They come tradutor Espanhol
33,798 parallel translation
"Tell me what it's like for you," she said, "when they come".
"Cuéntame que sientes tú" dijo ella, "cuándo vienen".
You've already done so much, but welcoming... we really want the first face people see when they come through the door to be, um... to be... to be welcoming, you know?
Ya has hecho demasiado, pero dar la bienvenida... En verdad queremos que el primer rostro que vea la gente cuando pasen por la puerta sea... sea acogedor, ¿ sabes?
Most poor souls end up here, they come in and out as John and Jane Does.
la mayoría de las pobres almas que terminan aquí, entran y salen como John y Jane Does.
I hope they come to their senses and stand with Luke Healy, who is someone I know we can work with.
Espero que entren en razón y sigan con Luke Healy, que es alguien con quien sé que podemos trabajar.
I predict that when they come back in a few days, they'll be better off than when they left... both of them.
Predigo que cuando regresen en unos cuantos días, estarán mucho mejor que cuando se fueron. Los dos.
They come with accessories.
Vienen con su equipo.
They come in a bunch of different flavors.
Vienen en un montón de diferentes sabores.
- And he's as queer as they come.
- Y homosexual confeso. - ¿ Y qué?
They come and go as they please.
Van y vienen como quieren.
Keep them bottled up long enough, act like the nice guy in a bad situation, and, inevitably, they come to your side.
Déjalos encerrados lo suficiente, hazte pasar por el bueno en una mala situación e, inevitablemente, se pondrán de tu parte.
Yeah. I'll take the remaining 220, I'll run it through my foreign shells, drop it right back into your personal account, smurf the shit out of it, and then weeks from now, when they come asking for it, it just looks like me and you are starting a company together.
Cogeré los 220 que faltan, lo haré a través mis cuentas extranjeras, y los ingresaré en tu cuenta personal, sacaré la pasta y dentro de unas semanas cuando pregunten, solo parecera que tú y yo estamos montando una empresa juntos.
It's one of the main questions we ask our self at this site, so why did they come?
Es una de las principales preguntas que nos hacemos. ¿ En este sitio? ¿ Por qué vinieron?
They come up with all these ways to make the Cavendish work, and they gamble that people aren't gonna care that it tastes bad, and that's what happened, and the Cavendish becomes our banana, and the Gros Michel, and the lesson of the Gros Michel
Vemos al líder del equipo y a uno de seguridad esperando para recibir el equipo. Ahora están subiendo las armas.
They come to sweat out the coke and duck all the pervs.
Vienen a sudar la coca y evitar a los pervertidos.
People are always amazed when they come to Hollywood and there's no museum of film history. I've tried.
La gente se asombra cuando viene a Hollywood... y ve que no hay un museo de su historia fílmica.
It's one thing for a ghost to come back and haunt the living, for monsters to threaten and terrorize the innocent, but when they destroy a man's artistic masterpiece, it's time to stop being Hollywood phonies and start being mystery solvers.
Es una cosa que un fantasma vuelva a la vida y persiga a los vivos, o que los monstruos amenacen y aterroricen a los inocentes, pero cuando arruinan la obra maestra artística de un hombre, es hora de dejar de ser imitadores de Hollywood y comenzar a resolver misterios.
Uh, they asked me to come take a picture with the new quarterback. - Oh.
Me pidieron que viniera a tomarme una foto con el nuevo mariscal.
People come to me because they want to hear from the dead.
La gente viene a mí porque quieren oír a los muertos.
They asked me to come up and see the Director.
Me pidieron que viniera a ver al Director.
Guys don't come out the same as they went in.
Los tipos no salen igual que entraron.
They still live in the world, especially if you come back to where you met them.
Todavía viven en el mundo, especialmente si vuelves a donde las conociste.
If we clamp down on dealing without offering an alternative, they'll come into the city.
Si acabamos con el tráfico sin ofrecer alternativas, vendrán para la ciudad.
Because by her doing that, people presume that since she has willingly come there... they have been issued a license to touch her inappropriately.
Porque ellas al hacer eso, la gente asume.. .. que ya que fue allí por voluntad propia.. .. a ellos se les otorga la licencia de tocarla de manera no apropiada.
If you're stalling, waiting for the cavalry to come, they're not.
Si haces tiempo, esperando que llegue la caballería... no llegarán.
Since when do you let anyone come in here and do what they want?
¿ Desde cuándo dejas a cualquiera entrar aquí y hacer lo que quiera?
Well, they don't come to me looking for a big show, now, do they?
Bueno, no me buscan a mí si quieren un gran espectáculo,, ¿ verdad?
