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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / What were we thinking

What were we thinking tradutor Espanhol

307 parallel translation
Now, what were we thinking what was before half thing on winning ahead with your mind?
Ahora, ¿ qué creen que sucederá ahora? lo que antes era una pelea medio ganada ya no lo es.
What were we thinking?
iCómo se nos ocurrió?
What were we thinking?
És una canción terrible. ¿ En qué estábamos pensando?
- What were we thinking of?
- ¿ En qué pensábamos?
What were we thinking?
¿ En qué estábamos pensando?
No, but it's just that- - what were we thinking?
- No, es que yo... - Ya que lo pensamos,...
What were we thinking, kowtowing to a group of snobs like that?
¿ En qué pensábamos al doblegarnos ante un grupo de esnobs?
What Were We Thinking? "
¿ En qué pensábamos? ".
What were we thinking?
¿ En qué pensábamos?
What were we thinking? Heh.
¿ En qué pensábamos?
Christ, what were we thinking?
Dios, Paul, ¿ qué pensábamos?
What were we thinking?
En qué estabamos pensando, o sea,
You're supposed to say, "what were we thinking?"
Se supone que tienes que decir, "¿ En qué estábamos pensando?"
What were we thinking?
¿ Qué estábamos pensando?
- What were we thinking?
- ¿ En qué pensábamos?
- What were we thinking?
- Realmente.
Was that what you were thinking of all afternoon when we were being so very reasonable?
Eso fue que lo estabas pensando toda la tarde cuando estuvimos siendo tan razonables.
We think silently to ourselves for five minutes without uttering a word, with our hands over our ears, hands over your ears, and then at the end of five minutes, we each try to guess what the others were thinking of.
Pensamos en silencio durante 5 minutos sin decir palabra, con las manos en las orejas, las manos en las orejas, y al cabo de los 5 minutos, cada uno trata de adivinar lo que han pensado los otros.
I mean, if you were thinking of discussing with the vicar what we have been discussing... oh, I wouldn't, miss.
Si está pensando en hablar con él sobre todo esto... - Yo no lo haría, señorita?
We were thinking, Mr Fitton... If you took Arthur to one side... you might find out what's causing... th... the obstruction.
Creemos, Sr. Featon, que si hablase a solas con Arthur quizás sabríamos el por qué del impedimento.
That everything would be like before, that we'd leave here a happy couple? What were you thinking?
¿ Qué pensabas?
What were you thinking about while we were doing it?
En que pensabas mientras lo haciamos?
Not because I wasn't happy with what we were doing but more in terms of thinking, "God, it's got to be better than the first one."
No porque no estuviera feliz con lo que estaba haciendo... más que nada por pensar, "Dios, tiene que ser mejor que la primera."
Especially during the holidays. What were they thinking, putting a prison next to a train station! Are we drinking something or what?
Odiaba el colegio, no se conformaba con armar jaleo y suspender, y memorizaba textos equivocados de cara a su padre
I was just thinking about what would happen if we were millionaires.
Sólo estaba pensando en qué pasaría si nosotros fuéramos millonarios.
So that is what has really led, I think... to this very strong, deep reaction against science that we're seeing now... just as the Nazi demons that were released in the'30s in Germany... were probably a reaction against a certain oppressive kind of knowledge... and culture and rational thinking.
Y eso ha provocado una reacción muy fuerte contra la ciencia. Los nazis aparecieron en la Alemania de los 30... probablemente como reacción... a una cultura opresiva muy racional.
Anyway, we were thinking, wouldn't it be nice if he took the kid here to keep him company, and show them jerks up there what kind of material he runs with.
No recuerdo cómo se llama. Y hemos pensado ¿ verdad que sería estupendo que se llevara a la chica para hacerle compañía y quizá enseñar a esos idiotas con qué clase de material se relaciona?
- That's what we were thinking.
Es lo que pensamos.
Miriam and Beulah, I could see what they were thinking when we came out.
Miriam y Beulah, se notaba lo que estaban pensando cuando salimos.
I was thinking about what we talked about when you were so mad.
Estaba pensando en lo que hablamos cuando estabas tan enfadado.
You'd been in touch with him all along, - letting him know what we were thinking?
Estuvo en contacto con él todo el tiempo, haciéndole saber lo que pensábamos.
We were thinking, what could be a bigger threat than aliens invading from space?
Hemos pensado que no hay nada peor que una invasión extraterrestre.
And that way, I think, we tried to ward off thinking about how we were being more restricted and what was going to be sure to come afterwards.
tratamos de evitar Pensando en la forma en que fueron siendo más restringido Y lo que iba a ser seguro venir después.
I've been thinking about what we were talking about and I'd like to be a witness.
Estuve pensando acerca de lo que hablamos. Me gustaría ser testigo.
What were you thinking when we all thought that that plane was gonna crash?
¿ Qué pensaste cuando todos creíamos que el avión se estrellaría?
What the hell were we thinking?
¿ En qué estábamos pensando?
I was thinking "but what if the sex was so good we were paid to travel and demonstrate it to others?"
Yo estaba pensando : " Pero qué pasaría si el sexo fuera tan bueno que nos pagaran para viajar para mostrárselo a los demás?
- What were you thinking? - We have to be completely relocated to the New Jersey station for the 10 : 00 broadcast.
Bueno, gente tenemos que trasladar todo a Nueva Jersey para el noticiero de las 10.
Their dramatic exit seems to have caused no obvious reaction at the time, though we can imagine what most of those present were thinking.
Su dramática salida no parece haber causado reacciones obvias en ese momento, aunque podemos imaginar lo que la mayoría de los presentes estaba pensando.
Well, I got thinking about what we were talking the other night, you know, about me not having made any arrangements for myself, and so I just went out, and I bought myself a burial plot.
- Bueno, estuve pensando de lo que hablamos la otra noche, ya saben, acerca de que no estoy haciendo ningún arreglo para mi muerte, así que salí y compré un espacio para mi tumba.
We were thinking about what you said.
Estábamos pensando en lo que estabas diciendo.
I don't know what we were thinking'cause we love you guys. You do.
Es cierto.
Just what we were thinking
Qué casualidad.
That's what we were thinking.
I think that's what we were thinking at first, but I knew it would be something kind of tricky and it's show time, so I like the spotlight.
Es lo que ellos pensaron al principio, pero sabía que requería de astucia así que me gusta destacar en eso.
What the hell were we thinking?
Qué mierda estabamos pensando?
- That's what we were thinking.
¿ Eso pensabas? Eso pensábamos.
So, what I was thinking is if we were to combine our resources, we would reduce our expenses.
Así que, lo que estaba pensando es si combinamos nuestros recursos... reduciríamos nuestros gastos.
I was thinking about what we were talking about last time you were here.
Estuve pensando en lo que hablamos la última vez.
That's what we were thinking. Some kind of sick game.
Eso pensamos, un juego perverso.
Because we were asking people to think about things that they had never thought about before and they liked thinking about them. Like what they felt inside, what motivated them, what was their life about, what was important to them.
estas personas, estabamos preguntadoles que pensaban acerca de cosas... que ellos... nunca habian pensado antes, y les encantaba pensar acerca de ellas siii, acerca de como se sentian por dentro, que los motivaba, como les iba en su vida

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