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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / Track him down

Track him down tradutor Espanhol

761 parallel translation
I'll track him down.
Le encontraré.
- and we're trying to track him down.
- y estamos tratando de encontrarle.
It's taken me three years to track him down.
Me ha costado tres años encontrarle.
- No, but I wish I had, because if he ever does you any wrong, I'll track him down and kill him.
- No, ojalá, porque si te hace algo, le mataré.
After all these years, you still trying to track him down?
Despues de todos estos anos, aun qujeres pjllarle?
I'm gonna track him down.
Voy a perseguirle.
I'm gonna track him down.
Lo voy a encontrar.
I'm gonna track him down and kill him.
Lo voy a encontrar y lo voy a matar.
We've got to track him down.
Tenemos que seguirle la pista.
- I know. You have to track him down at any cost.
El hombre que buscamos es Goliat.
Reno had to track him down and kill him.
Reno tuvo que seguirle la huella y matarlo.
It'll be hard to track him down.
Será muy difícil localizarle.
Track him down.
- We'll know when we track him down.
- Lo sabremos cuando lo hayamos rastreado.
If he does, the Autons will track him down and destroy him.
Si lo hace, los Autómatas lo detectarán y destruirán.
Waiting for you to get home and I was gonna track him down.
Esperé a que llegaras a casa y así le seguiríamos la pista.
Have them track him down immediately.
¡ Que lo busquen inmediatamente!
I think I know a way we can track him down.
Creo que conozco a una manera de poder localizarlo.
I was trying to track him down when old bullet-head found me in the bar.
Trataba de encontrarlo cuando el viejo cabeza de bala me encontró en un bar.
Yes. We don't know where the call came from, so we're trying to track him down.
No sabemos desde dónde realizó la llamada.
Our police will track him down and hand him over to you, dead or alive.
Nuestra policía lo seguirá y lo entregará, vivo o muerto.
You think he just got lost, and the police should track him down?
Tú crees que se ha perdido, y que la policía dará con él, ¿ no?
Track him down, boy!
Atrápalo muchacho.
And the Leak master finally managed to track him down. A duel ensued.
Y la maestra Leák se las arregló para seguirle el rastro y dispararle a bocajarro.
Yeah, track him down.
Lo voy a rastrear.
- Beats me. You'd have to track him down to Colombia.
Deberían averiguar en Colombia.
She couldn't track him down.
No pudo localizarlo.
I'll track him down as if he were a beautiful girl.
Lo buscaré como si fuera una belleza.
And if you were still on the case how would you track him down?
Si aún estuvieras en el caso, ¿ qué pista seguirías?
We can't seem to track him down.
Ya no podemos localizarlo.
- They're trying to track him down.
- Están tratando de ubicarlo.
If I play my cards right, I can track him down.
Si juego bien mis cartas, daré con él.
You want me to track him down? No.
¿ Quiere que lo llame?
He's also our top suspect... but we can't track him down.
Es nuestro mayor sospechoso... pero no podemos rastrearlo.
Why don't you go on to school while I track him down?
¿ Por qué no vas a clase mientras yo lo busco?
How do we track him down?
¿ Cómo lo rastreamos?
Track him down.
They'll track him down and kill him.
Lo rastrearán y lo matarán.
Wow! How'd you track him down, Grampa?
¿ Cómo lo descubriste, abuelo?
I don't know if he's on, but track him down.
No sé si está de guardia pero localízale.
We'll track him down...
Lo rastrearemos.
You got it. I'll call you back with an address as soon as I track him down.
Los llamó con la dirección apenas lo localice.
Smitty, just saw him walking'down the track...
Acabo de ver a un tipo junto a las vías... parecía Barton.
So tonight, while we were looking for you, we tried to track Faugel down, but we couldn't find him.
Esta noche, mientras te buscábamos, intentamos localizar al otro, pero no dimos con él.
I'll track down each and every little journalist and tell him or her the truth!
¡ Voy a buscar a cada pequeño periodista y decirles la verdad!
I can't just sit here and wait for him... to track me down and kill me.
No puedo quedarme aquí y esperar que él... me localice y me mate.
I set out hitchhiking around the country trying to find him. Took a whole year trying to track him down.
Me llevó un año entero encontrarlo.
You go into town. Track down Young Biff and tail him.
Ve al pueblo, busca al joven Biff y síguelo.
I brought him back here and I sent me wife down to the track for the police.
Lo traje conmigo aquì y envié a mi esposa, a buscar la policìa.
Track Wolverine down and stay close to him.
Rastrea a Wolverine y quédate cerca de él.
- You ran him down the track.
- Lo dejaron escapar, por su culpa esta muerto.

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