They are everywhere tradutor Espanhol
259 parallel translation
They're holding services here today for those who were sacrificed, as they are everywhere.
Están colaborando hoy por los que fueron sacrificados aquí, como lo son en todas partes.
They are everywhere.
Están por todos lados.
They are everywhere.
Están por todas partes.
But beware, they are everywhere.
Pero cuidado, están por todas partes.
Fascists... They are everywhere...
En todos lados hay fascistas.
They are everywhere and they besiege us.
Están por todas partes. Nos asedian.
They are everywhere!
¡ Están en todas partes!
El Guapo, they are everywhere.
El Guapo, están por todas partes.
Everywhere, are they?
¿ Por todas partes?
His Majesty is convinced that the seeds of heresy are everywhere... and that they need investigation in this new land as well as in Spain.
Está convencido de que la herejía está en todas partes. Y que las nuevas tierras necesitan erradicarla.
Da! Yes, there are movie fans everywhere but wherever they are you can bet they would all like to go to Hollywood or bust!
Sí, hay amantes del cine en todas partes, y donde quiera que esté, para todas ellas es verdadera :
Everywhere we've been, there they are.
Allá donde vamos, están ellos.
People everywhere are the same in one thing - they're all afraid to die.
La gente es igual en una cosa : todos tienen miedo a la muerte.
Your friends are everywhere, aren't they?
Tus amigos están en todas partes.
The boy and me thought that if we came on TV and spread the story everywhere... and maybe the kidnappers are watching... and maybe they aren't as bad as people think,... I propose a deal.
Yo y éste habíamos pensado que como esto de la tele ya llega a todas partes... y a lo mejor nos están viendo los secuestradores... y no son tan malos como la gente dice que son,... yo les propongo un negocio.
The vicereine must be very sad because they are killing her chick, isn't she? Quiet, Doña Marqueta, the Inquisition people have ears everywhere.
Esta escena me recuerda algunas cosas de El hotel del horror, cuando queman a Patricia Jessel en la hoguera, y se convierte en un hotel de terror con todos los pobladores rodeando la hoguera para ser testigos.
The families of the crew are coming from everywhere. They are all over the building.
Hay familiares de la tripulación, por todas partes y rodean el edificio.
Everywhere else, people stay who they are :
En otra ciudad se es lo que se es.
And everywhere they are lovingly coined "Cheryomushki".
Y en todas partes se las llama cariñosamente "Cheryomushki".
Adendorff, are they going to hit us everywhere at once?
¿ Nos van a atacar por todos los frentes a la vez?
There are searches everywhere ; they were in our home too.
Ellos están buscando por todas partes.
I concede there are a few priests who really believe in what they preach... but most of them are phonies. It's the same thing everywhere.
Sé que algunas personas dicen lo que piensan pero la mayoría son unos farsantes.
They are looking for me everywhere.
Me están buscando en todas partes.
Now they are going to search everywhere.
Ahora empezarán a buscar por todas partes.
You realize that you're not the only people in your city who are doing the things you are, but they're everywhere.
No sólo la gente de tu ciudad. Todos estamos en lo mismo.
They're everywhere. What are we gonna do?
Están en todos lados, ¿ qué vamos a hacer?
Everywhere I've been in Europe, people are surprised that Brazil hasn't followed... the example of America... and expelled the Portuguese, as they did with England.
En todo lugar que pasé en Europa, la gente se sorprendía por el Brasil no haber seguido... el ejemplo de Norteamérica y mandado Portugal al diablo, como hicieron con Inglaterra.
They're not with us, we are everywhere!
No es que esten con nosotrxs, es que estamos por todas partes.
Sitting Bull, they are coming from everywhere,
Toro Sentado, llegan de todas partes.
They are looking for you everywhere,..... and making it difficult for me to operate.
Te buscan por todos lados y me hacen difícil trabajar.
Father Yanez says the veterans'associations are everywhere,... but in our case they only be effective if we are united on one side to the other, together.
