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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We missed it

We missed it tradutor Espanhol

576 parallel translation
Gee, we missed it.
¡ He fracasado!
- We missed it by a split hair.
Lo evitamos por muy poco.
- Scene of the crime. - Looks like we missed it.
- En la esquina del crimen.
I was beginning to think we missed it for good.
Comenzaba a creer que ya no iríamos.
Oh, get that Johnson stuff off first,... because we missed it yesterday.
Por cierto, saca Io de Johnson primero, nos olvidamos ayer.
- We missed it.
- Fallamos.
We missed it so much during our exile.
La hemos echado mucho de menos durante nuestro exilio.
We missed it.
La perdimos.
- Sorry we missed it. - Our guest of honor was Minister of Mines and Fuel.
Nuestro invitado de honor fue el Ministro de Minas y Combustibles.
We missed it the first time.
Se nos pasó por alto la primera vez.
- We missed it.
- La hemos esquivado.
- We missed it, didn't we?
- Ha faltado poco, ¿ verdad?
There might have been a card there, and we missed it.
Quizás había una ficha y no nos dimos cuenta.
Hey, Nazimova, we missed it.
Nazimova, nos lo hemos perdido.
We searched the place... but we weren't looking for anything that small, and we missed it.
Revisamos el lugar... pero no buscábamos algo tan pequeño, y se nos pasó por alto.
- We missed it.
Ni que hubiera levantado vuelo.
We must hurry up, we've missed the first chukka as it is.
Date prisa, nos perderemos el primer tiempo.
Your helping me with my coat, I mean. It's a pleasure we have missed, sir.
¡ Vaya, como en los viejos tiempos!
If it doesn't get there, it'll be missed, but we won't.
Lo echarán de menos si no llega, asi que Io llevaremos.
If we threw a grenade and missed, it would mean sure death for all of us, we might kill one...
Si lanzamos una granada y falla, Significaría la muerte segura para todos nosotros, podríamos matar a uno...
I missed it when we were in the Tower.
Lo perdí cuando estábamos en la Torre.
We didn't realize how late it was. Stays light so long these days we almost missed the train.
No me he dado cuenta de la hora.
I guess we've missed the first race. It don't matter.
Perdimos la primera carrera, pero no importa.
We probably missed it.
Probablemente lo pasamos.
If I can make it to San Diego and the Mexican border before the alarm goes out, I can get you across before we're missed.
Si puedo llegar a la frontera con México en San Diego antes de que salte la alarma, podrás cruzar.
- We've missed it!
- Lo perdimos.
I wouldn't have missed it for the world. We were old friends in 30 seconds.
No me lo hubiera perdido por nada del mundo.
I've roughed out a plan with Lee for handling the news, but it's possible we missed something.
He trazado un plan con Lee para manejar a la prensa, pero es posible que hayamos olvidado algo.
Oh, my, it's good to see you again. We've missed you.
Me alegro de volver a verte, te hemos echado de menos.
Me conoces aquí porque llovió anoche.
Si no hubiera llovido, dijo Fallon, no me habrías encontrado.
Bien ; parece que ambos lo perdimos, ¿ no?
It's your fault we missed the boat to Blefuscu!
¡ Por tu culpa hemos perdido el barco a Blefuscu!
And I say to myself, how sad it is to have missed those four years... four years when we could've been friends.
Qué triste es haber perdido esos cuatro años. Cuatro años de amistad.
We wouldn't have missed it for all the gold in the world, right?
No les echamos de menos ni por todo el oro del mundo, ¿ verdad?
We had our chance and missed it, ed.
Pero te diré una cosa que es verdad.
" We've missed it so
Lo añoramos tanto
A minute later and we'd have missed it.
Un minuto más y lo hubiésemos perdido.
You know, we may have such a good time tonight... your father will be sorry he missed it.
Gracias y quizás Io pasemos tan bien esta noche que tu padre se arrepentirá de habérselo perdido.
That's not why we missed it, Holly.
We just missed it.
Acabamos de perderlo.
- We missed the bus but it ´ s ok.
- Hemos perdido el autobús.
I'm sorry, it's just we missed everyone.
Lo siento, es que extrañábamos a todos.
On a road this narrow, we couldn't have missed it.
En un camino estrecho, no nos habríamos perdido.
- Henry, we really missed it.
- Sí que lo hemos extrañado.
And so, we both missed it!
- Y así, fallamos los dos.
In fact, we've just missed the walking tree. It left here at 8 : 00 this morning. It was heading off in that direction
El Árbol Andante se ha ido a las 8 de la mañana hacia allí.
Keep a strict log, the remainder of your journey. ... so I may study it when we meet again and point out your missed steps.
Lleva el diario estrictamente para que lo pueda estudiar al encontrarnos y ver los traspiés.
- It was something in Leela. Something we all missed.
Era algo en Leela, algo que habíamos pasado por alto.
No, we missed it.
No, la pasamos de largo.
We went to sleep and missed it because of this.
¡ Nos dormimos y nos la perdimos debido a esto!

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