud, ese foco, esa habilidad... ¿ no es promovida donde estás, no?
I will make sure that it is not going to trial.
Me aseguraré de que no vaya a juicio.
Look, we get reports like this here or worse on a daily, but now Kraus is so pissed you went over his head with it, he's probably not even gonna take it seriously, and that's on you.
Mira, tenemos informes como éste aquí o peor en un diario, pero ahora Kraus está tan cabreado que fuiste por encima de su cabeza con ella, que es probable que ni siquiera va a tomar en serio, y que está en ti.
After all, that is the tragic truth of the matter, is it not?
Después de todo, esa es la trágica verdad del asunto, ¿ no es así?
Does it not say that a man who says he's in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness?
¿ No va de un hombre que afirma estar en la luz, pero como odia a su hermano, sigue en la oscuridad?
I... it... it was like time stood still and I was outside my body and I am watching myself, I am hearing myself say these things to you, things, I guess, I felt at the moment, but obviously, that... that is not who I am.
Yo... es... era como si el tiempo se detuvo que... eso no es lo que soy.
They see it on TV and they get overambitious, but, you know, that thing is not a toy.
Lo ven en la televisión y se ponen demasiado ambicioso, pero, ya sabes, esa cosa no es un juguete.
Well, it is entertaining, but I'm not sure I can see it in the place that J.D. Salinger once called home.
Bueno, es entretenido, pero no estoy seguro de que pueda verlo en el lugar que J.D. Salinger, una vez llamó su hogar.
That's not true. - Yes, it is.
No es cierto.
As adults, it is our adult belief that it would be irresponsible if this baby did not have ninja skills.
"Como adultos sabemos " que sería irresponsable que ese bebé no tuviera habilidades de ninja.
That's not it. This is our favorite restaurant.
No, eso no es.
Your job is not to protect Dolores, it's to keep her here, to ensure that the guests find her if they want to best the stalwart gunslinger and have their way with this girl.
Tu trabajo no es proteger a Dolores, es mantenerla aquí, asegurarte de que los huéspedes la encuentran si quieren abatir al leal pistolero y forzar a esa chica.
I'm not saying it definitely is, but there's a possibility that is an actual snatch alert.
No digo que así sea pero es posible que sí haya una alerta de vaginas ahí.
No, what you're not getting, what you're ignoring, is that we know what happened at Auschwitz because there were people there who actually saw it.
No, lo que no estás entendiendo, lo que estás ignorando, es que sabemos lo que pasó en Auschwitz... porque había gente allí que realmente lo vio.
- Is it... - No, Mama, it's not that kind of proposal.
No, mamá, no es ese tipo de proposición.
What I'm saying is the system we've been using, it's not a system that exists anymore.
Lo que digo es que el sistema que hemos estado usando, es un sistema que ya no existe.
It's not a part of what I'm trying to discuss, and to say that it's something that I've been willingly or intentionally neglecting is insane.
No tiene que ver con lo que quiero decirte, y decir que es algo que estoy negando... de manera intencional, es una locura.
Also, "if it bleeds, it leads" is not some concept, Mike, it's a catchphrase that you picked up at a conference in Cleveland last month.
Además, "si sangra, lidera" no es un concepto, Mike. Es un eslogan que escuchaste en una conferencia en Cleveland el mes pasado.
Is that your idea of apologizing, because it's not very good.
¿ Esta es tu idea de una disculpa? Porque no es muy buena.
But I'm telling you this, that... burning someone alive is not normal, is it?
- No. Pero lo que digo es que... quemar viva a una persona no es normal.
How is it that we did not win Delaware?
¿ Por qué no ganamos en Delaware?
That is not what... it's not...
Eso no es lo que...
Madam President, it is a huge honor, but I have to balance that against my need not to do it.
Señora presidenta, es un gran honor pero debo equilibrarlo con mi necesidad de no hacerlo.
It's not a coincidence that my team quits and then you just happen to show up as the perfect replacement, is it?
¿ Que mi equipo dimitiera y que tú aparecieras para reemplazarlos no es una coincidencia, verdad?
There you will see well that it is not he?
No se ve bien, pero no se parece.
He thought it would liberate people to know for a fact that death is not an end.
Pensaba que saber que la muerte no era un final liberaría a la gente.
I know that pizza hut buffet is not a thing anymore, rest in peace pizza hut buffet, but that doesn't mean we can't just order like a bazillion pizzas and pretend it's still a thing.
Descansa en paz, buffet de Pizza Hut. Pero no quiere decir que no podamos ordenar una tonelada de pizzas y fingir que sigue existiendo, ¿ cierto?
You know what, Miranda, that is uncalled for and it is not funny.
Eso no venía a cuento y no es gracioso.
It's not as if that is the only insult.
No es que fuese el único insulto.
- That is not a normal plan. - It's better this way. It really is.
Es realmente mejor así.
That is not the same. It is not physical. What I mean... you do not see it!
No es algo físico, quiero decir, que no se ve.
I pretend it does not bother me, but that is a lie.
Finjo que me da igual.
No, that's my office and it's on the first floor which is not a good idea.
No, ese es mi despacho y está en el primer piso lo que no es una buena idea.
It's just I'm not sure the only way to achieve that is with the barrel of a gun.
Es solo que no estoy seguro de que el único modo para lograrlo sea a punta de pistola.
When this is over, however it ends, I will not be one of those mothers who has to look her children in the eye and tell them that she did nothing.
Cuando esto termine, cómo sea que termine, no seré una de esas madres que tendrá que mirar a sus hijos a los ojos y decirles que no hizo nada.
That's not true, is it?
Eso no es cierto, ¿ o sí?
You said you moved here because you wanted a fresh start, but that's not the whole truth, is it?
Dijiste que te mudaste aquí porque necesitabas un nuevo comienzo, pero esa no es toda la verdad, ¿ no?
I'm not a fucking tourist And frankly it offends me that you think it is
Yo no soy un jodido turista y francamente me ofende que creas que lo sea
And I assure you that it will not be me The only possibility that Shean has Is that you release me right now
y te aseguro que no seré yo la única posibilidad que Shean tiene es que me desates ahora mismo
It is a pity that his wife is not able to join him, but still...
Es una lástima que su esposa No es capaz de unirse a él, pero aún así...
In any case, it is bizarre that it's not locals who are disappearing.
En todo caso, es raro que no sea gente del lugar la que desaparece.
I wonder whether it is not the case that we should report his disappearance?
Me pregunto si no será el momento de dar cuenta de su desaparición.
No, that is not how it is.
No, no va así.
Rosie is sponsor to the max, I tell ye, old girl if this new world talks about this cookie it might not be that bad after all.
Rosie es su defensora al máximo, yo que te lo digo si este nuevo mundo habla por este bizcochito quizá no sea tan malo después de todo.
- My leg is fine. - No, it's not. And riding a patrol and working that wall are making your conditions worse.
No, no lo está y dirigir una patrulla y trabajar en ese muro está empeorando tu condición.
Our goal is pain reduction... that's it... and if you keep pushing this hard, even that's not gonna happen.
La pierna nunca se te curará. Nuestro objetivo es reducir el dolor. Ya está... y si sigues presionándote así incluso eso no va a ser posible.
It's what's not happening that is the concern.
Es lo que no está sucediendo, esa es la preocupación.
It's not the case simply that Christ is God, or God Christ.
El caso no es simplemente que Cristo es Dios, o Dios es Cristo.

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