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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Want to come in

Want to come in tradutor Espanhol

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- You sure you don't want to come in?
- ¿ Seguro que no quieres entrar? - Sí.
Look, all right... you want to come in?
Mira, todo bien... ¿ deseas entrar?
We're putting out some hors d'oeuvres, if you guys want to come in.
Hey. Estamos poniendo algunos Hors d'oeuvres, Si quieren pasar.
He didn't want to come in the first place.
En primer lugar, ya no quería venir.
Do you want to come in, say hello?
¿ Quieres entrar a saludar?
Want to come in?
¿ Quieres pasar? ¿ Te hago una taza de té?
Do you want to come in here?
¿ Quieres venir aquí?
- Do you want to come in?
- ¿ Quieres entrar?
You want to come in?
¿ Quieres pasar?
Yeah, I just want to come in and talk to you.
Sí, quiero pasar y hablar contigo.
I just want to come in for a bit, dude.
Sólo quería pasar un rato, tío.
Hey, you want to come in?
Oye, ¿ quieres entrar?
and when she got to the door, she didn't want to come in.
Cuando llegó a la puerta, no quiso entrar.
You sure you want to come in?
¿ Seguro que quieres entrar?
Do you... do you want to come in for a bit?
¿ Quieres... Quieres pasar un rato?
Do you want to come in with me?
¿ Quieres venir conmigo?
Do you want to come in, and drink a cup of tea?
¿ Quieres entrar y que nos tomemos una taza de té?
I want to come in.
Quiero pasar.
( In German ) Do you want to come with us?
¿ Quieres venir con nosotros?
I wasn't even going to come in today but I do want to talk to him.
No iba a venir hoy pero tengo que hablar con él.
You want the captain to come in here?
¿ Quieres que el capitán venga aquí?
Oh, another reason I didn't want you to come. ♪ Keep it moving all up in this place ♪
Otra razón por la que no quería que vinieras.
Come on. You're telling me that you wouldn't want to live in a place like this?
Vamos. ¿ Quieres decirme que no te gustaría vivir en un sitio como este?
They didn't want me to come in here but... my head just kept hurting worse.
Ellos no querían que yo viniera aquí pero mi dolor de cabeza era cada vez peor.
Frank, hey, you want to ask that little weasel who said he made that silencer for Memmo if he's come in contact with any Mala Noche that are huffers?
Frank, oye, ¿ quieres preguntarle a esa comadreja que dijo que había hecho el silenciador para Memmo si está en contacto con algún Mala Noche que esnife?
i don't want to get you guys riled up or upset because- - let's just have a detective come in, and he'll do his investigation, okay?
Pero un detective vendrá y hará una investigación ¿ de acuerdo?
Yes. I want my friend to come in.
Sí, quiero que mi amiga venga.
You come in here, and you don't talk to the barbers and whatnot, but you want to pick on the ex-con that's sweeping up everybody's hair.
Ustedes entran aquí, y no hablan con los barberos y demases, sino que abordan al ex-convicto que barre el pelo de todo el mundo.
So you want me to come in now?
¿ Quieres que vaya ahora?
But your mom's helped me come to an important decision in my life, and I want to tell you about it.
Pero vuestra madre me ha ayudado a tomar a una decisión importante en mi vida, y quiero contárosla.
By the way, I'm going to the court in a few hours to pledge allegiance to Princess Juana, if you want to come with me.
Por cierto, en unas horas salgo para la Corte a jurar lealtad a la princesa Juana : si queréis acompañarme...
Brick's in the principal's office, and they want us to come down for a meeting.
Brick está en la oficina de la directora y quieren que vayamos a una reunión.
I don't want him to come in here.
No quiero que entre aquí.
Come on, I want to talk more about you, about your time in Cambodia...
Vamos, quiero hablar más sobre ti, sobre tu tiempo en Camboya...
You want me to come in?
¿ Quieres que vaya adentro?
Saheb... before you come in, I want to confess something.
Saheb... antes de que pases, quiero confesarte algo.
In two minutes, I want you to come in to this meeting and tell me that I have a really important phone call.
En dos minutos, quiero que vengas a la reunión y me digas que tengo una llamada muy importante.
I thought you were leaving. ♪ With a fear of heights ♪ You want to know why I couldn't come in here when Jodi was in pain?
Creía que te ibas. ¿ Quieres saber porque no podía venir aquí cuando Jodi sufría tanto dolor? Porque sabía que tan pronto como comenzará, acabaría, y cuando hubiese acabado, tendría que coger este bebé e irme.
I want to show I also have come up in the world.
Quiero que conozcas mundo.
And I feel... I look at my son, and I want to right in advance every wrong that could ever come down and fall on him in his entire life.
Y siento... Y miro a mi hijo, y enseguida quiero y que todo lo malo desaparezca y que el se haga cargo toda su vida
These findings will be used by locals for their own safety but they're also being studied by ice scientists who want to predict how the ice will change in years to come.
Estos resultados se utilizarán por los lugareños para su seguridad, pero también están siendo estudiados por los científicos del hielo, que quieren predecir cómo el hielo va a cambiar en los próximos años.
I want to come in first and win this race for my son.
¿ Es lo que hay allí?
I don't want you to come there or get in touch. I want to be on my own.
- Está bien. ¿ Por cuánto tiempo?
To speak no need like that be in love. Want with together with you average person is deal with not come isn't it.
Estando junto a usted... una persona normal no sería capaz de soportarlo.
I was going to brag about it! Because of Hwang In Young? It's so frustrating, I don't even want to come out to work.
Quería conectar de dos formas diferentes, y separarlas en ALT 1 y ALT 2.
You want me to come in?
¿ Quieres que entre?
Things look like they're gonna start picking up for me a little bit in the fall and that means I'm not gonna be around the house all that much, and since you and Annette detest each other, I honestly don't think that's what I want to come home to after a 14-hour day.
Parece que comenzaré a tener más trabajo en otoño lo cual significa que no estaré mucho en casa y como Annette y tú se detestan no quiero llegar a un ambiente así tras una jornada de 14 horas.
If you want it in writing, come with me to Longcheng.
Si lo quiere por escrito, venga conmigo a Longcheng.
I don't want to come off as a bottom feeder... but there could be a couple of knickknacks in that store...
No quiero aprovecharme de la situación, pero debe haber algunas cositas ahí...
Why do you always open the door if you do not want me to come in?
¿ Porque dejas abierta la puerta si no quieres que entre?
It's a personal project of mine but... I want to do it on a much larger scale, but I thought your invention could come in handy.
Es un proyecto personal pero quiero hacerlo a una escala más grande y creo que tu invento podría ser útil.

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