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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We had fun

We had fun tradutor Espanhol

1,347 parallel translation
We had fun here.
Nos divertimos aquí.
What are you talking about? We had fun last time.
La vez pasada nos divertimos.
No. COLLEEN : We had fun, you know?
Lo estamos pasando bien.
we had fun. We went to bars when we were kids. and all the different people, right?
Nosotros nos divertíamos, íbamos a los bares, conocíamos a gente.
We had fun.
Lo pasamos bien.
We had fun.
Nos divertíamos.
We had fun.
Nos divertimos.
When Monica and I went to see them, we had fun.
Cuando Monica y yo fuimos a verlos, nos divertirnos.
Sí, también nos lo pasamos bien.
We had fun, we talked and that was it.
Nos divertimos, hablamos y nada más.
But we had fun.
Pero nosotros nos divertíamos la.
BRIAN : I thought we had fun together.
pense que estabamos bien juntos.
We had our fun. Even when she and Temmon were together.
Nos divertiamos, incluso cuando ella y Temmon estaban juntos
Besides, we've had fun hiding it.
Pues nos divertiremos.
- We had so much fun.
- Genial.
Just trying to re-create some of the fun that we had at my place.
Intento recrear la diversión del otro día en casa.
Oh, the fun we had.
Oh, cuánto nos divertiamos.
Come on, we had fun.
We've had a lot of fun together.
Nos divertimos mucho juntos.
- We had so much fun.
- Nos divertimos tanto.
He hasn't had fun yet, so, uh... we'll bring lots of fun his way. We'll keep him entertained.
No se lo ha pasado bien aun, así que... hacemos que se lo pase bien, le mantenemos entretenido.
We had so much fun here in college.
Nos divertíamos tanto aquí en la universidad.
We've had a lot of fun, but that's not so safe to do any more.
Hemos tenido un montón de diversión, pero que no es así seguro que hacer más.
We've had a bit of fun, lads, but now come on, get serious now.
Ahora, pongámonos serios.
We had fun in those days, remember?
Te acuerdas de aquellos buenos momentos?
We don't have fun any more. We haven't had sex in forever.
No nos divertimos, no tenemos sexo desde hace meses.
I mean, look, that one night we had was fun and certainly passionate.
Digo... esa noche fue divertida y... apasionada,
Before we left, we had a night of fun... in the streets of Philadelphia, in the middle of an ice storm.
Antes de que nosotros nos marcháramos, Teníamos nosotros una noche de diversión... en las calles de Filadelfia, en medio de una tormenta de hielo.
We were in the studio mullin'it over, and we had a version of it... that we thought was so much fun, it seemed such a sweet little song.
Trabajamos en el estudio, y tenemos una versión de ella... que nos pareció muy graciosa, es como una pequeña dulce balada.
I mean, look, that one night we had was fun and certainly passionate.
Pues esa última noche fue divertida, y, en serio, apasionada.
Would've been good if we had gotten in, but still, real fun.
Sí, habría sido bueno que hubiéramos ido, pero qué divertido.
But he said we still had some fun years left.
Pero él dijo que todavía teníamos algunos años de diversión.
Look, I had a lot of fun today, but I don't think we're right for each other.
Escucha. Pasé un día divertido hoy pero no creo que seamos las personas indicadas el uno para el otro.
You know, we've had a lot of fun tonight at the expense of the U.S. Navy.
Nos hemos divertido mucho esta noche a costa de la Marina de EE.
Remember how much fun we had?
¿ Recuerdas lo bien que la pasábamos?
We came, we saw, we planted the bomb. We had a little fun with a meteor shower, we went home.
Llegamos, vimos, colocamos la bomba nos divertimos con la lluvia de meteoritos y volvimos a casa.
Just remember this is not a competition It's just a fun activity where we add up the number of times we've had sex and see who's the winner
Solo recuerda que esto no es una competición solo es por diversión añadiremos el número de polvos y veremos quien es el ganador
So, we're all sorry, but we all had fun.
Entonces todos lo sentimos, pero todos la pasamos bien.
We've had a great deal of fun this weekend, and we, uh, probably shouldn't wait another 25 years till we do it again.
Estamos pasando un gran rato este fin de semana, y nosotros, uh, probablemente no deberíamos esperar otros 25 años para volver hacer esto.
We had so much fun.
Nos divertimos mucho.
You have much more fun in your day than we had in mine.
Te diviertes mucho más que yo en mis tiempos.
You lay out on deck in the day, and we had some fun and games.
Durante el día uno está en cubierta y se divierte un poco y se hacen juegos.
OK, we stopped in cosmetics because if we had to do this thing for you, then we might as well have fun, and I've never found eye shadow that works with my combination skin.
combine con mi color de piel.
Hicimos... hicimos un monton de cosas cosas divertidas, tu sabes
You're smart and you're beautiful and I think we've had a lot of fun, but you and I I just don't think that we...
Eres lista, guapa, y nos lo hemos pasado muy bien. Pero no creo que tú y yo...
We've had some fun times in here, haven't we?
Lo hemos pasado bien aquí, ¿ no?
I had fun talking. We should have coffee sometime.
Tenemos que quedar un día para seguir charlando.
That's why people were laughing during our skit- - we had the spirit of fun about us.
Por eso la gente se reía durante nuestro sketch... Teníamos el espíritu de diversión con nosotros.
We had so much fun.
Fue tan divertido.
It was fun. We just had coffee.
Se divirtió y tomamos un café.
But seriously, we've had a lot of fun with our dad over the years.
Pero en serio, nos hemos divertido mucho con nuestro papá a través de los años.

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