El padre Yánez dice que asociaciones de veteranos las hay en todas partes, pero en nuestro caso sólo serán eficaces si vamos unidos los de un lado con los del otro, juntos.
Though nominally remaining free workers and consumers, they are scorned everywhere and have no real possibility of redress.
Aunque formalmente sigan siendo trabajadores y consumidores libres, no pueden ir a ninguna parte pues en todas se ríen de ellos.
You see when you look at this image of Portugal for example, that your eyes are going everywhere, they go up and down, all over :
Lo que es profundo es la extensión... una cierta relación entre lo conocido y lo desconocido. Cuando miras algo, esta imagen de Portugal, por ejemplo... la recorres con los ojos. Subes, bajas... te vas a los lados, te paseas.
They are everywhere.
Están en todas partes.
Since you wish it, sir I will tell you frankly that you are the laughing-stock of everybody that they taunt us everywhere by a thousand jokes on your account and that nothing delights people more than to make sport of you and to tell stories without end about your stinginess.
Monsieur, puesto que lo desea, le digo francamente que se burlan de Vd. en todos lados, que hacen cien burlas con Vd. cómo sujeto, que no están contentos si no lo arrastran sobre el barro... y cuentan mil cuentos sobre su mezquindad.
"everywhere they appear and are definitely the rising stars of the wrestling world".
"... que parecen imbatibles allá donde van y son sin duda estrellas en auge de la lucha libre. "
And when I was talking to, uh, Gustav Björnstrand... he was saying that actually these centers are growing up everywhere now... and that what they're trying to do, which is what Findhorn was trying to do... and, in a way, what I was trying to do...
Björnstrand dijo que existen estos centros... y que intentan hacer lo mismo que en "Findhorn"... y lo mismo que yo intentaba hacer.
See that? They're blonde everywhere. What sort of Sicilians are they?
Pero la mayoría de ellas son rubias, ¿ qué clase de sicilianas son?
And once they realize that we are indeed their children... and we are indeed everywhere... every myth, every lie, every innuendo... - will be destroyed once and for all. - [Cheering]
Y cuando se den cuenta de que en realidad somos sus hijos... y que de hecho estamos por todas partes... cada mito, cada mentira, cada insinuación... será destruido de una vez por todas.
And they are flaunted everywhere without shame like feathered Caribbeans in the midst of our diplomatic jury.
Y que se exhiban por todas partes sin pudor, como Caribes emplumados en medio de nuestro jurado de la diplomacia.
it's dangerous everywhere i'll go with you if you like those are new arrivals some are still virgins boys are cheaper there they are. juice and tender
En todas partes hay peligro Iré contigo si quieres Esas son nuevas algunas siguen vírgenes
They are popping out of everywhere.
Antes también...
- They are. Ghosts are everywhere?
- ¿ Hay fantasmas en todos lados?
- Where are they? - Everywhere.
¿ Dónde están?
Movies are as hardy as weeds, they grow everywhere!
Las películas son resistentes como las malas hierbas, crecen por todas partes.
The police are guarding the plant 24 hours a day but they can't be everywhere.
La policía protege la fábrica pero no es bastante.
They are everywhere, pinky.
E.L.L.O.S. están en todas partes, Pinky.
There are police. They're everywhere.
- Hay policías por todos lados.
They're not so serious. Zealots are creating difficulties everywhere.
Los fanáticos crean dificultades pordoquier.
Habitually, my glasses are everywhere Everywhere I look, there's a pair of glasses but when I want to get out with someone they vanish it's one of life's real cruelties
En un día normal hay lentes por todas partes.
They are coming from everywhere,...
Llegan de todas partes...
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they aren't 58
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they are good 26
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
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they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they are my family 17
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they are good 26
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they are dead 31
they are fine 18
they are mine 34
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they are there 18
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they are dead 31
they are fine 18
they are mine 34
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they are there 18
they are now 30
everywhere 595
everywhere you go 35
everywhere i go 42
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everywhere i look 39
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everywhere i went 16
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everywhere i look 39
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