I knew their father, and they told me that I ruin the lives of everyone that I come into contact with.
Conocí a su padre y me dijo que arruino las vidas de todos con quienes tengo contacto.
I think people come here and... they're idealists and then they get it beaten out of them.
Creo que la gente viene aquí y... son idealistas, pero entonces les quitan el idealismo a palos.
And when they do, Detective Pimento can come home.
Y cuando lo hagan, el detective Pimento podrá volver a casa.
♪ Brain-eating space bugs roam around ♪ ♪ As if they own the place ♪
* Insectos come cerebros vagan por ahí * * como si fueran los dueños del lugar *
- Absolutely. - And I think personality things that they may not even like in themselves sometimes come out.
Creo que las cosas que no les gustan de su personalidad pueden aparecer.
They mustn't come back.
Y no deben volver jamás.
Well, maybe they wanted to come, kid.
Tal vez querían venir, muchacho.
They'll come to the bank and do a surveying and mapping test for the vault.
Ellos irán al banco y harán una inspección y mapeo de prueba para la bóveda.
You guys, before you all head up to your rooms, we're probably all still in some shock, so if feelings come up later, which I'm sure they probably will, I want us to talk about it, okay?
Muchachos, antes de que vayan a sus habitaciones, tal vez aún estemos en shock, pero si surgen sentimientos más tarde, y estoy segura que así será, quiero que lo hablemos, ¿ bueno?
- But they'll come after ours?
- ¿ Pero sí de la nuestra?
- They've really come on strong this competition. - Woo-oo-oo!
Cada vez está más reñida esta competencia.
Hey, come on, they're holding us for way more than the five seconds.
Oye, vamos, ya nos tuvieron por mucho más de cinco segundos.
So, it all starts when first woman and first man see a dark cloud come over gobernador knob and they hear a baby crying.
Por lo tanto, todo comienza cuando la primera mujer y el primer hombre ven venir una nube oscura sobre Gobernador Knob y oyen el llanto de un bebé.
Come on, before they regroup.
Vamos, antes de que se reagrupen.
This is the one night of the year where people can spend the entire night with the souls of their ancestors, and the souls can come and visit, and they can share food, and then they can share jokes and stories
Esta es la única noche del año en que la gente puede pasar toda la noche con las almas de sus ancestros. Las almas pueden venir a visitarlos, pueden compartir alimentos, y pueden compartir chistes e historias disfrutando de una noche juntos.
But, the christians living under the conditions that they were living, judgment day couldn't come too soon.
Pero con los cristianos, viviendo en las condiciones en que vivían, el día del juicio final no podía llegar muy pronto.
They believe that the international community and the coalition must somehow be driven to come and meet them in dabiq and engage in a final battle.
Ellos creen que la comunidad internacional y la coalición de alguna manera deben ser atraídas allí para enfrentarse con ellos en Dabiq y librar una batalla final.
You know, a lot of people had their eyes on New Orleans, but they saw something good that could come out of something bad.
Mucha gente tenía puestos sus ojos en Nueva Orleans, pero pensaron que algo bueno podría resultar de algo malo.
Ok, we're now in enclosure d, the best preserved of the enclosures that we have here, so we've had radiocarbon data and they've come back as 9, 400 bc, plus or minus.
Ok, ahora estamos en el recinto D, el mejor conservado de los recintos que tenemos aquí, y lo hemos fechado con radiocarbono, resultando en 9.400 a.C. más o menos.
And I've read so many stories about mistresses, and they like never come out on top.
y he leído muchas historias sobre amantes, y nunca son lo primero.
They are gonna come after you.
Van a perseguirte.
You know how it is when these players come out of college. They're going through a lot of stress.
Sabes cómo es cuando salen de la universidad.
Oh, come on. Why would they do that?
Venga. ¿ Por qué iban a hacer eso?
They might come looking for revenge.
Puede que vengan queriendo vengarse.
We won't press charges, double the offer they ask for. But they can never come back.
No presentaremos cargos, doblamos la oferta que piden, pero ellos no pueden regresar.
they come in 23
they come here 17
they come and go 32
they come to me 20
they come back 19
come on 167938
come 10626
come here 17944
come in 9605
comes 19
they come here 17
they come and go 32
they come to me 20
they come back 19
come on 167938
come 10626
come here 17944
come in 9605
comes 19
comer 25
comedy 55
comet 47
come on baby 22
come and find me 23
come on everybody 23
come downstairs 38
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
comedy 55
comet 47
come on baby 22
come and find me 23
come on everybody 23
come downstairs 38
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come back soon 95
come one 123
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come back soon 95
come one 123
come over here 869
come to daddy 102