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We had tradutor Espanhol

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So we had no effect at all.
Así que no hemos tenido ningún efecto.
I thought we had an arrangement.
Creía que teníamos un acuerdo.
We should've blasted you out of the sky when we had the chance.
Debimos aniquilarlos cuando tuvimos la oportunidad.
Look, I don't know what's going on, but I assure you we had nothing to do with it.
No sé qué está pasando, pero te aseguro que no tenemos nada que ver con eso.
Pay attention. 10 barrels of hydrazine is all we had left at Arkadia.
Presta atención. Solo nos quedan diez barriles de hidracina en Arkadia.
We had a son.
Tuvimos un hijo.
We had these venues booked, these stadiums.
Tenemos lugares contratados, estadios.
I remember we had drill raids in school every day because back then, every Martian child knew that Earth's fleet was ready and waiting to attack us.
Recuerdo que teníamos simulacros de ataques todos los días en la escuela porque, en ese entonces, todos los niños marcianos sabíamos que la flota de la Tierra estaba lista y esperando para atacarnos.
To destroy everything that we had worked so hard to build.
Para destruir todo lo que habíamos trabajado tan duro para construir.
It's unfortunate we had to grin through those photo-ops tonight.
Es lamentable que tuviéramos que sonreír durante esas sesiones fotográficas de anoche.
We had children and old people, so we had to leave.
Teníamos niños y viejos así que tuvimos que irnos.
We had everything.
Teníamos todo.
When Edgar and I took over the restaurant, we had a sign up.
Cuando Edgar y yo adquirimos el restaurante, había un letrero.
And we had some of our customers say,
Algunos clientes dijeron :
We had no idea what he was saying to her.
- Eso es Hey, Adam. Es Carol.
Han, we had all of our belongings thrown out of a private plane.
Han, hemos tenido que lanzar todas nuestras cosas desde un avión privado.
They spent the $ 1,500 we had left.
Se han gastado los 1500 dólares que nos quedaban.
We had four, but then the boat moved our chips.
Pusimos cuatro, pero luego el barco movió nuestras fichas.
We broke... we had a fight.
Hemos ro... tuvimos una discusión.
So, you know we had a bit of a rough quarter.
Bueno, sabes que tuvimos un trimestre difícil.
I thought we had an understanding, even outside of court.
Creí que teníamos un acuerdo, incluso fuera de la corte.
We had waited there all day.
Habíamos esperado todo el día.
Mom, we had a great wellness check at the doctor's today.
- Nos fue bien con el médico.
I really got here three hours early because we had to make an emergency landing in Birmingham because some guy took a poo on the beverage cart.
Llegué tres horas antes. Aterrizamos de emergencia en Birmingham porque alguien defecó en el carrito de las bebidas.
We weren't feeling great either, but we had to take an inventory.
Tampoco nos sentíamos bien, pero teníamos que hacer inventario.
Looks like he's got a mild dose of whatever we had.
Parece que tiene una dosis suave de lo que tomamos nosotros.
We had to learn Navajo just so we could talk about our weekend plans without them overhearing.
Tuvimos que aprender el idioma navajo solo para poder hablar de nuestros planes de fin de semana sin que ellos se enterasen.
You see why we had to learn Navajo?
¿ Ves por qué tuvimos que aprender el idioma navajo?
Well, we had a good run.
Bueno, tuvimos una buena carrera.
We had a great day.
Tuvimos un gran día.
We received word that Ferrous Corp had started launching strikes on rival assets in the outer colonies.
Nos enteramos de que Ferrous Corp. empezó a lanzar ataques contra rivales en las colonias exteriores.
We've had to increase the level of detail in order to convince the subject that he's...
Hemos tenido que incrementar el nivel de detalle para convencer al sujeto de que está...
- When we were in the other room, you said you had been there before.
- Cuando estábamos en la otra sala dijiste que ya habías estado allí.
we've had a few patients... disappear.
Hemos tenido a algunos pacientes que desaparecieron.
We'd go on these disaster missions, but the guy had allergies, asthma, and we'd end up having to take care of him.
Nos embarcábamos en misiones desastrosas, pero tenía alergias y asma y siempre terminábamos teniendo que cuidarlo.
My father used to do khorovats a lot, because we always had people coming over.
Mi padre solía preparar khorovats seguido porque quería que la gente nos visitara.
This place didn't burn down while we were gone like I had hoped.
Este sitio no se quemó mientras estuvimos fuera como yo esperaba.
You know, we never really had you over to the house enough.
Sabes, te hemos tenido poco tiempo en esta casa.
I had to make an inspection at Bridewell Prison, where we'll be housing some guests.
Tuve que hacer una inspección en la Prisión Bridewell, donde estamos albergando a algunos huéspedes.
And we both know that you would have killed me at Meeg's Harbor had Tallmadge not intervened, or killed me in captivity if General Scott hadn't interrupted.
Y ambos sabemos que me habrías matado en Meeg Harbor si Tallmadge no hubiera intervenido, o asesinado en cautividad si el general Scott no lo hubiera interrumpido.
We all had you for dead.
Todos te teníamos por muerto.
All right, you anal fistula, we had a deal in return for all this creamy domesticity
Hicimos un trato, idiota.
People like the energy that you and Jane had. It was this raw, sexual vibe because you two were... Jesus, we were not fucking!
Al público le gustaba la energía entre Jane y tú esa violencia cruda, dado que Uds. dos eran...
- What? ! - Yeah, we had a real moment.
Sí, pero es muy gallina para saltarme encima.
Do you know that if 30,000 more people in Alabama had gone to the polls instead of smoking off-brand cigarettes off-brand cigarettes through their neck holes at riverboat casino slot machines, we would be working at the White House right now instead of hunting for your diary at a fucking truck stop in which I guarantee we are the only people who are not here to score speed or get their assholes licked.
Si 30 mil más personas en Alabama hubieran votado en vez de fumar cigarrillos baratos en los casinos estaríamos trabajando en la Casa Blanca y no buscando tu diario en una parada de camioneros donde somos los únicos sobrios y no nos lamen el ano.
We were telling so many lies, I had to write them down to keep them straight.
Eran tantas las mentiras, que debía anotarlas.
- Ma'am, it is everywhere! This is the best day we've had since I started working for you.
Es viral, es nuestro mejor día desde que trabajo con usted.
The bug we all had?
¿ Del virus que tuvimos todos?
I suppose he may have had dalliances while we've been apart.
Supongo que puede haber tenido devaneos mientras hemos estado separados.
We only went to see Jessica to find out if she had a baby with Bobby, you boobie.
Solo fuimos a ver a Jessica para averiguar si tenía un bebé con Bobby, bobo.
They had the same thing on the sex booth where we voted.
Tenían lo mismo en la cabina sexual donde votamos.

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