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What'd it say tradutor Espanhol

410 parallel translation
I know what you all say. That it'd be merciful thing if I should die.
Decís que mi muerte sería una liberación.
What did I tell you? Didn't I say I'd get it?
¿ Qué os decía?
I say it's a swindle What d'you mean, a receipt?
Digo que esto es una estafa. ¿ Qué quiere decir, un recibo?
I know what he'd say. He already said it.
Sé lo que él diría.
I got it! What'd the doctor say it was?
- ¿ Qué ha dicho que tenía?
I'd say you were up to something. What is it?
- Diría que tramas algo. ¿ Qué?
Scrutinizing my partner... To see what she'd say or do... When it really mattered, when it was vital.
Conocía a mi compañera, lo que diría y haría cuando eso era importante
If only sometimes, when I'm right, you'd admit it instead of instantly flying into opposition, no matter what I say.
Si algunas veces cuando tengo razón, lo admitieras en lugar de oponerte a mí sin importar lo que diga.
If it was anybody else, I'd say what's going to happen to you would be a lesson to you.
Si fuese otro, diría que lo que va a pasarle es una lección para usted.
Go ahead, say it.. tell me what you'd like to do to me.
Adelante, dígalo. ¿ Qué le gustaría hacer conmigo?
- Sure, it's no secret. - Well, what'd they say?
- Claro, no es ningún secreto.
What'd it say?
¿ Qué dice?
I didn't like to think about it, but by that time I'd done just what the police would say I did even if I didn't.
No me gustaba pensar en ello pero la policía diría que lo había hecho, aunque no fuera así.
For what it's worth, I'd like to say I'm sorry.
Por si sirve de algo, quisiera decir que lo siento.
It's all right, kate. I'd like to hear what he has to say.
Kate, me gusta escuchar lo que tenga que decir.
Perhaps you'd be kind enough to read what it say, señor.
Tal vez sería tan amable de leer lo que dicen, señor.
If you were a man you'd talk to him and know what to say. It's what Michel needs.
Si fuera un hombre y hablara con él, sabría qué decirle.
- Well, this is it. - What'd you say?
- Bueno, se acabó.
I wouldn't know what to say, it'd be such a shock.
Eso me dejaría sin palabras.
What I'm trying to say is I'd much rather be chasing Indians, but since I have orders, it's not...
Quiero que sepa que preferiría estar cazando indios, pero tengo orden...
I didn't know what I was going to say until after I'd said it.
No sabía qué iba a decir hasta que lo he dicho.
- What I'd like to say is... - Well, say it, Joe.
- Quisiera decirles que...
It'd be enough for me to say what I suspect.
Para mí sería suficiente decir lo que sospecho.
I'd forget what I would say about it
He olvidado lo que iba a decirte...
Oh, I'd say "how ya been?" "how did it go today?" "what's for supper?".
Le diría... ¿ cómo estás, cariño? ¿ Cómo has pasado el día? ¿ Qué hay para cenar?
It's comfortable, that's what I'd say. You'll love it.
Es cómodo, eso sí, seguro que te encanta.
Well, Alan... From what you tell me, I'd say it's a pretty rough deal.
Por lo que me dices, fue un trato desconsiderado.
I don't know. I'd like to hear it. What are you going to say?
Me gustaría oírlo, ¿ qué vas a decir?
I'd say it was natural enough, but look at what's been happening.
Era bastante natural que así fuera. Pero mire lo que ha estado pasando.
I was figuring how to tell you fellas about this Texican hoedown. I wondered what Santa Anna would've said to us if he'd had a chance to say it.
Trataba de decidir cómo contarles sobre esta contradanza texicana... y me preguntaba qué nos diría este Santa Anna a los de Tennessee... si tuviera oportunidad de decir algo.
Operator, say, if an american citizen has something real important in the way of news... uh, well... i mean if it affects the foreign policy of the united states... well, what i'd really like to know is... can you get me through to jack kennedy?
Operadora. Si un ciudadano americano tiene una noticia muy importante, si afecta a la política exterior de Estados Unidos... Lo que realmente quiero saber es :
And what did you say when I came running home to tell you I'd won it?
¿ Y qué me dijiste cuando vine corriendo a contártelo?
I don't know what you think about it,... but I'd say Akimoto-san likes you.
No sé lo que piensas, pero me parece que le gustas a Akimoto.
The spacecraft identified itself asastro seven, and the person in it said - what'd he say?
La nave se identificó como Asastro siete,... y la persona en su interior dijo... ¿ Qué dijo?
What did he say, Chief, when you told him we'd get the formula back even if it meant our lives?
¿ Qué dijo cuando usted le dijo que recuperaríamos la fórmula incluso a costa de nuestras vidas?
I'd even practiced what to say, I swear it.
Hasta habia practicado que decir, lo juro.
I was merely trying to say that if anyone was to contaminate what was in that tank, you'd know what it was like to breathe poisoned air!
Yo estaba simplemente tratando de decir que si alguien contaminase lo que estaba en ese tanque, sabría lo que es respirar aire envenenado!
But we just want you to say it how you'd say it. Do you know what I mean?
Solo queremos que lo digas como lo dirías, ¿ me entiendes?
That's what you'd say if you was a Nazi, isn't it, sir?
- Eso diría si fuera nazi, ¿ no?
What'd he say? He says he wears it to ward off fear.
- Que ahuyenta el miedo.
My lord, I'd like to say what a pleasure it's been meeting you.
Mi lord, me gustaría decir el placer que ha sido para mi conocerlo.
- Hey, I came up with a radio. - What'd it say?
- Encontré una radio.
It's exactly what I thought you'd say.
Es exactamente lo que pensé que diría.
- The money... What'd you say it was?
- El dinero, ¿ cuánto dijiste que era?
What is it you'd so much like to say?
¿ Qué es eso que le gustaría tanto decir?
What'd it say?
¿ Qué han dicho?
What'd you say in it?
¿ Qué dices en ella?
If it wasn't, you'd say what she has to do.
Si no lo fuera, hablarías claro.
If I told you what it takes To reach the highest high You'd laugh and say Nothing's that simple But you've been told Many times before
Si te dijera lo que necesitas para alcanzar la mayor grandeza, reirías, y dirías "nada es tan simple."
just takin'it easy lady, what'd you say?
- Señorita. - ¿ Qué has dicho?
Three years, eight years, and then finally you're an honest person so you tell them when you do figure it out, and you say I've decided what I'd like,
Tres años, ocho años, y luego finalmente eres una persona honesta así que les dices cuando lo has resuelto, y dices "he decidido lo que quiero",

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