To you tradutor Espanhol
3,063,621 parallel translation
-'60s peace Oh, hello to you.
- Paz en los años sesenta, hola.
Do you have any memorabilia from films, things you've taken that are special to you?
¿ Tienes algún recuerdo de alguna película? ¿ Algo que te hayas llevado que sea especial para ti?
Well, head of New York One, I'm happy to say to you, no, thanks, bye.
Pues, director de New York One, me complace decirle : no, gracias, adiós.
Let me talk to you a bit. Come here.
Te diré algo.
And I took the message and I lied to you!
¡ Yo recibí el mensaje y te mentí!
No, no, I'll go banana bread on you, and it will be too dry to swallow.
Te comeré vivo, y estarás muy seco para tragarte.
You need to lose like seven pounds.
Debes perder tres kilos.
- You want to be room mates?
- ¿ Quieres que lo alquilemos juntos?
But I should warn you, I may have to move out soon,'cause I'm engaged to this girl who will not shut up.
Pero te lo advierto, quizá me vuelva a mudar pronto, porque estoy comprometido con una chica que nunca cierra el pico.
Um, if we're doing feedback, I-I was thinking, maybe you don't have to give me notes during the play.
Ya que analizamos los hechos, estaba pensando que no debes corregirme durante la obra.
You don't want to blow this the way you did CBS, do you?
No quieres echar a perder esto como lo hiciste con lo de CBS, ¿ no?
What if we went down to the old WOLO Studios and taped a little episode of You Know What.
¿ Qué tal si vamos al viejo estudio WOLO y escribimos un episodio de You Know What?
Our game show that contestants had to guess what you knew?
¿ Nuestro juego en el que los participantes debían adivinar lo que tú sabías?
We take you now to a big midtown New York City diner, where even ice cream tastes bad.
Ahora los transportamos a una lonchería del centro de Nueva York en donde hasta el helado sabe mal.
And you're almost tempted to order it to see just what would happen.
Y te tienta pedir una sólo para saber qué pasará después.
Whether you're a cat, alone in an apartment. Or a Honduran cleaning woman who is not sure if she's allowed to change the channel.
Sea usted un gato sólo en un apartamento o una criada hondureña que no sabe si le está permitido cambiar de canal.
- Yeah, you do. You want to untie...
- Sí. ¿ Quieres desatarte...?
- You never know. You want me to do this?
- Nunca se sabe. ¿ Quieres que lo haga?
You want to leave it open?
¿ Quieres dejarlo abierto?
Do you want to do a cross? Or do you want to be seated? How do you wanna do this?
¿ Te desplazarás en el escenario o quieres estar sentado?
- You want to keep it?
- ¿ Quieres que lo deje?
- You're taking it? You're welcome to it.
- ¿ Quieres quedártelo?
And you never went to Maxim Hottest 100 parties.
Y tú nunca fuiste a las fiestas de Maxim Hottest 100.
You started re-reading Jesus'miracles and you're like, "I know how to do that."
Leíste de nuevo los milagros de Jesús y dijiste : "Yo sé cómo se hace".
You had to sell a Picasso to get in here.
Tuviste que vender un Picasso para entrar.
- You want to keep your mic?
- ¿ Te lo quedas?
He would like to take a cellphone picture with you. Yes.
Le gustaría sacarse una selfie con ustedes.
You see, years ago, we used to drink tunatinis.
Hace unos años atrás, solíamos beber tunatinis.
And you know, Steve, we submitted that to the Talk of the Town, and the New Yorker magazine, and they canceled our subscription.
Lo presentamos a las revistas Talk of the Town y New Yorker, y cancelaron nuestra suscripción.
Excuse me, the guy gets rid of all the pornography in Times Square, now you got to walk one block west to 8th Avenue?
El tipo se deshacía de toda la pornografía en Times Square, y ¡ había que caminar una cuadra hasta la 8va. Avenida!
You go to 44th and 8th to that hand-job parlor?
Ibas de la 44 y la 8va. Av. Hasta ese salón de masturbación.
While you're waiting, here's a vibrating butt plug to stick up your tush.
Mientras esperas, te dan vibradores para meterte entre las nalgas.
You're someone who claims to be, playwright.
Tú dices ser dramaturgo.
You saw Too Much Tuna, you loved it, you want to make it into a TV show and pay us enough money that we can afford our rent and then some?
¿ Vio Too Much Tuna y le gustó? ¿ Quiere que sea un show televisivo? ¿ Pagará lo suficiente, y nos alcanzará para la renta y algo más?
We just get offered enough money to save our apartment by doing Too Much Tuna, and you say, "No, thanks, bye"?
Nos ofrecen dinero para conservar el apartamento haciendo Too Much Tuna, y tú dices : "No, gracias, adiós"?
You're so quick to leave the park.
Estás muy dispuesto a dejar el parque.
We are now in that cemetery that you see on the way to LaGuardia.
Estamos en el cementerio que ven camino a LaGuardia.
Would you go to a bodega for me and get me a box of Kashi Good Friends Cereal?
¿ Irías a un almacén y me traes unos cereales Kashi Good Friends?
I need you to go to Just Salad, at like, 1 p.m. when they're at their busiest.
Necesito que vayas a Just Salad a eso de la 1 p.m., que es la hora pico.
Will you go to Chipotle and get me a big bowl of Ebola?
¿ Puedes ir a Chipotle y traerme un gran bol de ébola?
Will you go to every pizza place in New York and bring me the most sun-faded headshot of Danny Aiello?
¿ Puedes ir a cada pizzería de Nueva York y traerme la foto más descolorida de Danny Aiello?
Will you go to the Magnolia Bakery as featured in the Sex and the City walking tour and just open fire?
¿ Puedes ir a la pastelería Magnolia como aparece en el tour a pie de Sex and the City y empezar a disparar?
Will you go to Long Island City, Queens,'cause I won't.
¿ Puedes ir a Long Island City, en Queens, porque yo no lo haré?
Did you hear what New York One is gonna do to our show?
¿ Escuchaste lo que New York One hará con nuestro show?
George, uh, I don't know if you remember but I said, I got to be Gil, I got to get out of this rat race.
George, no sé si recuerdas cuando dije que debo ser yo mismo, que debo salir de este mundo competitivo.
Would you stop the Super Bowl halfway through to do a bunch of bullshit?
¿ Interrumpirías un partido del Súper Bowl para ir a cagar?
You are not leaving to go to the bathroom.
No te irás del escenario para ir al baño.
Waiting to come out and act, and you ruined it!
Espera para salir y actuar, ¡ y tú lo arruinaste!
I can not believe the CBS people wanted to give you that voice-over job!
No puedo creer que la gente de CBS quiso darte el trabajo de voz en off.
Is that what you wanted to hear, huh?
¿ Eso es lo que querías escuchar?
You wanted to hear how fucked up I am inside?
¿ Querías escuchar lo podrido que estoy por dentro?
to you too 24
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20
to your right 61
to your mother 18
to your father 32
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20
to your right 61
to your mother 18
to your father 32
to your left 71
to yourself 36
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
to yourself 36
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601