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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Want to come

Want to come tradutor Espanhol

21,383 parallel translation
But... the minute you want to come clean, you and I... we both go to jail.
Pero... el momento en que quieren venir limpio, usted y yo... ambos ir a la cárcel.
- I want to come work for you.
- Quiero venir a trabajar para ti.
- Do you want to come in?
- ¿ Quieres entrar?
Do you want to come over?
¿ Quieres venir?
Want to come with me?
¿ Quieres ir conmigo?
You want to come in?
¿ Quiere entrar?
They don't want to come out vocally critical of the regulations.
Ellos no quieren salir vocalmente crítico de las regulaciones.
Do you want to come with me?
¿ Quieres ir conmigo?
You want to come?
¿ Quieres venir?
You want to come outside with me for a second?
¿ Quieres venir conmigo por un segundo?
Oh, so now you hipsters want to come in now that we don't want you.
Así que ahora los hipsters quieren entrar ahora que no queremos que lo hagan.
I probably want to come in a little bit too much.
Probablemente quiera entrar un poco demasiado.
Want to come observe my interview with Russell Bowman?
Quieres venir y observar mi entrevista con Russell Bowman?
Do you want to come back here for a second?
¿ Vienes un segundo?
You want to come inside?
¿ Quieres entrar?
I didn't want to come here.
No quería venir aquí.
Come with me if you want to live.
Ven conmigo si quieres vivir,
Oh, come on, Detective, you said yourself you may want to kill your mother, but you don't do it.
Oh, vamos, detective, usted mismo ha dicho es posible que desee matar a su madre, pero no hacerlo.
So, come on, what do you want to do, Daniel? Hmm?
Venga, ¿ qué quieres hacer, Daniel?
- Do you want me to come?
- ¿ Quieres que vaya contigo? - No.
And if we ever want change to happen, there needs to be a place to speak up, to come forward and tell our stories...
Y si alguna vez queremos el cambio, debe de haber un lugar para alzar la voz, para dar un paso al frente y contar nuestras historias...
They want me to come back for an ultrasound, and possibly a biopsy.
Quieren que regrese por un ultrasonido, y tal vez una biopsia.
Come on, You want these poos to pick on you everyday?
Vamos, vas a dejar que te molesten todo los días.
When you boys come in, I want you to come in through the north.
Cuando vosotros lleguéis, quiero que entréis por el norte.
They want us to come claim the body.
Quieren que vayamos a reclamar el cadáver.
If you want it, you're gonna have to come through on your end.
Si lo quieres, tendrás que ir hasta el final.
You can come over here if you want to.
Puedes venir si quieres.
You just want me to make good with my FBI agent son so he doesn't go tell them about it and they come close this little science project, and then bam!
¡ Solo quieres que me vaya bien con mi hijo agente del FBI así no va y les cuenta a ellos y no se acercan a este proyecto de ciencias y luego se sepa todo!
I know you think you ought to turn yourself in and come clean about me and the bridge, but that's not what you really want.
Sé que piensas que debes entregarte y confesar sobre mí y el puente, pero eso no es lo que realmente quieres.
You want to stop them, then you got to come with me.
Usted quiere detenerlos, entonces tienes que venir conmigo.
If you want your hat, Sheriff... you're gonna have to come and get it.
Si quieres tu sombrero, alguacil... vas a tener que venir a buscarlo.
We want anyone who saw it to come forward.
Queremos que se presente cualquiera que lo haya visto.
Emma, if you want me to come, I'm gonna go with you.
Emma, si quieres que vaya, iré contigo.
And y'all want to chase him off? Come on, now.
¿ Y ustedes quieren echarlo?
I want you to come with me.
Quiero que vengas conmigo.
Do you not want me to come home?
¿ No quieres que vuelva a casa?
Do you want me to come with you?
¿ Quieres que te acompañe?
I want to know what was so pressing, so much more important than my needing you to come- -
Quiero saber qué era tan urgente y mucho más importante que recogerme de- -
If you ever decide you want to go out my way, I'll try to come back and help out.
Si alguna vez decides despedirte a mi manera intentaré regresar para ayudarte.
OK, so, you come to me so I can get my hands dirty but you, Major Carnahan, you want to stay clean.
Bien, vienes a mí, para que yo sea quien me ensucie las manos y tú, el mayor Carnahan, te mantienes limpio.
I don't want anything to come between us again.
No quiero que nada se vuelva a interponer entre nosotros.
You want him back, you need to pretend like you've come around.
Lo quieres de vuelta, debes fingir que entraste en razón.
I just want her to come home.
Sólo quiero que vuelva a casa.
- Uh, want me to come or...
- ¿ Voy o...?
Come on, why do you want to marry Mrs Durrell?
Vamos, ¿ por qué quieres casarte con la Sra. Durrell?
20 years it's took you to come here. I want to help.
20 años...
You're free to come in, if you want.
Puedes entrar si quieres.
The people who ordered his murder didn't want what he knew about child sexual exploitation to come out and that's exactly the same motive as the murder of Danny Waldron.
La gente que ordenó su asesinato no quería que lo que él sabía sobre explotación sexual infantil saliera a la luz y es exactamente el mismo motivo del asesinato de Danny Waldron.
I want you to come home, baby.
Quiero que vuelvas a casa, cariño.
I want you to come home to a family.
Quiero que vuelvas con tu familia.
You sure you don't want me to come?
¿ Segura que no quieres que vaya?

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