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To yourself tradutor Espanhol

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I need you to lay low... and I need you to keep from drawing any attention to yourself.
Mantén un perfil bajo. No llames la atención.
Why are you doing this to yourself, Ward?
¿ Por qué te haces esto?
Just listen to yourself
Sólo escúchate.
Do you wish you'd kept your secret to yourself?
¿ Desearías haber guardado tu secreto?
Why did you do this to yourself, Izzy?
¿ Por qué te hiciste esto, Izzy?
Gentlemen, eyes to yourself.
basta de mirar.
Did you do that to yourself, Shiori?
Pobre cosa. ¿ Te lo hiciste a ti misma, Shiori?
- Phase 2? So you just gonna keep that to yourself?
¿ Así que sólo se lo guardarán para ustedes?
By the way, were you just talking to yourself?
Por cierto, ¿ sólo hablabas contigo mismo?
You must keep him all to yourself.
Tiene que quedárselo todo para usted.
You decided to have that moment all to yourself.
Decidiste quedarte ese momento para ti.
You need to kill yourself.
Tienes que suicidarte.
What I'd like for you to do... is to open yourself to the possibility that there is no Iron Fist.
Lo que quisiera que haga es que se abra a la posibilidad de que no exista un Iron Fist.
You really need to take better care of yourself, Danny.
Realmente tienes que cuidarte mejor, Danny.
I'm obliged to tell you to turn yourself in.
Estoy obligada a decirte que te entregues.
Or you can turn yourself in and we can try to fight this in court.
O te entregas, y damos pelea en el tribunal.
You need to get yourself some help.
Tienes que buscar ayuda.
Why are you trying to get yourself killed?
¿ Por qué tratas de matarte?
You like to hear yourself talk, don't you?
Te gusta escucharte hablar, ¿ no es así?
It's my duty to serve and protect this institution and I have- - don't beat yourself up.
Mi deber es proteger a esta institución y yo... No se mortifique. No puede ganar todos los partidos.
Everybody's gonna tell you how to feel. Doctors are gonna tell you to stay positive. Your family's gonna tell you not to feel sorry for yourself.
Todos te dirán cómo debes sentirte que debes ser positivo no sentir lástima por ti mismo no estar enojado...
After talking to the lead detective outside, it appears that despite the mess you got yourself into, the NYPD doesn't actually have anything to hold you on, so...
Hablé con la oficial a cargo, y a pesar del lío en que se metió, la policía no tiene nada para retenerla, así que...
You'll need to make yourself available for follow-up questions,
- Quédese cerca para los interrogatorios.
Mr. Murdock, all due respect, you need to start worrying about helping yourself.
Sr. Murdock, con todo respeto, usted debe preocuparse por sí mismo.
If you want a chance to save yourself here, you need to reconsider how well you know these vigilantes. That clear?
- Si quieres salvarte reconsidera cuánto conoces a estos justicieros.
I trained you to believe in yourself and your purpose.
Te entrené para creer en ti y en tu propósito.
You are finding some way to beat yourself up about this.
Encontrarás la forma de castigarte por esto.
" Dearest Rachel, on second thoughts, if you really cannot bring yourself to leave the boy behind, bring him with you.
"Queridísima Rachel : " Pensándolo bien, si realmente no puedes... " dejar al muchacho,
Um, take it for yourself, give it to the staff.
Tómalo como es, no lo hago personal.
You have ingratiated yourself to him, okay?
Te has integrado con él, ¿ vale?
And I don't expect you to fetch me coffee unless you're getting some for yourself.
Y no espero que me traigas café. A menos que compres para ti.
In Fortitude, you have to be able to provide for yourself.
En Fortitude, puedes ser capaz de proveerte por ti mismo.
- - Instead of having to join an opponent, - -I know better about yourself,
- En lugar de tener que unirse a un sicópata.
You have to set yourself free.
Tú debes liberarte.
You're never gonna give yourself the chance to become the kind of star you have the potential to be.
Jamás te darás la oportunidad de ser la estrella que puedes llegar a ser.
I think you're fucking retarded for leaving your internship and getting kicked out of your house and dedicating yourself to this stupid fucking music that you can't even make a real record out of, Zeke.
Me pareces un maldito retrasado mental por dejar tu pasantía y hacerte echar de la casa y por dedicarte a esa estúpida maldita música con la que ni siquiera puedes hacer un disco.
There's a bunch of axiems but only two you really need to concern yourself with, One.
Tiene un montón de axiomas, pero sólo dos de los que realmente necesitas preocuparte, uno...
Your job is to take care of yourself and your mum.
Tu trabajo es ocuparte de ti mismo y de tu madre.
Help yourself to breakfast.
Servíos vos misma el desayuno.
It means you're gonna find yourself in situations where, when you're afraid or whatnot, you're gonna have to make a judgment call.
Te encontrarás en situaciones donde, cuando tengas miedo y eso, tendrás que tomar una decisión.
Well, then you're just gonna have to get yourself unconfused, son.
Entonces tendrás que "desconfundirte".
I just mean... whatever you happen to find yourself doing tonight, good luck with it.
Es decir... hagas lo que hagas esta noche, buena suerte con eso.
I want you to go upstairs, I want you to lock yourself in the bathroom.
Quiero que subas, quiero que te encierres en el baño.
A chance to redeem yourself.
Una oportunidad para redimirse.
You're only going to mate yourself sick.
Sólo va a ponerse enfermo.
- Yes. All you need to do is find yourself a new wife.
Lo único que necesitas es encontrarte otra esposa.
You need to go out there and find yourself a job.
Más te vale que consigas un trabajo.
Handcuff yourself to the sink.
Espósate al lavabo.
Through dramatic interpretation, you get the opportunity to play all the roles in a scene yourself, so that means you're playing Romeo and Juliet.
Con la interpretación dramática, tendrás la oportunidad de representar todos los roles de una escena tú mismo, eso significa que actuarás de Romeo y Julieta.
Have you sold yourself to Lucifer?
¿ Te has vendido al mismo Lucifer?
If you want to do this, you'll have to do it yourself.
Si quieres hacer esto, tendrás que hacerlo tú mismo.

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