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What i said was tradutor Espanhol

2,978 parallel translation
- Oh. Well... What I said was,
Bueno les dije que se fueran.
What I said was, you two didn't spend much time together anymore.
Dije que ustedes no pasaron tanto tiempo juntos.
What I said was wrong?
¿ Que dije que estuviera mal?
No, what I said was that...
- No, lo que dije fue que...
I know. He said he knew what he was doing.
Me dijo que era bueno.
- I'm just saying what was said.
- Sólo estoy diciendo lo que se dijo.
What I said the other night was stupid.
Lo que dije la otra noche fue una estupidez.
Well, like you said, I can look to see what was done last time, to see if you were referred to the orthopedic doctors.
Bueno, puedo ver lo que hicieron la última vez, ver si lo refirieron a doctores ortopédicos.
I guess that old Scotsman knew what he was writing about when he said :
supongo que sabía lo del viejo escocés que estaba escribiendo cuando dijo :
What was the bell, when I said that he saw me?
¿ Minnie que hora era cuando te dije que me vio?
That's what I was telling the pastor, and he said,
Eso es lo que le estaba contando al pastor, y él me dijo,
When I-I woke up in the hospital, and my mother was sobbing, and I asked her what happened to Clarissa and she said...
Me despierto en el hospital y sollozaba. Me pregunté qué estaba con Clarissa y mamá dijo.
Don't hurt him! No, no, I knew what kind of leaf it was. You said maple, but it wasn't a maple, and it wasn't an oak.
- Yo sabía que clase de hoja era... y tú dijiste maple, pero no era de maple y tampoco era de roble, era de sumac.
I was thinking about what you said about the lawyer.
Pensaba en lo que dijiste sobre conseguir un abogado.
What was his story? Well, he... it changed a what was his story? Well, he... it changed a little bit as I got older, but well, he... it changed a little bit as I got older, but basically, he was a guy that my little bit as I got older, but basically, he was a guy that my uncle said would come out on
Bien... cambió un poco... a medida que fui creciendo... pero... básicamente era un tipo que... según mi tío... salía sólo... con luna llena para vengar la muerte... de su hija... o algo así.
- What? All I said was the truth!
¡ Dije la verdad, nada más!
That's what they said. I was sleeping in bed.
Eso dijeron, yo dormía en mi cama.
No matter what, as I had said to Bordalo, he was Portuguese and a man of God...
Fuese quien fuese, como yo había dicho a Bordalo, era un portugués y un hombre de Dios...
sleeping bad, and... well, actually, I didn't think you'd want to come, what with the sand, sea creatures, and... like I said, it was more or less a spur of the moment decision.
una bolsa de dormir, y... Bueno, de hecho, no pensé que tú querrías venir, con toda la arena, las criaturas de mar, y... Como dije, fue más o menos una decisión tomada en el momento.
Alls I said was, "How you doing?" What are you so jumpy about?
Lo único que dije fue, "¿ cómo estás?" ¿ Por qué estás tan alterado?
Are you serious? - I thought you said that was over, you were done with him. - What?
- ¿ Hablas en serio?
I was just thinking about what you said.
Estaba solo pensando sobre lo que dijiste.
Damn, now I know what that guy meant was business in the front when he said the casino and party in the back.
Maldita sea, ahora sé a lo que se refería ese tipo cuando habló de que el casino era la tapadera y que la fiesta estaba atrás.
What I said last night was a little harsh.
Lo siento. Lo que dije anoche fue un poco duro.
Well, I was astounded by what Carey said, so one of the first things I said to her was, when the FBI and the US State Department assist you and uh... get you and your brother back here, I have to interview him immediately.
Bien, estaba asombrado por lo que Carey dijo... entonces una de las primeras cosas que le dije fue... cuando el FBI y el Departamento de Estados Unidos te asesoro... y tuviste de vuelta a tu hermano, tuve que entrevistarlo inmediatamente.
I was just thinking about what you said, about us being stuck.
Sólo pensaba en lo que dijiste, sobre estar atascados.
She said she was gonna get to the bottom of what happened and that she wouldn't stop until she figured out what I was up to.
Dijo que iba a llegar al fondo de lo que sucedió, y que no pararía hasta averiguar qué tramo.
I was thinking about what you said.
Estuve pensando en lo que dijiste.
Mckinney said that the microwave pizza was giving her zits, and apparently yours doesn't, so I was just trying to do what you do so well.
Mckinney dice que la pizza de microondas le produce granos, y parece que la tuya no, así que intentaba hacer lo que tú haces tan bien.
What the hell did you think I was talking about when I said, "Victory shall be mine"?
¿ A qué rayos pensabas que me refería cuando decía "La victoria será mía"?
However, what I was going to say is you can offer people a hand... But they have to offer their hand back and be willing to grip said hand as they walk together in unison...
Bueno, lo que iba a decir es que puedes ofrecerle una mano a la gente... ellos tienen que ofrecer su mano de vuelta y estar dispuestos a agarrar dije mano mientras caminan al unísono...
She said I was a liar, how Dougie was away working up the coast and what a good man he was, and how they were moving back into their old house any day now.
Ella dijo que yo era una mentirosa, que Dougie se había ido a trabajar a la costa y lo buena persona que él era, y como ellos se iban a mudar a su antigua casa en cualquier momento.
I said "what", and you smiled like it was fucking hilarious or something.
Yo dije "qué" y tu sonreíste como si fuera jodidamente hilarante o algo.
I do not know what I was thinking when I said it.
No sé por qué lo dije.
And he said, "Yeah, you know, I found out that my dad was in kind of a protopunk band " in, like, the early, mid -'70s. "And I was like," What? "
Y él dijo : " Sí, me enteré que mi padre estaba en una banda de protopunk en, como, los principios,'70.
And I think David was the prime example of what the Lord said when he said,
Y creo que David era el mejor ejemplo de lo que el Señor dijo cuando dijo :
I said nothing and did what was best for my company.
No dije nada e hice lo que era mejor para mi empresa.
And when we finished Chinese walk, he told me that she was pregnant. And he asked me, "What I should do?" And I said, "What you should do..."
Y cuando terminamos la Muralla China me dijo que estaba embarazada y me preguntó qué debería hacer.
Now, what I should have said was,
Lo que debí haber dicho era,
Now, what I should have said was,
Lo yo que debería haber dicho era,
Mona, I know you heard what Tamborelli said to me, and I'm not proud of the stuff that went down when Alison was still here.
Mona, sé que oíste lo que Tamborelli me dijo, y no estoy orgullosa de como fueron las cosas cuando Alison estaba aún aquí.
- No, I don't, but he said it was a disaster beyond imagination, that what he did was the only way to contain the typhus outbreak.
- No. Pero el dijo que fue un desastre que lo que el hizo era la única manera de contener el tifus.
Three months was the impression that I have of what he said about how this research team gathered absolutely everything.
Creo que pasaron tres meses para que el equipo recopilara toda la información, por lo que nos contó este hombre.
Actually, I forgot what my point was, but what you just said makes a lot of sense.
En realidad, he olvidado qué estaba insinuando. pero lo que acaba de decir tiene mucho sentido.
I mean, that's kind of a big bet, I don't think the sign said what color it was.
Parece una apuesta grande, pero... Creo que el letrero no decía de qué color era.
I don't know how you could've raised me for so many years, and seen all the damage that was done to me, and pretend that there's nothing wrong with what you just said.
No sé cómo pudiste criarme tantos años, y ver todo el daño que me hicieron, y fingir que lo que acabas de decir no tiene nada de malo.
I just keep thinking, what if she only said that to me because she knew she was going to kill herself?
No dejo de pensar en si solo me lo dijo porque sabía que iba a suicidarse.
I was thinking about what you said.
Estaba pensando en lo que dijiste.
Despite what is said in some dark corners of the Internet, when I was born, both my parents were fully naturalized American citizens.
A pesar de lo que se rumorea en algunos oscuros rincones de Internet, cuando nací, mis padres eran ciudadanos naturalizados estadounidenses.
What was the first thing I said?
¿ Qué fue lo primero que dije?
The truth, all I thought I was going to do... It is what you said you will do.
La verdad, lo único que pensé que iba a hacer... es lo que tú dijiste que voy a hacer.

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